(02-10-2015, 04:52 PM)kycahi Wrote: Jeez, I never thought about this before now. The LOO might die down after awhile or it might turn into holy scripture. In a hundred years people might pray to St. Donald, St. Carla and St. James. Deplorable that! I more expect it to fade because I think Ra is saying that this planet's time for hosting 3D is nearing an end. Whew!
I continue to pick up new things from the Ra material, none of which conflicts with what I already have from it. Still, I only resonate with the information and don't expect to bind with any interpretation of it, including my own.
When I post something in these forums, I hope that I answer from my own opinion, and make that clear, or I say what I think Ra said. In future I will try to make surer of this.
Yeah, it's disconcerting to think about, eh? I'm sure Jesus et al didn't intend for their teachings to get turned into a rigid dogma either!
I don't think there's anything wrong with quoting Ra. Most of us do that, and we are, after all, studying Ra's words. I think where the problem come in is when a single Ra quote is used by itself, without context, and without being considered as a part of the whole.
For example, the concept of Acceptance is one that is commonly misused, in my opinion. Taken by itself, it is often interpreted to mean that 'anything goes' and we should never help anyone, never try to make the world a better place, never do anything, really...just let it all hang out! See someone about to murder a child...nah, just let them do it...accept everything without any discernment whatsoever. Lose your temper and hurt someone's feelings...nah, no need to apologize...they need to just accept whatever venom we decide to vomit on them...Don't bother ever trying to do any good in the world...just accept it as is...etc.
These are all examples of a twisted interpretation of what Ra meant by Acceptance...an interpretation based on that single word, without any regard for context, without any regard for integrating it into the entire Law of One philosophy, which included other concepts as well that might even seem to contradict, at first glance, but really don't, once they're all integrated. It is this taking a single concept by itself that can turn into a rigid dogma that can lead to gross misunderstanding.