09-21-2014, 05:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-26-2014, 05:30 PM by third-density-being.)
I will not refer to You as an "Account1", therefore I'll Greet You as follows:
Hello Dear Atheist,
I took my time and I’ve read the entire thread. I've paid utmost attention to the way You were presenting your world/reality view and on what basis You've approached The Law of One. Based on my observations, I think there's a need for far more basic discussion.
Above all I would like to point out, that You equate Mind with what You've called as:
Comment #140
This is not so. "Western empirical tradition" is a framework for the Mind, in which he operates. I can assure You, that I can more than relate to that framework of the Mind, as I was also raised and taught to perceive and understand my reality within it. Such framework results in obtaining quite rigid/fixed mindset which becomes a foundation for evaluation of everything that Mind encounters. As far as I know/understand, this framework/mindset is optimal in perceiving, operating and understanding within three-dimensional, physical reality.
But this framework/mindset is not something, that can be called as objectivity. In fact, "objectiveness" does not exist - it is merely an Idea which is pursued by Mind within "western empirical tradition" framework. To state, that it is an "objective framework", is to express a belief.
However, without any doubt We can state, that this is an overwhelmingly dominating, subjective framework of the Mind in nowadays world. Because We do not have any point of reference, it is very hard - especially for those with strong Mind-approach - to perceive such framework from (any) perspective.
If We would look hard enough, We could find other "frameworks of the Mind" currently present on this Planet among some indigenous groups of Peoples, that lives in detachment from "western world".
Of course from Our "framework point of view" such groups are understood/labeled as "primitive" and it is often hard for Us to understand Their "ways of the Mind". On the other hand, it is equally hard for Them to understand Us, and Our "ways of the Mind", while They operate in far different "framework" - and in consequence - They possess far different "mindset".
But as I wrote above, I do believe (conscious believe) that "western empirical tradition" is an optimal framework for dealing with reality that We are currently experiencing through Our five senses. In other words, mindset induced by such framework is very effective tool, in dealing and utilizing three-dimensional data, that are translated by Our senses and interpreted by Mind within given, physical reality.
I would like to underline that I do understand this argumentation of yours:
Comment #149
Therefore every time when We are talking about process of "objectifying", it always refers to concrete, given framework, in which Mind operates. It's not a "stand alone" nor "universal" (as valid in every, possible circumstances) process/phenomenon. Each time it is done within given "frames of understanding" / "frames within which Mind operates".
My one and only purpose in writing all above, was/is to enable You to look at your current mindset from a certain perspective. As long, as You are treating it as an "absolute", You are blinded by it.
At this point I would like to underline, that I'm not writing about/suggesting an "abandonment" of your current mindset, but to become consciously aware of its non-absoluteness.
Take proverbial "step back" in perception of Self, and try to see the "wholeness" of your approach - the way You are encountering with your Mind your-Self, Other-Selves and the entire reality We are existing in.
This is very important, because only through such examination of your own mindset, You will be able to see/perceive its limitation. The most important boundary of your current framework/mindset (which You've expressed in your comments) is inability of reaching beyond three-dimensional, physical reality with Mind that possess such "working/operating structure".
In other words, while holding dearly to this framework/mindset, and considering it as an "absolute", You simply do not have "technical capability/necessary tools" of pursuing any Knowledge/Experience, that transgress/transcends physical reality and its causality.
And that was exactly my own conclusion after over ten years of my own atheism, while I was trying to examine my Self. I realized, that I need a new/different framework within which I could operate with my Mind, to move further in my seekings.
I've spend over two years with very, very open mind, while learning many, different points of view/theories/claims - many were classified as "New Age stuff" - as You called them. But I tried not to use such "container-category" in my thinking, and I've treated each point of view/theory/claim as separate and whole. I were looking for coherent framework that would provide me with any basis for operating with my Mind beyond material reality. I've found many, sometimes very stupendous points of view/claims, that was simply inconsistent and contradictory to their own assumptions (!)
That was the method I've used to evaluate them - I've used my Mind to adopt assumptions of each claim/theory and I tried to build with it a coherent framework for the Mind.
At some point I've met the Ra Materials and I've examined it in the very same fashion - and that was a turning point for me. I've spend many years trying to falsify this Knowledge - and yet, I could not find any inconsistency in it. There is no one place in The Law of One, where it contradict itself. It possess very coherent framework/point of view and for years now I try to use it to build proper mindset to examine that, which is beyond material reality. It also became a "falsification tool" for me, when I'm encountering other claims/theories/sources of Knowledge.
At this point - after writing all above - I can answer your question, which You've asked in first post, that started this thread.
No, I do not "believe" in The Law of One. There's nothing to "believe in" - I am Seeking within framework proposed by Ra Materials and this is an ongoing process. This is not "passive acceptance" of that, what is given. I am actively seeking, and there are periods when I am simply rejecting this point of view. Sometimes I'm simply tired (within my Mind) of operating on such highly abstract level, especially that I do not find any, solid confirmation of it in my outside environment.
In moments like that my original motivation - why I started those seekings in the first place - become the key factor. As I'm getting back to my "old" framework/mindset, I'm left with same state of "lack of answers" as before. In time, as I "rest and regenerate" in quite comfortable material reality (comfortable for my Mind, which has no problems in operating within it), I begin to see/perceive every time futility of "western empirical tradition" framework, in delivering an answers that I am looking for.
And my "question" - or more precisely "parameters of my seekings" - was/were quite simply -I would like to reach with my Mind beyond that, what is directly given by my five senses. I wanted to examine if there is anything at all beyond what I was able to perceive in "default way", especially that on my inner, subjective level of Consciousness, I was convinced, that there is more than, so called, "material reality".
With above I've reached another point, that I would like to emphasize in this comment - that is the "technical side" of my seekings - what "tools" are used in working within such framework.
But before I do that, I would like to express my understanding for your particularly difficult position/situation in context of such "seekings".
From what I've understood, You are a psychiatrist and because of that, You stand in "double-jeopardy" position:
1. It is required of You, to work with Patients, that according to your current framework/mindset (in which You were raised) are "dysfunctional" and it is your duty/responsibility, to evaluate, diagnose and to propose proper treatment to Them. For You to be able to do that, You simple require quite clear and rigid "mindset", to operate efficiently and not to let your Self to "fall" for/into your Patients "dysfunctions"/"delusions".
2. You exist/live in an environment - with your Peers, superiors and other authority - that strongly enforces Your current framework/mindset. Moreover, it is expected of You to possess such fixed/rigid mindset and You are quite often "double-checked"/controlled in that manner/area - i.e. via your Supervisor (therapist of the therapist). If You would show/demonstrate such relativity in your approach, of which I've wrote above, You would inevitable found your Self "on the other side" - You would become a Patient.
Therefore I do understand your extremely difficult position in that regard.
Unfortunately this is also the reason, why You currently lacks the proper tools, to pursue seekings, of which I'm writing about.
Since We are talking/writing about non-material nature of seekings, it is obvious, that it is impossible (my conscious belief - maybe it will be possible one day, with proper technology) to examine this sphere with "translation of data" provided to Us by Our five senses (and in consequence - build mind-representations of reality, that consists of data of same nature - image/sound/taste/smell/touch sensation).
Therefore the only "place", "where" One can conduct such seekings, is His/Her own Consciousness. Especially, that if the assumption of "non-material existence" is laid out, consequently Consciousness it-Self should be reexamine, in accordance to newly adopted framework/mindset.
Therefore when We are talking/writing about tools of described above seekings, they are within Consciousness. And this is the point, at which the most significant problems arising, when One possess "western empirical tradition" framework.
Above all, this framework does not differentiate states of Consciousness - at best, there are such "surface divisions" made, as "awakening state" and "sleeping state" - optional conscious/unconscious. But there's no deeper differentiation than that. Every "deviation" from predominate state of consciousness, is considered as "dysfunction" (at best there are stated "degrees of dysfunction" in relation to "functioning capability" in physical reality/body understood as "biological machine") and is treated as something unwanted/harmful - something, that One must get rid of as soon, as possible.
Yet, this is the key to seekings, that are undergone by many of Beings present here, on this forum - within the Consciousness, and via direct, subjective experience.
The subjective aspect of such "inner work" is another obstacle for Mind situated within "western empirical tradition" - on one hand possibility of receiving "confirmation" from Our Peers, Superiors or institutions/organizations (i.e. universities) is practically "gone" - at best You can confront your own interpretations of your seekings with Other-Selves, as We do it here, on this forum (but sometimes We lack proper labels/names, to do even that). On the other hand, when One is conducting such seekings, the validity of subjective experience must be acknowledged, as this is in fact the "framework" (Consciousness and subjective experience) of seekings of non-material nature.
Now, if You truly want to pursue this path, I can recommend You - beside The Law of One - two other books - both wrote by Jane Roberts and Robert F. Butts (and to be more precisely - Jane Roberts was channeling Entity calling Him-Self as "Seth").
1. "The Nature of Personal Reality" (A Seth Book);
2. Seth Speaks - "The Eternal Validity of the Soul".
Both books are consonant with the point of view presented within The Law of One and for One working within Consciousness, they are simply fascinating. Especially, that both "Seth books" contains more practical application within presented framework, than The Law of One. RA presented very condense and wide/general point of view - Seth on the other hand focused on far "lesser" area, that have to do directly with "inner work" and personal experience.
Now, I do not recommend You only/simply "read and find out" approach. This is not enough and have not much to do with actual "inner work"/true seekings. I do recommend You to be open enough, to make an authentic effort to adopt presented in those books point of view/framework and conduct proposed exercises in an extended period of time.
All that requires mentioned above effort and readiness to actually change your mindset. As I wrote before, I do not recommend You an abandonment, but merely a conscious understanding of what your current "mindset" really is, to separate what You understand as your Mind from framework within which Mind operates and to be flexible enough, to temporarily adopt new/different framework, that will result in building new/different mindset.
However I do not think You are at this point ready for such path. I've concluded it based on your current motivation that led You to reading The Law of One, and which You've expressed in your comment #117:
My own seeking in this field for example, started with deep dissatisfaction with limited answers I was able to get, while I was operating within "western empirical tradition" framework. This motivates me to firstly become conscious in regards to the limitation of my mindset, and than to honest seekings for one, that could deliver me more essential answers, than just "variations of particles/molecules configuration', etc.
In other words due to my deep motivation, there was a readiness in me, to make a significant effort and to examine this field from many, many different points of view, within many different frameworks - as I wrote before, in The Law of One I've found framework so coherent and consistent, that allowed me to work within it with my Mind.
Now, ending my definitely too long comment, I would like to underline, that if You truly wish to examine The Law of One - and remain honest within your examination - You should treat it as one, separate and whole. When You are approaching Ra Materials, there should not exist in your Mind any "other New Age stuff" - especially, that label "New Age" is a way of non-differentiation - it is a "container-label", that was created through arbitrary and non-discriminating associations.
All I have Best in me for You
Hello Dear Atheist,
I took my time and I’ve read the entire thread. I've paid utmost attention to the way You were presenting your world/reality view and on what basis You've approached The Law of One. Based on my observations, I think there's a need for far more basic discussion.
Above all I would like to point out, that You equate Mind with what You've called as:
Comment #140
(09-18-2014, 11:50 PM)Account1 Wrote: The western empirical tradition (..)
This is not so. "Western empirical tradition" is a framework for the Mind, in which he operates. I can assure You, that I can more than relate to that framework of the Mind, as I was also raised and taught to perceive and understand my reality within it. Such framework results in obtaining quite rigid/fixed mindset which becomes a foundation for evaluation of everything that Mind encounters. As far as I know/understand, this framework/mindset is optimal in perceiving, operating and understanding within three-dimensional, physical reality.
But this framework/mindset is not something, that can be called as objectivity. In fact, "objectiveness" does not exist - it is merely an Idea which is pursued by Mind within "western empirical tradition" framework. To state, that it is an "objective framework", is to express a belief.
However, without any doubt We can state, that this is an overwhelmingly dominating, subjective framework of the Mind in nowadays world. Because We do not have any point of reference, it is very hard - especially for those with strong Mind-approach - to perceive such framework from (any) perspective.
If We would look hard enough, We could find other "frameworks of the Mind" currently present on this Planet among some indigenous groups of Peoples, that lives in detachment from "western world".
Of course from Our "framework point of view" such groups are understood/labeled as "primitive" and it is often hard for Us to understand Their "ways of the Mind". On the other hand, it is equally hard for Them to understand Us, and Our "ways of the Mind", while They operate in far different "framework" - and in consequence - They possess far different "mindset".
But as I wrote above, I do believe (conscious believe) that "western empirical tradition" is an optimal framework for dealing with reality that We are currently experiencing through Our five senses. In other words, mindset induced by such framework is very effective tool, in dealing and utilizing three-dimensional data, that are translated by Our senses and interpreted by Mind within given, physical reality.
I would like to underline that I do understand this argumentation of yours:
Comment #149
(09-19-2014, 12:50 AM)Account1 Wrote: Yes but making stuff up with no physical or experiential counterpart is some animistic tribal stuff. Like I said before assuming that all different explanations and models of reality hold the same degree of accuracy and therefore it is simply a matter of choosing one like a pair of clothes is ridiculous. Relativism is the bane of intellectual development.- but this stands "only" within framework of the Mind that You've adopted - or to be more precise - that was imposed on You, same as on all of Us, during Our upbringing/education/socialization process. We were equipped with optimal "framework of the Mind" for environment/reality We found Our-Selves in, to be able to operate within it as efficient, as possible - and I do consider/perceive it as "natural" (or even necessary) process of imposing/adopting.
Therefore every time when We are talking about process of "objectifying", it always refers to concrete, given framework, in which Mind operates. It's not a "stand alone" nor "universal" (as valid in every, possible circumstances) process/phenomenon. Each time it is done within given "frames of understanding" / "frames within which Mind operates".
My one and only purpose in writing all above, was/is to enable You to look at your current mindset from a certain perspective. As long, as You are treating it as an "absolute", You are blinded by it.
At this point I would like to underline, that I'm not writing about/suggesting an "abandonment" of your current mindset, but to become consciously aware of its non-absoluteness.
Take proverbial "step back" in perception of Self, and try to see the "wholeness" of your approach - the way You are encountering with your Mind your-Self, Other-Selves and the entire reality We are existing in.
This is very important, because only through such examination of your own mindset, You will be able to see/perceive its limitation. The most important boundary of your current framework/mindset (which You've expressed in your comments) is inability of reaching beyond three-dimensional, physical reality with Mind that possess such "working/operating structure".
In other words, while holding dearly to this framework/mindset, and considering it as an "absolute", You simply do not have "technical capability/necessary tools" of pursuing any Knowledge/Experience, that transgress/transcends physical reality and its causality.
And that was exactly my own conclusion after over ten years of my own atheism, while I was trying to examine my Self. I realized, that I need a new/different framework within which I could operate with my Mind, to move further in my seekings.
I've spend over two years with very, very open mind, while learning many, different points of view/theories/claims - many were classified as "New Age stuff" - as You called them. But I tried not to use such "container-category" in my thinking, and I've treated each point of view/theory/claim as separate and whole. I were looking for coherent framework that would provide me with any basis for operating with my Mind beyond material reality. I've found many, sometimes very stupendous points of view/claims, that was simply inconsistent and contradictory to their own assumptions (!)
That was the method I've used to evaluate them - I've used my Mind to adopt assumptions of each claim/theory and I tried to build with it a coherent framework for the Mind.
At some point I've met the Ra Materials and I've examined it in the very same fashion - and that was a turning point for me. I've spend many years trying to falsify this Knowledge - and yet, I could not find any inconsistency in it. There is no one place in The Law of One, where it contradict itself. It possess very coherent framework/point of view and for years now I try to use it to build proper mindset to examine that, which is beyond material reality. It also became a "falsification tool" for me, when I'm encountering other claims/theories/sources of Knowledge.
At this point - after writing all above - I can answer your question, which You've asked in first post, that started this thread.
No, I do not "believe" in The Law of One. There's nothing to "believe in" - I am Seeking within framework proposed by Ra Materials and this is an ongoing process. This is not "passive acceptance" of that, what is given. I am actively seeking, and there are periods when I am simply rejecting this point of view. Sometimes I'm simply tired (within my Mind) of operating on such highly abstract level, especially that I do not find any, solid confirmation of it in my outside environment.
In moments like that my original motivation - why I started those seekings in the first place - become the key factor. As I'm getting back to my "old" framework/mindset, I'm left with same state of "lack of answers" as before. In time, as I "rest and regenerate" in quite comfortable material reality (comfortable for my Mind, which has no problems in operating within it), I begin to see/perceive every time futility of "western empirical tradition" framework, in delivering an answers that I am looking for.
And my "question" - or more precisely "parameters of my seekings" - was/were quite simply -I would like to reach with my Mind beyond that, what is directly given by my five senses. I wanted to examine if there is anything at all beyond what I was able to perceive in "default way", especially that on my inner, subjective level of Consciousness, I was convinced, that there is more than, so called, "material reality".
With above I've reached another point, that I would like to emphasize in this comment - that is the "technical side" of my seekings - what "tools" are used in working within such framework.
But before I do that, I would like to express my understanding for your particularly difficult position/situation in context of such "seekings".
From what I've understood, You are a psychiatrist and because of that, You stand in "double-jeopardy" position:
1. It is required of You, to work with Patients, that according to your current framework/mindset (in which You were raised) are "dysfunctional" and it is your duty/responsibility, to evaluate, diagnose and to propose proper treatment to Them. For You to be able to do that, You simple require quite clear and rigid "mindset", to operate efficiently and not to let your Self to "fall" for/into your Patients "dysfunctions"/"delusions".
2. You exist/live in an environment - with your Peers, superiors and other authority - that strongly enforces Your current framework/mindset. Moreover, it is expected of You to possess such fixed/rigid mindset and You are quite often "double-checked"/controlled in that manner/area - i.e. via your Supervisor (therapist of the therapist). If You would show/demonstrate such relativity in your approach, of which I've wrote above, You would inevitable found your Self "on the other side" - You would become a Patient.
Therefore I do understand your extremely difficult position in that regard.
Unfortunately this is also the reason, why You currently lacks the proper tools, to pursue seekings, of which I'm writing about.
Since We are talking/writing about non-material nature of seekings, it is obvious, that it is impossible (my conscious belief - maybe it will be possible one day, with proper technology) to examine this sphere with "translation of data" provided to Us by Our five senses (and in consequence - build mind-representations of reality, that consists of data of same nature - image/sound/taste/smell/touch sensation).
Therefore the only "place", "where" One can conduct such seekings, is His/Her own Consciousness. Especially, that if the assumption of "non-material existence" is laid out, consequently Consciousness it-Self should be reexamine, in accordance to newly adopted framework/mindset.
Therefore when We are talking/writing about tools of described above seekings, they are within Consciousness. And this is the point, at which the most significant problems arising, when One possess "western empirical tradition" framework.
Above all, this framework does not differentiate states of Consciousness - at best, there are such "surface divisions" made, as "awakening state" and "sleeping state" - optional conscious/unconscious. But there's no deeper differentiation than that. Every "deviation" from predominate state of consciousness, is considered as "dysfunction" (at best there are stated "degrees of dysfunction" in relation to "functioning capability" in physical reality/body understood as "biological machine") and is treated as something unwanted/harmful - something, that One must get rid of as soon, as possible.
Yet, this is the key to seekings, that are undergone by many of Beings present here, on this forum - within the Consciousness, and via direct, subjective experience.
The subjective aspect of such "inner work" is another obstacle for Mind situated within "western empirical tradition" - on one hand possibility of receiving "confirmation" from Our Peers, Superiors or institutions/organizations (i.e. universities) is practically "gone" - at best You can confront your own interpretations of your seekings with Other-Selves, as We do it here, on this forum (but sometimes We lack proper labels/names, to do even that). On the other hand, when One is conducting such seekings, the validity of subjective experience must be acknowledged, as this is in fact the "framework" (Consciousness and subjective experience) of seekings of non-material nature.
Now, if You truly want to pursue this path, I can recommend You - beside The Law of One - two other books - both wrote by Jane Roberts and Robert F. Butts (and to be more precisely - Jane Roberts was channeling Entity calling Him-Self as "Seth").
1. "The Nature of Personal Reality" (A Seth Book);
2. Seth Speaks - "The Eternal Validity of the Soul".
Both books are consonant with the point of view presented within The Law of One and for One working within Consciousness, they are simply fascinating. Especially, that both "Seth books" contains more practical application within presented framework, than The Law of One. RA presented very condense and wide/general point of view - Seth on the other hand focused on far "lesser" area, that have to do directly with "inner work" and personal experience.
Now, I do not recommend You only/simply "read and find out" approach. This is not enough and have not much to do with actual "inner work"/true seekings. I do recommend You to be open enough, to make an authentic effort to adopt presented in those books point of view/framework and conduct proposed exercises in an extended period of time.
All that requires mentioned above effort and readiness to actually change your mindset. As I wrote before, I do not recommend You an abandonment, but merely a conscious understanding of what your current "mindset" really is, to separate what You understand as your Mind from framework within which Mind operates and to be flexible enough, to temporarily adopt new/different framework, that will result in building new/different mindset.
However I do not think You are at this point ready for such path. I've concluded it based on your current motivation that led You to reading The Law of One, and which You've expressed in your comment #117:
(09-18-2014, 12:21 AM)Account1 Wrote: So I attempted to understand these people, I read their books explored their worldviews and mythologies and thus am here.In other words You have not done this because of your own, inner need, but I think that You are treating it as some kind "elongation of dysfunction" of your patients. With such motives, You are not prepared to actually change your mindset, but instead through the prism of your current framework You are trying to evaluate this Knowledge. I may be wrong, but above is my impression based on your Words/argumentation.
My own seeking in this field for example, started with deep dissatisfaction with limited answers I was able to get, while I was operating within "western empirical tradition" framework. This motivates me to firstly become conscious in regards to the limitation of my mindset, and than to honest seekings for one, that could deliver me more essential answers, than just "variations of particles/molecules configuration', etc.
In other words due to my deep motivation, there was a readiness in me, to make a significant effort and to examine this field from many, many different points of view, within many different frameworks - as I wrote before, in The Law of One I've found framework so coherent and consistent, that allowed me to work within it with my Mind.
Now, ending my definitely too long comment, I would like to underline, that if You truly wish to examine The Law of One - and remain honest within your examination - You should treat it as one, separate and whole. When You are approaching Ra Materials, there should not exist in your Mind any "other New Age stuff" - especially, that label "New Age" is a way of non-differentiation - it is a "container-label", that was created through arbitrary and non-discriminating associations.
All I have Best in me for You