09-17-2014, 11:16 PM
Quote:to give a balance here, if an atheist were to commit himself to being an atheist absolutely to where there can only be a universe without a God, and were to enter a dimension of thought where there were a God, he would become very insane to the point of mental collapse.
You would think that most people in this day and age would be able to entertain ideas without accepting them as absolute truth
Quote:By the way, are you an ISTJ, INTJ, or ESTJ?INTP, though the myer briggs categories aren't really worth much save a bit of fun
Quote:Any belief is dangerous if you bet your whole life on it and want to commit suicide when it isn't true.
Like I said earlier, the transcendent themes you find in the Ra Material and new age beliefs are so enticing they often cause obsession. And it is the obsession, the conviction that results from this that is the direct problem.
Back to the books, I remain unconvinced and you remain convinced I don't think this will change anytime soon but I enjoyed the brief sojourn here. Take care
I'm sorry I'm really not up for any more discussion as I see it going down the "u" "no" road and am honestly very hungover
Hopefully I have given some food for thought