(12-25-2014, 10:20 PM)darklight Wrote: I love to see Ra's home in 3D 1,5 billion years ago. But I guess there is not a single sign of that extreme old planetary culture.
Midway down the page, accelerator #111
This template represents one of the most ancient transcriptions of the angelic ‘Language of Light’. It is considered a most precious artifact by many races throughout this universe. It contains a sound and image recording of the original Sirian race’s journey to and colonization of Venus (Rhetts) and Earth (Egypt). This template can be used to access the portals at the Giza Plateau and Temple of Isis, as well as give passage through the Hall of Records to the Sirian star system. It will also promote the awakening of the Third Eye and prompt one to explore their own ‘seed’ origins.