(08-26-2014, 10:25 AM)andreazzi Wrote: then why is the third density physical world named SPACE/time and the third density metaphysical world named TIME/space?
the concept of unity in each of these double concepts is clear to me, my question is why space prevails in the physical and time prevails in the metaphysical? or there is no predominance at all and this is all just a matter of distinction?
going further, how does time and space transcend from the physical to the metaphysical and how different these concepts are in the metaphysical planes of third density?
I like anagogy's response best, but I'd like to offer my understanding. The notion of space/time indeed indicate the sameness of space and time, but they are the same because our current understanding of time, in term of the quantity used in physical laws, in not truely time, but the 4th dimension of space that we mistaken as time. There are indeed 4 spacial dimensions, but we can only perceive 3. I disagree with anagogy here, it is a physical limitation of us. It is this way because we are still 3rd density beings, not yet evolved into 4th density. Yes, the 4th dimension will appear as inner and outer to us. Inner is when we look into the atomic level, outer is when we look out into the cosmos. Currently, the accepted physical theories cannot reconcile the laws of the large (general theory of relativity) and small (quantum mechanics), so physicists know that the current understandings of the physical laws are not complete. What's missing is the recognition and complete understanding of the dynamics of the other (4th) dimension. Relativity laws made a great leap by conceptually defining a 4D spacetime, but it has not reach the complete picture of a 4D space and Time, the 5D space-time. (an interesting note here – as you probably have heard, the next stage of evolution is also called 5-dimension instead of 4th density by some other teachings).
It is hard to believe/image that we can exist in something that we cannot physically perceive. We are capable perceive the effect of 4D space now, but only when we look into the very large and very small. That's why many things we observe there confuses us, such as many quantum phenomena and dark matter etc. in cosmology. Even though we have 3 degrees of freedom in movement in the 3D space we occupy, our perception of 3D mainly comes from stereo vision. Therefore it is very interesting for me to find out that the pineal gland, the supposed gateway to higher dimensions/spirituality, is called the 3rd eye. Ah ha: 2 eyes allow us to see 3D, so logically we can deduct that 3 eyes must allow us to see 4D. :-)
Is it possible for us to live in 3D but not truly experience it? Yes. Here's a moving account of someone who was born cross-eyed and how it felt for her to experience 3D for the first time after operations that corrected her eyesight (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story...=128977924). It reminds me of how people describe how they felt when they had some type of spiritual experience where they are no longer their 3D self. She lived in a 3D world but never truly experienced it; it's similar to most of us now who lives in truly 4D world but never really experience it physically. To me, metaphysical is but the physical world we could not freely access currently, which is the 4th dimension of space which we currently thought as time in mainstream science -- thus it is referred as Time/space.
Let me further explain with another example. Think back in the early stages of human development, when we just came from 2D, we had 3-degree of freedom in movement, but our world was largely confined to 2D – that is, we mostly moved along the surface of the earth. Thus we logically believed that the earth is flat (2D). Only though careful observations and expanding our horizons we started to question that concept. We observed the sun, stars, and the moon and noticed the cyclical/circular nature of celestial bodies. Gradually, with aviation and traveling further in distances, we came to know that the earth is round (a 3D object), without actually observing it. As we got into space, we finally see physically that the earth is round. Going into space and the Moon, human have actually moved to a different spot in the 4th dimension as well, though we are not aware of it (it is currently understood as we moved to a spot where the time passes at a different speed). Slowly but surly, as we move more and further into 4D space, we will recognize this dimension and its properties.
I deduce that once we ascend into 4D human form, we will be able to perceive 4D naturally. But evolution doesn't stop there, as we move around in 4D, we will observe 5D phenomena and learn about it and eventually graduate into the next density, and so on.
Quote:Ra: I am Ra. You are quite correct as far as your language may take you and, due to your training, more able than we to express the concept. Our only correction, if you will, would be to suggest that the 90° of which you speak are an angle which may best be understood as a portion of a tesseract.
This is one of the favorite Ra statements of mine. To me it indicated that space is 4D without breaking the law of confusion, for a tesseract is a 4D cube (interesting note: have you seen how tesseract is referenced in the Avenger movies?) I came to understand the 4D nature of space before encountering Ra Material, so Ra's statement here is one of confirmations of its authenticity to me.