12-29-2014, 11:48 PM
I read your post that you put up at 5:18 and then I just stared at it for a while, then I went off and did some other things and thought about that post, finally, I decided to reply on a point or two.
You must by now realize at least intellectually that what you are is an element, a fragment, of that from which everything in the Universe is made which is the underlying basis of the Law of One. Metaphysically, let us call that essence, that energy from which ALL is made; Creator.
Your existence is complete with a commitment born out of a great passion to serve Creator. One aspect of that service is by experiencing all that you can in whatever way you exercise your free will to do so.
You chose to do that by incarnating into 3rd density physical and to take on all that entails. That means you agreed to come here to enjoy situations that can be called lessons.
One of the greatest Universal injustices that can be done is for any entity to violate the sanctity of you being allowed to choose how you experience those lessons. Anything that would unduly influence you into making choices based on other than your experiences and knowledge would be a violation of that right.
For any ET to link with your brain and alter it in any way would be such a violation. You serve Creator by how you choose to experience the lessons that you selected to encounter while incarnate during any given life stream. For any entity to alter the way in which the normal flow would occur, whether for an individual or for humanity as a whole or in any part, would be the highest of violations of free will.
Ra chose to err on the side of exceptional caution to refrain from violating the free will of any one directly or indirectly involved with the channelings of L/L Research. Any ET that would do as you propose would not be an ET I would care to engage with.
If you are dealing with "guidance" that is infringing on free will I would highly recommend that you review your safe spirituality practices. Ra was adamant that Don, Carla, and Jim preform certain rites and rituals to aid in protecting them when they were engaging in acts that opened them to outside connections.
If you have not learned and are not using some of these techniques I highly recommend that you not engage in connecting with outside energies until you do so. It is not necessarily that you will engage with dark side entities but as the old saying goes "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". There are many well meaning non-incarnate entities that have good intentions but lack the levels of advancement to provide sound advice and guidance.
My guides are some of the most loving and gracious entities that you would ever care to meet but I never open to contact with any entity without first properly preparing myself and the place. Then each and every time whether I recognize the incoming energy or not I ensure myself that it is of the highest and best order of energy prior to allowing it to enter into my energetic field.
I emphasize again that no benevolent, of the Light, entity would in any way ever intentionally commit an act that would in any way infringe upon free will. When you hear someone say that ET's are going to step in and "clean house" for us stop and think about how many people's free will that would infringe upon. The house will be cleaned when we who are incarnate rise to the occasion to do it ourselves. Then and only then might we see some "aid and assistance".
I read your post that you put up at 5:18 and then I just stared at it for a while, then I went off and did some other things and thought about that post, finally, I decided to reply on a point or two.
You must by now realize at least intellectually that what you are is an element, a fragment, of that from which everything in the Universe is made which is the underlying basis of the Law of One. Metaphysically, let us call that essence, that energy from which ALL is made; Creator.
Your existence is complete with a commitment born out of a great passion to serve Creator. One aspect of that service is by experiencing all that you can in whatever way you exercise your free will to do so.
You chose to do that by incarnating into 3rd density physical and to take on all that entails. That means you agreed to come here to enjoy situations that can be called lessons.
One of the greatest Universal injustices that can be done is for any entity to violate the sanctity of you being allowed to choose how you experience those lessons. Anything that would unduly influence you into making choices based on other than your experiences and knowledge would be a violation of that right.
For any ET to link with your brain and alter it in any way would be such a violation. You serve Creator by how you choose to experience the lessons that you selected to encounter while incarnate during any given life stream. For any entity to alter the way in which the normal flow would occur, whether for an individual or for humanity as a whole or in any part, would be the highest of violations of free will.
Ra chose to err on the side of exceptional caution to refrain from violating the free will of any one directly or indirectly involved with the channelings of L/L Research. Any ET that would do as you propose would not be an ET I would care to engage with.
If you are dealing with "guidance" that is infringing on free will I would highly recommend that you review your safe spirituality practices. Ra was adamant that Don, Carla, and Jim preform certain rites and rituals to aid in protecting them when they were engaging in acts that opened them to outside connections.
If you have not learned and are not using some of these techniques I highly recommend that you not engage in connecting with outside energies until you do so. It is not necessarily that you will engage with dark side entities but as the old saying goes "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". There are many well meaning non-incarnate entities that have good intentions but lack the levels of advancement to provide sound advice and guidance.
My guides are some of the most loving and gracious entities that you would ever care to meet but I never open to contact with any entity without first properly preparing myself and the place. Then each and every time whether I recognize the incoming energy or not I ensure myself that it is of the highest and best order of energy prior to allowing it to enter into my energetic field.
I emphasize again that no benevolent, of the Light, entity would in any way ever intentionally commit an act that would in any way infringe upon free will. When you hear someone say that ET's are going to step in and "clean house" for us stop and think about how many people's free will that would infringe upon. The house will be cleaned when we who are incarnate rise to the occasion to do it ourselves. Then and only then might we see some "aid and assistance".