01-05-2015, 06:44 AM
(11-28-2014, 06:43 PM)Parsons Wrote: Ra explains that there are gaps in the quarantine patrol that the orion crusaders are able to take advantage of. The ring in the article they describe is uniform/symmetrical with no weak points. All the quarantine is a bunch of guardian entities patrolling our planet. It would stand to reason if there were some kind of physical manifestation involved in the challenging of an entity, it would localized around the area the challenging occurred.
I don't agree at all with the sentiments that all things invisible are solely metaphysical. Ask yourself if the flu virus or any microbe is metaphysical because you can't see it?
I find many aspects of physics AND metaphysics fascinating. However, I personally don't feel it's helpful to just assume every single physical/metaphysical phenomenon was described in the Ra Material. Don never had the opportunity to ask about this protective ring in the Ra material because it was long before it was discovered. What if Don had asked about it, and it turns out the protective ring is a physical manifestation of Earth that needs to develop in order to protect 2D/3D inhabitants from harmful radiation (the "killer electrons" in the article)?
I have the complete works of Ra, although I was only able to read through the first three books. Like all the others, there's lots of yakkin, but little advanced or useful information. Seth isn't too bad.
While I believe that the Ra Material is one of the better sources of ET channeled information, one of the problems that I see in ALL of the channeled ET space-brother type information, is the lack of any advanced Mystical information that IS available to Humans who seek it. Yet none of the purported advanced alien spiritual information is even 101 level Mystical information. I'm talking about kindegarten stuff. Not a peep. Why is that? Not one of channelers or their channeled information reveal why the aliens are interacting on Earth (that actually matches the evidentiary data thats being collected by ET scientists), what ET interests are in Humans. But for myself, the big test is how the spiritual world functions. Too bad we can't ask Ra what happens to Human souls during the transition through the four dimensions of YHVH's Mind. This information is available, all advanced Mystical students know the process, some of us even remember it. It would be interesting to hear the answer. My guess is that it would be more typical channel mumbo-jumbo. Lots of double-talk.
ET Investigator