(09-27-2014, 04:14 AM)Bluebell Wrote: I disagree, anagogy. If ur already polarized negative, it wouldn't be so traumatic, as Ra says, for an STO to incarnate there. The polarizing happens in space-time.
That said, this is getting off topic.
Hi Bluebell, I don't mean to derail the thread, but Ra actually never says it is traumatic. Don makes a statement that it must be traumatic. Ra neither confirms nor denies this but instead says something to the effect of natively positive beings making poor students of negative polarity.
And when I say they are already polarized negatively, I only mean that in the most basic sense, as in, they have started to think negatively, which is what puts them in that time/space to begin with, and then it is a gradual process of building up negative momentum, which keeps them in that space. It is a very drawn out process.
(09-27-2014, 04:14 AM)Bluebell Wrote: I keep asking the same questions as the original post. Lets forget there's monitoring & salvaging. Will the m/b/s simply melt back into a puddle of Mother Goddess Goo? Also, would it be painless?
I would say yes, to the "mother goddess goo" idea, haha. The formed components would dissolve back into their irreducible original formless substance: intelligent infinity.
As to being painless, I would guess that would be a factor of how quickly it occurred. It would be quick on our plane, but it is anybody's guess as to what its like as one is ripped away from space/time into time/space by nuclear destruction.