09-19-2014, 10:30 PM
Quote:Why are you so fixated on absolute truth?I'm not, read the posts, trying discern a degree of certainty is not absolutism. Absolute truth is somewhat of an unreachable goal. I just think there is a less intensive degree of truth in the Ra Material than in the empirical tradition of modern science, for reasons that are previously stated and observable to the both of us.
Quote:60 School Shootings Linked To Psychiatric Drugs Over Past 20 Years
Yeah whatever.Rolleyes
I'm sorry but what does this have to do with anything? Am I somehow to blame for these tragedies that you just made light of?
I mean how would you like it if I did the same thing back to you and pointed out how Elliot Rodger read The Secret and tried to manifest his own reality? A popular past time amongst the new age scene, not that we was a hippy but it shows unstable minds are attracted to this stuff. That Himmler's beliefs and interests were, by todays standards "new age"? That every year thousands of naive souls are scammed for all they're worth by people pushing these notions of transcendence? Are you to blame? Have you spent any of your life trying to help people in need despite labeling yourself as selfless serving others? Where's your studies, your time, your discoveries, your effort that will aid humanity? Or do you just have an ego to show for all your hard work? Yes, I must just be a mindless drug pusher for money, of course. If I wasn't that would run contrary to the narrative that big pharma and the psychiatric community want you to stay sick or some other paranoid hippy bullshit that I have to hear endlessly.
Quote:Many of us don't assume at all, but have had direct experiences, which are explained and supported by the Law of One.
Like what? Out of body experiences? Seeing visions? UFOs?
No Adonai One, I would not simply write it off as mental illness. Believe it or not you actually need a lot of time and data to make such a judgement, can't just go sticking one size fits all labels everywhere if you want to do anything of value. Thing is there is the experience and then how the experience is interpreted, it is pretty important to note the distinction, especially with altered states of mind (not necessarily drugs but also hyper histamine mystical states and such). I know people who have been convinced of "magically manifesting" things but later gave up the idea with further experience. I have "mystical" experiences of my own doesn't mean I'm going to subscribe to a theory that accounts for them just because it does regardless of what else it claims to be true in a certain manner.
Quote:The history of science has shown us repeatedly that we never see the whole picture, and later down the road new information will come into the picture which changes everything.
And you claim to be privy to such knowledge that will tear the science delusion apart?
[quote[I was rejecting your rigid all-or-nothing epistemology.[/quote]
Just because I don't believe aliens built the pyramids or that Free-will is the fundamental principle of existence doesn't mean i'm "all or nothing" it may look like this because we are talking about such fringe beliefs but I'm really not. And in regards to the material it does require a bit of "all or nothing" ness as it is claiming some absolutely grandiose notions and is so cosmic in scope that it claims to account for everything so yeah I don't really see why people would believe in it but cherry pick.
JLY it's been a pleasure and I'd be happy to continue by personal message but that post regarding school shootings has made me feel ill.
Quote: I appreciate that the analytic tradition forces rigorous thought, but it discourages creativity by that same token.Yeah for the record analytic philosophy is naive.