07-15-2010, 06:29 PM
(07-15-2010, 05:54 PM)Namaste Wrote: This is where our opinions differ, mine being that we are experiencing multiple densities and incarnations simultaneously (all in the eternal now, only perceived as time), due to the timelessness of intelligent infinity. With this notion, the total self can indeed 'choose' an incarnation or density to focus on and experience.
this is not a matter of opinion or perception. this is a matter of technicality.
in order to 'experience' 4d, you need to be vibrating in 4d, or having the capability in your body to accept any kind of vibration/effect from it. but this would be a two way street - anything that can flow in, can also flow out.
it cannot be like 'im in 3d but im also feeling love' - this is not a feeling matter, this is a manifestation matter. you could as well feel love in a 3d body, but that wouldnt make that body suitable for 4d work. it is because that cant be that there are dual activated bodies then.
therefore, there has to be some sort of manifestation in currently existing (to whatever extent) 4d dimension of this planet, for any entity that has a dual body activated.