(01-14-2015, 04:26 PM)Well I will start with two questions, one I would ask HH and one for you. Wrote: Firstly, I have been receiving answers in my meditations for some time now. I formulate a question and the answer is there. Not in the form of voice, but in the form of simply knowing. At first I was acrediting these answers to my intuition, but I now see that I am receiving 'help'. I do not know if these answers are coming from brothers in the confederation, or my higher self, or other higher beings. Could you please shed light on that?
Jody, the experience you describe has been part of my own experience also. I have developed it further to the point of conscious verbal communication, with the help of something like automatic writing.
I can't speak for where your messages are coming from, but can share my own experience. For a long time I did not know or care who the answers were coming from. I learned to discern good information from bad, and the good information was accurate and super helpful in my life, time and time again - and that was enough for me.
More recently I've recognized that my answers come primarily from several sources: 1) my higher self, 2) Hatonn, 3) occasionally, other sources step in as needed. My higher self is the most helpful, in a large measure because there seems to be far less of a withholding of information due to free will when the higher self is the source, vs. other entities. I've also been able to reach out to other sources as needed/desired.
On multiple occasions I'd receive "messages" explicitly validating my fears or my behavior when acting on fear, and I've been told that these messages come from my ego. Surprisingly, the latter messages seem able to say "that is the truth", which none of the STS sources are able to do. I learned that if I'm seeking information out of fear or desire to avoid something, it will be validated, inaccurately.
I hope this may be of help to you in interpreting your own experience.