08-26-2014, 02:02 PM
(08-26-2014, 10:25 AM)andreazzi Wrote: then why is the third density physical world named SPACE/time and the third density metaphysical world named TIME/space?
the concept of unity in each of these double concepts is clear to me, my question is why space prevails in the physical and time prevails in the metaphysical? or there is no predominance at all and this is all just a matter of distinction?
going further, how does time and space transcend from the physical to the metaphysical and how different these concepts are in the metaphysical planes of third density?
Good questions andreazzi!
I will offer you my interpretation, limited though it may be.
The reason why space prevails in the physical is because space is the structure necessary for *tangible* manifestation. That is what puts the "physical" in physicality. Three dimensional space provides the conceptual framework for objects to exist in a seemingly independent and objective way (the illusion of externality).
Now, the reason why time is the realm of the metaphysical, is because time is actually an *inner* dimension. People assume that it is also physical, but this is the conceptual trap that makes it all seem so mysterious. Also, curiously enough, 3 dimensional space is contained *within* the space we call "time". Afterall, its "outer-ness" is only a distortion of perception. But "normal space" is contained within "inner space".
So again, 3D space is contained within 4D space (not to be confused with fourth density, though fourth density does involve awareness of time). You can stack an infinite amount of 3D slices inside of the 4D "slice". Also, notice how you can't, no matter how hard you try, actually physically imagine another axis of space at a 90 degree angle from the 3 axis you are familiar with in the physical realm? That is *not* just a limitation of your physical brain. It's not physical! It doesn't have to follow "tangible" logical constructs. That's the beauty of it. Conceptually, an infinite amount of dimensions may exist with logic gestalts that completely transcend our notions of tangible space.
So, as you may have guessed, time/space is not as limited as space/time is. space/time is a reflection in opposites of time/space. However most people don't understand that time/space is infinite, so the exploration of space/time is one of limitation as the inversion of time/space. But limitations are what give flavor and shape to creation, so limitation is not intended as a negative.
Time/space is the realm of mind, space/time is the realm of matter.
Anyway, I don't know if any of this explanation makes any sense to you, but these are the answers I've come to.