07-15-2010, 01:33 AM
Dear Unity100,
From the “perspective” (if that’s what it can be called) of the infinite one, perhaps there is “nothing new under the sun”, as the expression goes. From the perspective of the transient self, however, there is certainly discovery of that which was hitherto unknown.
This analogy operates on the premise that there are pre-existing choices available to the entity. That is, when an entity faces a situation, he or she can choose among a limited or unlimited number of pre-fabricated choices.
This runs contrary to my humble understanding which is that the entity creates each choice for herself. It is not that the veil limits what pre-existing choices she can see, but rather the veil limits what choices she will choose to create.
27.10 http://lawofone.info/results.php?session_id=27&ss=1#10
In your illusion all experience springs from the Law of Free Will or the Way of Confusion. In another sense, which we are learning, the experiences are this distortion.
“The experiences are this distortion”. Ra calls the Law of Free Will the Law of Confusion. Intrinsic to the nature of the faculty of free will is confusion - to utilize free will implies (and inevitably produces) confusion about the nature of the ground of being, about infinity and the nature of the All Self.
This is why, I believe, ultimately, free will ends in surrender. Ultimately, the final choice is to abide in choiceless awareness.
Ramana Maharshi (an Indian sage of the 20th century) is, like Ra, a teacher to me. This is what some have targeted as being an expression of his highest teaching:
There is neither creation nor destruction,
Neither destiny nor freewill;
Neither path nor achievement;
This is the final truth
Indeed. And all along, deep down within our heart there is only one choice. Not precisely to “become” the Creator – because we already are – but to lose the notion that we are not the Creator, to release the idea that we are these separate, limited, finite beings who are in a physical world, in a density, and subject to the multitude of energy currents which move hither and yon.
Here is another angle to view the situation of free will, its limitations and its potential: Right now, we are already self-realized. We always have been. But instead of realizing that we are already realized, already the Creator, we exercise "free will", or confusion. As Ra says in the opening session of the Law of One, we choose this experience as an alternative to experiencing the unity which binds all things together.
1.5 http://lawofone.info/results.php?session_id=1&ss=1#5
Ra: In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things.
Let’s explore this thought further through an analogy.
The focus of virtually all entities on this planet is upon a movie being projected onto a screen, as in the standard movie theatre. This movie is the Movie of Creation – it contains every entity in the universe as principle characters along with all the infinite dynamics possible in the manifested universe, everything from the First Distortion onward. It is the manifest universe.
Simultaneously participating in, identified with, and watching the movie, we are fascinated with the drama, the conflict, the growth, the decay, the love stories, the heartache, the rise and the fall of various energies happening in the play of the movie. Densities, beings, polarity, evolution, mistakes, triumphs, dreams, thoughts – you name it – this movie literally has it all.
Meanwhile, the screen behind the show remains untouched by that which happens in the movie – empires rise and fall, worlds are blown up and stars are born, but the movie screen is completely unaffected. Not only that, but the screen gives the projected movie a basis of existence – the images depend on the stationary screen. And meanwhile, the movie-goers (at once watching and participating in the movie) ignore the screen.
The analogy, like all analogies, is limited. It cannot convey that the screen, somehow, learns from the movie, nor can it convey the unity between the projection and the screen, nor can it convey that the images themselves must be honored, understood, loved, balanced, and worked with to unify image and screen - the images cannot be negated through simple will power - but the analogy gets the job done.
(One can use this analogy to great effect in Ra's statements about the energy ingresses in the entity, that which moves through the "south pole" and that which is present as the "inner light" or "polaris of self".)
104.26 http://lawofone.info/results.php?session_id=104&ss=1#26
I am Ra. We leave you in appreciation of the circumstances of the great illusion in which you now choose to play the pipe and timbrel and move in rhythm. We are also players upon a stage. The stage changes. The acts ring down. The lights come up once again. And throughout the grand illusion and the following and the following there is the undergirding majesty of the One Infinite Creator. All is well. Nothing is lost. Go forth rejoicing in the love and the light, the peace and the power of the One Infinite Creator. I am Ra. Adonai.
Your philosophy is congruent with my own. Entity A may avail Entity B of the choices that Entity A perceives are available for Entity B. Should Entity B decide not to accept the options shared by Entity A, then there should be no coercion or force or manipulation (as the positive polarity goes) – Entity A should release attachment and allow Entity B to be.
My previous paragraph was written before reading your words here. I do not have disagreement with your statement. I would only augment the “wrong” concept by saying that it would be “wrong” from the standpoint of the positive polarity only.
Ahem, you don’t say…
Unity100 wrote: “ra material has been a thorough plan it seems. firstly, it was done after a wave of spiritual energy influx (probably due to the wanderers again) 1960s. secondly, apparently (as we understand from past life mentions of the ll group from what Ra says) not only ll group but other wanderers also were incarnated to facilitate this plan, and not only once too. (for preparations). ra wandered about a lot of other groups and this group met the conditions.” [From Post #19 in this thread.]
It’s possible that I could have misread this paragraph, but “ra material has been a thorough plan it seems”, reads pretty clearly that you believed the transmitting of the Ra material was accomplished only after previously coordinated action for the purpose of preparing the way.
Which could be true, actually. My only point was that the progression of events does not prove a plan, it only proves evolution from one thing to the next. But you later satisfactorily and clearly address this point directly in the following two paragraphs:
Well put, Unity100. Sometimes when I think of what conditions were like in Venus’ third density, I think of hippies. Except I imagine them less recreational-drug-oriented and more philosophically - perhaps even magically - oriented.
I think hanging on the side of Venus millions of years ago was a sign that read, “If Venus is a rockin, don’t come a knockin.” If ya know what I mean. (Nudge nudge.)
In other words, lots of “free love” happening there.
Thanks for providing this quote. I read this quote and the one preceding it (79.9) differently than you are reading. My interpretation is this:
Don is asking in 79.9 if the veil was the primary tool for extending free will to the sub-sub-logoi. (Us, basically.)
Ra replies, “yes”, but that the veil is the “first tool”.
Don then asks in 79.10 if the Logos dreamt up the idea of separating the mind into two portions in order to achieve its objective, that is, in order to extend free will to more of the creation.
Ra says, “yes”.
I ran a key word search on “subconscious” and didn’t find anything helpful. A search for “unconscious” yielded ambiguous results that, frankly, I think can be read either way. This one however seems to indicate that the veil created the subconscious (or unconscious) mind.
83.18 [url]http://lawofone.info/results.php?session_id=83&ss=1#18purl]
Questioner: What was the mechanism of the very first veiling process? I don’t know if you can answer that. Would you try to answer that?
Ra: I am Ra. The mechanism of the veiling between the conscious and unconscious portions of the mind was a declaration that the mind was complex. This, in turn, caused the body and the spirit to become complex.
And this one:
86.6 http://lawofone.info/results.php?session_id=86&ss=1#6
Ra: Your language is not overstrewn with non-emotional terms for the functional qualities of what is now termed unconscious mind.
The “what is now termed” phrase is provocative. Prior to the veil, maybe there was a deeper and a less deep mind, but there was no division between. Perhaps it was the difference between the lower trunk and the upper trunk of a tree. There is no boundary between.
It just doesn’t make sense to me that there could be a portion of the mind less conscious prior to the veil, something which would be called sub or unconscious. All the content of the mind was available to the “conscious” mind before the veil. The mind was an indivisible unity as far as I understand these things.
Only when a partition is introduced does the mind become complex.
Btw, have you ever considered the human diaphragm – situated between the third and the fourth chakras – as a physical analog for the veil?
Yes, yes, I understood you to have said that wanderers have greater veil-piercing ability, greater capacity to tap into the subconscious or spirit complex. The basic supporting reason you provided for your theory was this:
You are saying that the wanderers accomplished what the natives could not. There is an assumption in there that both groups wanted the same thing. You say wanderers succeeded, natives did not. In your thinking, had the third-density entities been able to penetrate the veil, they could have done for themselves what the wanderers did. But they couldn’t, you say, so the wanderers stepped in.
You are assuming common purpose and common objective between the two groups. I am saying that it is not necessarily so. Perhaps what the wanderers accomplished was not a result of piercing the veil in ways that the natives could not, but rather was a result of succeeding in their own, different mission.
See what I am saying?
I’ll illustrate my point. In a closed room, I give five pages of text to two people: Person A and B. I ask Person A to memorize all five pages. I ask Person B to memorize nothing. You, Unity100, are unaware of what I have asked these two people to do.
When these two emerge from the closed room, Person A recites all five pages from memory. Person B does not recite any pages.
You, Unity100, assume that Person A has greater memory because they were able to recite all five pages.
The truth of the matter is, they had different assignments.
Now, I could run that experiment the other way, asking both persons to memorize all five pages. When they emerged from the closed room, Person A would recite all five pages and maybe Person B recites only two pages.
You, Unity100, would then conclude that Person A had the better memory recall. In this case, you would be correct because they were both tasked with the same mission.
Please give me a high-five for that, because I think I just rocked.
I love your examples, especially the one you used earlier in the thread of the individual espousing the Ra Material in the middle of a village. You posed the question (paraphrased), “And what are you doing there in the middle of that village?” You’ve got a funny bone in you.
All humor aside, the 18th and 19th century wanderer may have been doing indigo-ray work, but I’m not sure that simply fulfilling ones pre-incarnational programming necessarily means working through indigo.
As I understand the nature and mechanism of this programming, it is like an invisible hand leading the incarnate entity to people and circumstances and providing inspiration in order that the entity might fulfill its self-chosen mission. When the entity meets face-to-face with another with whom he is to do work, that stirring impulse within that says, “follow this lead” is not, to my knowledge, doing conscious indigo ray work. It’s trusting and following the promptings from within the self.
That’s odd that you say that here, considering the foundation of your argument for the wanderer’s greater ability to pierce the veil rests upon the assumption that both groups did want the same thing.
This is the direction of my thinking as well. I believe that the waves of wanderers incarnated, yes, for the harvest, but also to answer a deep yearning within the human breast for greater freedom and opportunity.
That sounds most reasonable to me. Confederation acknowledges yearning/request and formulates a creative way to deliver that which is being asked for.
Thank you for directing me to that post. Your thoughts are well received on my end. I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the continuation of biases and identity distortions through the system of densities. It is easy to envision higher-density entities as living in perfect balance, with perfect knowledge, perfect relationships, and blissful existence. Apparently, there is still illusory material to be understood, accepted, and balanced in the higher densities – and there is continual discovery of the unknown. Though of course it must be a cakewalk from the perspective of third-density. (Ra even mentioned something what sounds to me like “virtual reality” devices to aid with polarization in fourth or fifth density.)
I’ve got to stop here to say that you are more funny than you know. This line, for instance. Classic.
“i dont know under which circumstances yahweh evolved, but, however, they seem to have a very badly repeating pattern.”
So back to Confederation involvement/interference with this planet. Actually, I am going to copy and paste this section into a separate post that I will add onto the thread that you directed me to above. Cool with you? Glad you agree.
Great thoughts here, Unity100, and, as you say, it is a much larger topic. Perhaps on another day I will dive into this one with you and whoever else may be interested. Time and energy I find are limited, unfortunately, so I must forego the pleasure of such a discussion.
As am I, fellow seeker.
I understand what you are stating here, and I assure you that I am not trying to be challenging for the sake of being challenging, but I would like to know if there are any specific sections within the Law of One material that gave you this impression? Also, would you define the “pursuit which is cleanly said to be intended for seekers of higher passion”, please? Do you mean the higher work of the adept to which Ra refers at various points? Or do you mean Law of One material study in general?
Whereas I tend to gloss over information regarding Yahweh’s genetic experiments, you seem to give weight and intense consideration to such data. Personally, I do not feel that information of that nature helps me know who I am any more deeply, or helps engender self-acceptance, or helps me transcend the personality shell into my (our) greater identity.
To me, such information stays within the realm of creation. Though principles of evolution may be able to be derived from this information, by and large I consider it to belong to an illusory dance. It’s almost on the level of a soap opera – who did what to whom and why, find out next week!
To use my analogy of the movie, such information belongs to the images projected onto the movie screen. Meanwhile, the screen itself, the infinite one, remains unchanged, present, real, and permanent.
I do not however disparage your study. On the contrary, I applaud how thoroughly you have considered this information and how well you have weaved it into a worldview tapestry of your own making. You bring fresh (if controversial) insight and novel theories to Law of One discussion.
When reading your words I wonder at times how you keep missing the heart of the Law of One, but I acknowledge that you have synthesized and integrated a great deal of the outer information available within the Ra Material with your non-Ra Material knowledge base into a perspective which is truly all your own. (This is a compliment.)
I disagree with you here and there but I respect the process by which you've reached your conclusions. Though I (as I perceive myself) am no enlightened master, I do believe that many of your conclusions will be transformed when you discover and experience the Law of One within yourself - that is, when you find that all is already perfect and there is only peace and oneness. Furthermore, when this happens, I believe that you will give less weight to much of the information that currently possesses your thinking mind. Then again, I am just a bozo here...
Quote:Unity100 wrote: you can easily think that we are very probably just making selections from a pool of already existing knowledge/understandings/feelings, than discovering things.
From the “perspective” (if that’s what it can be called) of the infinite one, perhaps there is “nothing new under the sun”, as the expression goes. From the perspective of the transient self, however, there is certainly discovery of that which was hitherto unknown.
Quote:Unity100 wrote: hiding everything in 'mystery' (despite almost everything is being already mystified sufficiently by the infinity itself) and then allowing entities to bump their heads into walls in seeking, and then when they find a door to pass, passing that door and then this being accepted as 'their free will', or their preference, is fundamentally wrong.
the best, is showing all the doors to the entity, from among which the entity will decide which door to go, with its own spiritual preference and deep inclinations.
This analogy operates on the premise that there are pre-existing choices available to the entity. That is, when an entity faces a situation, he or she can choose among a limited or unlimited number of pre-fabricated choices.
This runs contrary to my humble understanding which is that the entity creates each choice for herself. It is not that the veil limits what pre-existing choices she can see, but rather the veil limits what choices she will choose to create.
27.10 http://lawofone.info/results.php?session_id=27&ss=1#10
In your illusion all experience springs from the Law of Free Will or the Way of Confusion. In another sense, which we are learning, the experiences are this distortion.
“The experiences are this distortion”. Ra calls the Law of Free Will the Law of Confusion. Intrinsic to the nature of the faculty of free will is confusion - to utilize free will implies (and inevitably produces) confusion about the nature of the ground of being, about infinity and the nature of the All Self.
This is why, I believe, ultimately, free will ends in surrender. Ultimately, the final choice is to abide in choiceless awareness.
Ramana Maharshi (an Indian sage of the 20th century) is, like Ra, a teacher to me. This is what some have targeted as being an expression of his highest teaching:
There is neither creation nor destruction,
Neither destiny nor freewill;
Neither path nor achievement;
This is the final truth
Quote:Unity100 wrote: basically, this is saying, 'here are your potential best choices, you can choose any of them you like. you can also start banging your head against a wall, and make a door on that wall for you to pass, from wherever you prefer'. so then, if the entity wants to bang his head into walls, even that would be his/her own preference.
Indeed. And all along, deep down within our heart there is only one choice. Not precisely to “become” the Creator – because we already are – but to lose the notion that we are not the Creator, to release the idea that we are these separate, limited, finite beings who are in a physical world, in a density, and subject to the multitude of energy currents which move hither and yon.
Here is another angle to view the situation of free will, its limitations and its potential: Right now, we are already self-realized. We always have been. But instead of realizing that we are already realized, already the Creator, we exercise "free will", or confusion. As Ra says in the opening session of the Law of One, we choose this experience as an alternative to experiencing the unity which binds all things together.
1.5 http://lawofone.info/results.php?session_id=1&ss=1#5
Ra: In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things.
Let’s explore this thought further through an analogy.
The focus of virtually all entities on this planet is upon a movie being projected onto a screen, as in the standard movie theatre. This movie is the Movie of Creation – it contains every entity in the universe as principle characters along with all the infinite dynamics possible in the manifested universe, everything from the First Distortion onward. It is the manifest universe.
Simultaneously participating in, identified with, and watching the movie, we are fascinated with the drama, the conflict, the growth, the decay, the love stories, the heartache, the rise and the fall of various energies happening in the play of the movie. Densities, beings, polarity, evolution, mistakes, triumphs, dreams, thoughts – you name it – this movie literally has it all.
Meanwhile, the screen behind the show remains untouched by that which happens in the movie – empires rise and fall, worlds are blown up and stars are born, but the movie screen is completely unaffected. Not only that, but the screen gives the projected movie a basis of existence – the images depend on the stationary screen. And meanwhile, the movie-goers (at once watching and participating in the movie) ignore the screen.
The analogy, like all analogies, is limited. It cannot convey that the screen, somehow, learns from the movie, nor can it convey the unity between the projection and the screen, nor can it convey that the images themselves must be honored, understood, loved, balanced, and worked with to unify image and screen - the images cannot be negated through simple will power - but the analogy gets the job done.
(One can use this analogy to great effect in Ra's statements about the energy ingresses in the entity, that which moves through the "south pole" and that which is present as the "inner light" or "polaris of self".)
104.26 http://lawofone.info/results.php?session_id=104&ss=1#26
I am Ra. We leave you in appreciation of the circumstances of the great illusion in which you now choose to play the pipe and timbrel and move in rhythm. We are also players upon a stage. The stage changes. The acts ring down. The lights come up once again. And throughout the grand illusion and the following and the following there is the undergirding majesty of the One Infinite Creator. All is well. Nothing is lost. Go forth rejoicing in the love and the light, the peace and the power of the One Infinite Creator. I am Ra. Adonai.
Quote:Unity100 wrote: a full and clear, honest manifestation of blue ray, in which the entity is sharing all s/he learned and knows with the other entity in true spirit of giving first, and then respecting the choice and preference of the entity. and if, the entity's choices are not in compliance with him/her, a parting of ways in a decent manner.
Your philosophy is congruent with my own. Entity A may avail Entity B of the choices that Entity A perceives are available for Entity B. Should Entity B decide not to accept the options shared by Entity A, then there should be no coercion or force or manipulation (as the positive polarity goes) – Entity A should release attachment and allow Entity B to be.
Quote:Unity100 wrote: it is not wrong to want another entity to make a certain choice. it is not wrong for an entity to honestly say 'i myself would like very much that you choose door x'. all the entities have a right to have preferences, biases, and wants and desires, and they have a right to have these in regard to their fellow beings, and even higher density acquaintances, contacts, aides, family, societal complex, and even intelligent infinity itself too. but, it is wrong to coerce or enforce them while teaching.
of course, negative path is excluded from this.
My previous paragraph was written before reading your words here. I do not have disagreement with your statement. I would only augment the “wrong” concept by saying that it would be “wrong” from the standpoint of the positive polarity only.
Quote:Quote:GLB previously wrote:
However, Ra did not say that a plan was put into effect which laid the groundwork for the coming of the Law of One material. You deduced that such a plan must exist simply on the basis of their being a sequence of events culminating in the Law of One material.
Unity100 responded: no no, what i said was, this plan was made to provide relief to the world inhabitants from the daily tasks, so that they would have enough time in a day to be able to take their minds off survival and tasks to be able to think about Law of One or anything in a meaningful manner.
Ahem, you don’t say…
Unity100 wrote: “ra material has been a thorough plan it seems. firstly, it was done after a wave of spiritual energy influx (probably due to the wanderers again) 1960s. secondly, apparently (as we understand from past life mentions of the ll group from what Ra says) not only ll group but other wanderers also were incarnated to facilitate this plan, and not only once too. (for preparations). ra wandered about a lot of other groups and this group met the conditions.” [From Post #19 in this thread.]
It’s possible that I could have misread this paragraph, but “ra material has been a thorough plan it seems”, reads pretty clearly that you believed the transmitting of the Ra material was accomplished only after previously coordinated action for the purpose of preparing the way.
Which could be true, actually. My only point was that the progression of events does not prove a plan, it only proves evolution from one thing to the next. But you later satisfactorily and clearly address this point directly in the following two paragraphs:
Quote:Unity100 wrote: this can be a topic in itself, but i very much suspect that the 1960s and the changing consciousness, the 'hippie revolution' and whatnot, were related to this.
of course, it is highly possible that they were not made in order to pave the way directly to ll group's channeling with Ra, they were done as a general plan in preparation with the end of the cycle, however, it is undeniable that it is a major factor that paved the way for Ra contact. and im not talking about the seeking ll group have made in 1960s and 1960s effects on them - im approaching it from the angle that because in 1960s millions of entities have created a calling, created higher vibrations and brought in higher energies ( at the cost of their own lives sometimes, due to usage of drugs that opened various higher brain functions and accompanying consciousness), and in general lightened planetary vibrations so that the Ra contact could become possible too, in addition to all kinds of contacts and spiritual work.
Well put, Unity100. Sometimes when I think of what conditions were like in Venus’ third density, I think of hippies. Except I imagine them less recreational-drug-oriented and more philosophically - perhaps even magically - oriented.
I think hanging on the side of Venus millions of years ago was a sign that read, “If Venus is a rockin, don’t come a knockin.” If ya know what I mean. (Nudge nudge.)
In other words, lots of “free love” happening there.
Quote:Quote:GLB previously wrote: About the veil separating the conscious from the subconscious mind, I would say that the veil creates those divisions. Without the veil, there is no conscious and subconscious, there is just mind.
Unity 100 responded: http://lawofone.info/results.php?session...=1&ss=1#10
Quote:79.10 Questioner: Then from that statement I assume that the Logos first devised the tool of separating the unconscious from the conscious during what we call physical incarnations to achieve its objective? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
it seems, conscious and subconscious existed before the veil. in order to be able to separate two things, there should exist two divisible concepts first.
if your approach to this different, you should share your findings in detail, and put forth the reasoning. it may be vital.
Thanks for providing this quote. I read this quote and the one preceding it (79.9) differently than you are reading. My interpretation is this:
Don is asking in 79.9 if the veil was the primary tool for extending free will to the sub-sub-logoi. (Us, basically.)
Ra replies, “yes”, but that the veil is the “first tool”.
Don then asks in 79.10 if the Logos dreamt up the idea of separating the mind into two portions in order to achieve its objective, that is, in order to extend free will to more of the creation.
Ra says, “yes”.
I ran a key word search on “subconscious” and didn’t find anything helpful. A search for “unconscious” yielded ambiguous results that, frankly, I think can be read either way. This one however seems to indicate that the veil created the subconscious (or unconscious) mind.
83.18 [url]http://lawofone.info/results.php?session_id=83&ss=1#18purl]
Questioner: What was the mechanism of the very first veiling process? I don’t know if you can answer that. Would you try to answer that?
Ra: I am Ra. The mechanism of the veiling between the conscious and unconscious portions of the mind was a declaration that the mind was complex. This, in turn, caused the body and the spirit to become complex.
And this one:
86.6 http://lawofone.info/results.php?session_id=86&ss=1#6
Ra: Your language is not overstrewn with non-emotional terms for the functional qualities of what is now termed unconscious mind.
The “what is now termed” phrase is provocative. Prior to the veil, maybe there was a deeper and a less deep mind, but there was no division between. Perhaps it was the difference between the lower trunk and the upper trunk of a tree. There is no boundary between.
It just doesn’t make sense to me that there could be a portion of the mind less conscious prior to the veil, something which would be called sub or unconscious. All the content of the mind was available to the “conscious” mind before the veil. The mind was an indivisible unity as far as I understand these things.
Only when a partition is introduced does the mind become complex.
Btw, have you ever considered the human diaphragm – situated between the third and the fourth chakras – as a physical analog for the veil?
Quote:Quote:GLB previously wrote:
I get what you’re saying, you are saying that all or most entities on planet Earth wanted to achieve what the wanderers achieved, but only the wanderers had access to subconscious information so only the wanderers achieved their goals. It’s a keen observation, but one I'm not sure is entirely true.
Unity100 replied: not quite, what i was saying was that, due to they actually being the beings of a higher density and evolution, they had more means to be able to go past the veil, penetrate their subconscious and contact any kind of spiritual, or mental source (roots of mind, in regard to mental). veil also makes contact with any kind of disincarnate or higher density entity harder.
wanderers, either due to the spirit part of their complex, or any other combination of mind/spirit factors, have greater potential and power to go past the veil.
Yes, yes, I understood you to have said that wanderers have greater veil-piercing ability, greater capacity to tap into the subconscious or spirit complex. The basic supporting reason you provided for your theory was this:
Quote:had it been possible for 3d entities to be able to penetrate the veil in that manner, and accomplish those tasks through incarnational programming, no wanderer would be required to do those tasks.
You are saying that the wanderers accomplished what the natives could not. There is an assumption in there that both groups wanted the same thing. You say wanderers succeeded, natives did not. In your thinking, had the third-density entities been able to penetrate the veil, they could have done for themselves what the wanderers did. But they couldn’t, you say, so the wanderers stepped in.
You are assuming common purpose and common objective between the two groups. I am saying that it is not necessarily so. Perhaps what the wanderers accomplished was not a result of piercing the veil in ways that the natives could not, but rather was a result of succeeding in their own, different mission.
See what I am saying?
I’ll illustrate my point. In a closed room, I give five pages of text to two people: Person A and B. I ask Person A to memorize all five pages. I ask Person B to memorize nothing. You, Unity100, are unaware of what I have asked these two people to do.
When these two emerge from the closed room, Person A recites all five pages from memory. Person B does not recite any pages.
You, Unity100, assume that Person A has greater memory because they were able to recite all five pages.
The truth of the matter is, they had different assignments.
Now, I could run that experiment the other way, asking both persons to memorize all five pages. When they emerged from the closed room, Person A would recite all five pages and maybe Person B recites only two pages.
You, Unity100, would then conclude that Person A had the better memory recall. In this case, you would be correct because they were both tasked with the same mission.
Please give me a high-five for that, because I think I just rocked.
Quote:Unity100 wrote: you incarnate a 3d entity. the entity is supposed to do indigo ray activity, and invent. and create. or, connect with infinite intelligence in an unmanifested fashion, and get muses and inspiration.
but it is an 3d entity. it doesnt have sufficient experience in that area. even if you take an entity which had taken initiation training through pyramids in atlantean era or else, the entity would still not be able to accomplish the indigo ray activity except in certain conditions, circumstances. (ie in a pyramid, or engaging in excesses like the negative initiates/adepts like rasputin, and so on). they certainly wouldnt be able to just sit in front of a cup of coffee in a 19th century middle class home and have indigo ray activity as if it was the most normal daily event in the world.
I love your examples, especially the one you used earlier in the thread of the individual espousing the Ra Material in the middle of a village. You posed the question (paraphrased), “And what are you doing there in the middle of that village?” You’ve got a funny bone in you.
All humor aside, the 18th and 19th century wanderer may have been doing indigo-ray work, but I’m not sure that simply fulfilling ones pre-incarnational programming necessarily means working through indigo.
As I understand the nature and mechanism of this programming, it is like an invisible hand leading the incarnate entity to people and circumstances and providing inspiration in order that the entity might fulfill its self-chosen mission. When the entity meets face-to-face with another with whom he is to do work, that stirring impulse within that says, “follow this lead” is not, to my knowledge, doing conscious indigo ray work. It’s trusting and following the promptings from within the self.
Quote:Unity100 wrote: humans may or may not have wanted the same thing. it is hard to know at this point.
That’s odd that you say that here, considering the foundation of your argument for the wanderer’s greater ability to pierce the veil rests upon the assumption that both groups did want the same thing.
Quote:Unity100 wrote: what we can speculate is that, however, ra had said that the preference of an unpolarized 3d entity would be for more comfort. so, if we take the earth entities as mostly unpolarized at that given point in time, it is highly probable that they would have liked to become free of daily shackles of life they were so heavily coerced into, by the existing societal system then.
This is the direction of my thinking as well. I believe that the waves of wanderers incarnated, yes, for the harvest, but also to answer a deep yearning within the human breast for greater freedom and opportunity.
Quote:Unity100 wrote: the latter paragraph of above block of yours is important. i personally think, it is more the harvester accord than the earth request. it is possible for an earth request for freedom from shackles to exist. and, it is possible for harvesters to evaluate this, and take a plan to saturn, and then come down with that plan.
That sounds most reasonable to me. Confederation acknowledges yearning/request and formulates a creative way to deliver that which is being asked for.
Quote:Unity100 wrote: at that point, i would like to refer you to my post about guardians, guardianship, yahweh, martians and the adventures of them on earth :
Thank you for directing me to that post. Your thoughts are well received on my end. I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the continuation of biases and identity distortions through the system of densities. It is easy to envision higher-density entities as living in perfect balance, with perfect knowledge, perfect relationships, and blissful existence. Apparently, there is still illusory material to be understood, accepted, and balanced in the higher densities – and there is continual discovery of the unknown. Though of course it must be a cakewalk from the perspective of third-density. (Ra even mentioned something what sounds to me like “virtual reality” devices to aid with polarization in fourth or fifth density.)
I’ve got to stop here to say that you are more funny than you know. This line, for instance. Classic.
“i dont know under which circumstances yahweh evolved, but, however, they seem to have a very badly repeating pattern.”
So back to Confederation involvement/interference with this planet. Actually, I am going to copy and paste this section into a separate post that I will add onto the thread that you directed me to above. Cool with you? Glad you agree.
Quote:Unity100 wrote: will, is the intent, desire for something.
faith, is the acceptance that …
Great thoughts here, Unity100, and, as you say, it is a much larger topic. Perhaps on another day I will dive into this one with you and whoever else may be interested. Time and energy I find are limited, unfortunately, so I must forego the pleasure of such a discussion.
Quote:Unity100 wrote: there are various stuff, i am striving heavily towards, with will though.
As am I, fellow seeker.
Quote:Unity100 wrote: it is wrong to go into some pursuit which is cleanly said to be intended for seekers of higher passion, and then not to exhibit or employ such a passion. and sometimes, it is dangerous too. especially in matters of spirituality.
I understand what you are stating here, and I assure you that I am not trying to be challenging for the sake of being challenging, but I would like to know if there are any specific sections within the Law of One material that gave you this impression? Also, would you define the “pursuit which is cleanly said to be intended for seekers of higher passion”, please? Do you mean the higher work of the adept to which Ra refers at various points? Or do you mean Law of One material study in general?
Quote:Unity100 wrote: this shows that, most technical, fascinating, but seemingly transient material, when combined, can lead to quite important understandings and horizons in regard to the nature of intelligent infinity.
Whereas I tend to gloss over information regarding Yahweh’s genetic experiments, you seem to give weight and intense consideration to such data. Personally, I do not feel that information of that nature helps me know who I am any more deeply, or helps engender self-acceptance, or helps me transcend the personality shell into my (our) greater identity.
To me, such information stays within the realm of creation. Though principles of evolution may be able to be derived from this information, by and large I consider it to belong to an illusory dance. It’s almost on the level of a soap opera – who did what to whom and why, find out next week!
To use my analogy of the movie, such information belongs to the images projected onto the movie screen. Meanwhile, the screen itself, the infinite one, remains unchanged, present, real, and permanent.
I do not however disparage your study. On the contrary, I applaud how thoroughly you have considered this information and how well you have weaved it into a worldview tapestry of your own making. You bring fresh (if controversial) insight and novel theories to Law of One discussion.
When reading your words I wonder at times how you keep missing the heart of the Law of One, but I acknowledge that you have synthesized and integrated a great deal of the outer information available within the Ra Material with your non-Ra Material knowledge base into a perspective which is truly all your own. (This is a compliment.)
I disagree with you here and there but I respect the process by which you've reached your conclusions. Though I (as I perceive myself) am no enlightened master, I do believe that many of your conclusions will be transformed when you discover and experience the Law of One within yourself - that is, when you find that all is already perfect and there is only peace and oneness. Furthermore, when this happens, I believe that you will give less weight to much of the information that currently possesses your thinking mind. Then again, I am just a bozo here...
Explanation by the tongue makes most things clear, but love unexplained is clearer. - Rumi