11-11-2014, 08:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-14-2014, 01:48 AM by Dekalb_Blues.)
(09-23-2014, 10:28 AM)ascension scout Wrote: ....[M]aybe you folks could help me hash out a way to use gravity as propulsion for space craft or any craft, really. I have always just known that is how it is done. I came to me when I learned about how bumble bees don't have sufficient surface area on their wings to fly according to physics. They vibrate as to create 0-point gravity, giving them the ability to hover. It seems like once you attained 0-point gravity it would be a simple step to vibrate to -1 point gravity and blast off as it were.
In this connection, do you know of the late Russian entomologist Viktor Grebennikov's interesting work regarding extraordinary insect flight phenomena? Interesting even though weirdly obscured-- as if its promulgation were bound by a Law-of-Confusion/Gödelian limit protecting against undue disturbance of the consensus-reality's (rather plodding) extant scientific paradigm. That, of course, if he was legit, as they say, and not merely self-deluding (albeit in his evident sort of delightfully playfully imaginative way, along the lines of Dr. John Lilly).
See, e.g., http://www.keelynet.com/greb/greb.htm