07-21-2010, 02:56 AM
@unity100 - Another truly beautiful and fascinating post. In fact, it is a very important topic that you raise, and there are great many nuances in your arguments. I hope this thread goes forward with fervor.
I however have some constructive criticism to offer unity100. Your posts are filled with tremendous insights, but I sometimes feel that the fullness of the import is lost due to hasty compilation of your thoughts. It would be wonderful if you can take a bit more time in compiling and penning the thoughts from your spiritually advanced mind, for it will allow fellow seekers to learn better.
I however have some constructive criticism to offer unity100. Your posts are filled with tremendous insights, but I sometimes feel that the fullness of the import is lost due to hasty compilation of your thoughts. It would be wonderful if you can take a bit more time in compiling and penning the thoughts from your spiritually advanced mind, for it will allow fellow seekers to learn better.