11-26-2014, 03:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-27-2014, 12:18 AM by indolering.)
Here's another researcher I like who has extensive details on our moon. His name is Alex Collier. I don't know how accurate his information is but much of it agrees (more or less) with the basic premise of the soviet theory of the nature of the moon.
Perhaps you disagree with the fundamentals of the theory - then consider this as entertainment or science fiction....
The article is a bit long, and if you google the subject, there may be more, so I'll just quote a passage here....
The age of the moon is 6.2 billion years old and is also hollow. The moon’s origin was originally in a constellation of Ursa Minor, that’s in the Little Dipper. It came from the solar system called Chowta. This solar system has 21 planets in it of which our moon came from the 17th planet and was one of four moons that were circling that particular planet. It was an outpost for members of the Orion group as it lay on the outskirts of Ursa Minor. It was at one time inhabited by as many as 5 million of Orion’s military. The Andromedans consider our moon an artificial satellite. Many of the craters that were discovered on the moon were originally artificially created. The craters were used as spacecraft hangers. Large craters were capable of housing 200 or more craft at a time. Now some of the craters on the moon are as much as 170 miles wide. The personnel consisted of reptilian, half-Human half-Grey, and half-Human half-Reptilian. The surface bases consisted of nine domed cities, which would be equal to a small town or a small city. Vegetation was grown inside these domed structures. Small lakes or ponds were scattered along the surface. The remains of these domed structures were discovered via the NSA astronauts, the Russian and the Apollo astronauts.
The NSA astronauts were there in 1958, they’ve been there ever since as well as a secret portion of the Russian government called the Black Guard. The true military complex of this space however was underground. Entrances were at both poles, the Taurus Mountains, and Jules Verne crater, which is on the far side. And Archimedes, which is on the visible side to us. These were the original entrances. The Black government has created more openings and is currently expanding the underground complexes. The expansion is for the operations of private scientific and military agendas for the New World Order. The moon was purposely put into the tail of a planetary asteroid, which brought it across our galaxy to Earth. This was over 11,000 years ago. It did not come from the Earth as many surmise, because the Moon is in fact older than our planet. The same asteroid circles our galaxy every 25,156 Earth years. Now when we talk about time we are going to be using Earth years because extraterrestrials don’t deal with linear time as we know it. The Moon has been inhabited periodically in its history for 1.8 million Earth years. So many years there, and now it’s being inhabited again. Many of the original structures on the surface of the Moon were destroyed during the Black League wars, which we will talk about at a later lecture. This was a battle fought by humans against the Orion Empire. Especially the last 100,000 years of a 600,000-year war after the Orion slaughter of human life in Lyra. The continuous destruction of the surface continued to occur while the moon was being transported here to our solar system by space debris. Upon arriving on the surface of the moon, the NSA astronauts in 1958 with their tour guides the Greys, were taken to the underground facilities where the remains and skeletons of reptilian like beings and human beings and Orion technology were first discovered. This location has been identified by the Andromedans as underneath the crater designated or named Jules Verne. It’s on the map and it’s on the far side. It’s in the southern hemisphere. In this underground facility hidden by the dark side of the moon is approximately the size of New York State. These underground facilities contain huge lakes, plant life of Earth, and alien form manufacturing equipment that was left there, food storage facilities and spacecraft hangers. Which are now also being used and operated by human beings from Earth. Also alien writings have been witnessed on the walls of the hallways connecting some of the large compartments of the underground facility.
Also discovered were eight vaults that were sealed, but that information regarding their contents has not been disclosed to me. Artificial environments are being created all the time to house hand-picked personnel by the world government. The leader of this base has been given the title Mr. Secretary. The Moon now houses approximately 35,000 human beings from Earth, only Aryans by birth. According to the work that is being done underground to expand the facilities, the Andromedans foresee a population of approximately 600,000 at some time in our near future. Much UFO contact is taking place on the Moon between non-benevolent and world order humans. The exploration of the moon was a joint operation between the Black Guard astronauts of Russia and the NSA astronauts. The English were later brought in to the building of the lunar underground facilities primarily for financial funding. They needed money so they brought in the English. Most of the world’s banks are controlled out of France and England and a small portion from Germany. Currently the world order NSA has 53 Earth built UFO type craft stationed on the Moon at all times. They were built here, a majority of them were built in the Nevada desert underground. Also other weapons are being built on the Moon. They are: particle beam weapons, nuclear bomb satellites, antimatter weapons systems, and plasma beams. And the reason for this is because if there is an invasion of Earth, the Moon is our first line of defence. So therefore they are doing everything they can for whatever their reasons are to make sure that they are prepared, and they’re building this technology there so nobody here knows anything about it.
See more at: http://www.alexcollier.org/alex-collier-...Hkx49.dpuf
The rabbit hole just gets deeper the more we investigate how and why our planet has been hijacked by Luciferic entities....
Perhaps you disagree with the fundamentals of the theory - then consider this as entertainment or science fiction....
The article is a bit long, and if you google the subject, there may be more, so I'll just quote a passage here....
The age of the moon is 6.2 billion years old and is also hollow. The moon’s origin was originally in a constellation of Ursa Minor, that’s in the Little Dipper. It came from the solar system called Chowta. This solar system has 21 planets in it of which our moon came from the 17th planet and was one of four moons that were circling that particular planet. It was an outpost for members of the Orion group as it lay on the outskirts of Ursa Minor. It was at one time inhabited by as many as 5 million of Orion’s military. The Andromedans consider our moon an artificial satellite. Many of the craters that were discovered on the moon were originally artificially created. The craters were used as spacecraft hangers. Large craters were capable of housing 200 or more craft at a time. Now some of the craters on the moon are as much as 170 miles wide. The personnel consisted of reptilian, half-Human half-Grey, and half-Human half-Reptilian. The surface bases consisted of nine domed cities, which would be equal to a small town or a small city. Vegetation was grown inside these domed structures. Small lakes or ponds were scattered along the surface. The remains of these domed structures were discovered via the NSA astronauts, the Russian and the Apollo astronauts.
The NSA astronauts were there in 1958, they’ve been there ever since as well as a secret portion of the Russian government called the Black Guard. The true military complex of this space however was underground. Entrances were at both poles, the Taurus Mountains, and Jules Verne crater, which is on the far side. And Archimedes, which is on the visible side to us. These were the original entrances. The Black government has created more openings and is currently expanding the underground complexes. The expansion is for the operations of private scientific and military agendas for the New World Order. The moon was purposely put into the tail of a planetary asteroid, which brought it across our galaxy to Earth. This was over 11,000 years ago. It did not come from the Earth as many surmise, because the Moon is in fact older than our planet. The same asteroid circles our galaxy every 25,156 Earth years. Now when we talk about time we are going to be using Earth years because extraterrestrials don’t deal with linear time as we know it. The Moon has been inhabited periodically in its history for 1.8 million Earth years. So many years there, and now it’s being inhabited again. Many of the original structures on the surface of the Moon were destroyed during the Black League wars, which we will talk about at a later lecture. This was a battle fought by humans against the Orion Empire. Especially the last 100,000 years of a 600,000-year war after the Orion slaughter of human life in Lyra. The continuous destruction of the surface continued to occur while the moon was being transported here to our solar system by space debris. Upon arriving on the surface of the moon, the NSA astronauts in 1958 with their tour guides the Greys, were taken to the underground facilities where the remains and skeletons of reptilian like beings and human beings and Orion technology were first discovered. This location has been identified by the Andromedans as underneath the crater designated or named Jules Verne. It’s on the map and it’s on the far side. It’s in the southern hemisphere. In this underground facility hidden by the dark side of the moon is approximately the size of New York State. These underground facilities contain huge lakes, plant life of Earth, and alien form manufacturing equipment that was left there, food storage facilities and spacecraft hangers. Which are now also being used and operated by human beings from Earth. Also alien writings have been witnessed on the walls of the hallways connecting some of the large compartments of the underground facility.
Also discovered were eight vaults that were sealed, but that information regarding their contents has not been disclosed to me. Artificial environments are being created all the time to house hand-picked personnel by the world government. The leader of this base has been given the title Mr. Secretary. The Moon now houses approximately 35,000 human beings from Earth, only Aryans by birth. According to the work that is being done underground to expand the facilities, the Andromedans foresee a population of approximately 600,000 at some time in our near future. Much UFO contact is taking place on the Moon between non-benevolent and world order humans. The exploration of the moon was a joint operation between the Black Guard astronauts of Russia and the NSA astronauts. The English were later brought in to the building of the lunar underground facilities primarily for financial funding. They needed money so they brought in the English. Most of the world’s banks are controlled out of France and England and a small portion from Germany. Currently the world order NSA has 53 Earth built UFO type craft stationed on the Moon at all times. They were built here, a majority of them were built in the Nevada desert underground. Also other weapons are being built on the Moon. They are: particle beam weapons, nuclear bomb satellites, antimatter weapons systems, and plasma beams. And the reason for this is because if there is an invasion of Earth, the Moon is our first line of defence. So therefore they are doing everything they can for whatever their reasons are to make sure that they are prepared, and they’re building this technology there so nobody here knows anything about it.
See more at: http://www.alexcollier.org/alex-collier-...Hkx49.dpuf
The rabbit hole just gets deeper the more we investigate how and why our planet has been hijacked by Luciferic entities....