I've had experience with this because I see colors during meditation all the time. When I began meditating I used to see a green smoggy cloud which would swirl around with my eyes closed, and rarely sometimes would I get sharp blinking or shuttering violet lightning appearing in this green smog.
Now for months straight all of my meditations will have a black background with that brilliant shuttering violet lightening appearing and moving around. Recently the violet color has become stable and is moving slower and filling up the entire vision during meditation. All the while if I physically move my eyes to look really down I would enter into a under-girding teal or green/blue color, looking back up and in normal level view I would see the pure brilliant violet only once again.
These are usually in the beginning stages of meditation because once I really enter the silence the colors fades and a faint white begins to surround everything. I do appreciate the presence of colors during meditation but I do not focus on them most of the time. These colors are still much a mystery to me but I believe the colors for you may well change if and once you have started accelerating your spiritual evolution and working on the unmanifested self or being.
I've found some excerpts which might be interesting, one here that asks specifically about colors and meditation. If you would like to read up on colors in more detail, the Ra material and the library have a lot of information on various colors.
Q'uo Special Meditation December 12, 2005
Latwii Sunday Meditation May 30, 1982
The unmanifested self which includes those activities such as meditation concerning spiritual evolution, thought I'd mention this briefly since according to the sessions colors symbolize and connect to a lot of things spiritually.
Ra Session 71 of the Law of One September 18, 1981
Now for months straight all of my meditations will have a black background with that brilliant shuttering violet lightening appearing and moving around. Recently the violet color has become stable and is moving slower and filling up the entire vision during meditation. All the while if I physically move my eyes to look really down I would enter into a under-girding teal or green/blue color, looking back up and in normal level view I would see the pure brilliant violet only once again.
These are usually in the beginning stages of meditation because once I really enter the silence the colors fades and a faint white begins to surround everything. I do appreciate the presence of colors during meditation but I do not focus on them most of the time. These colors are still much a mystery to me but I believe the colors for you may well change if and once you have started accelerating your spiritual evolution and working on the unmanifested self or being.
I've found some excerpts which might be interesting, one here that asks specifically about colors and meditation. If you would like to read up on colors in more detail, the Ra material and the library have a lot of information on various colors.
Q'uo Special Meditation December 12, 2005
Quote:J: A few years ago, I began seeing beautiful colors in my mind’s eye while having what I would call a spiritual experience and connection, as in meditation or in spiritual healing work. I would appreciate anything that you would care to share about this phenomenon. Is it chakra related? Is it a visual greeting of some sort? The colors feel so beautiful that I’m often moved to tears.
We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. The experience of seeing certain colors is an experience which moves an entity beyond the limitations of language. It is not that the colors within themselves have a reality as colors, although certainly the study of colors is very interesting and each entity has relationships with various colors in terms of the way they make you feel.
However, we believe that it is quite possible that what you are experiencing is the overshadowing of the comradeship, shall we say, of essences which are drawn to you because of your healing work and which wish to accompany you as you set out to create a healing atmosphere for others.
The color itself is, say, the name or the nickname or the shadow of this powerful entity that the color represents. So you are being accompanied, greeted and embraced by those unseen energies and essences that appreciate you and are drawn to the work that you do in service. It is their service to lend their energy to entities such as you who stand within third density in incarnation and are therefore able directly to offer help. For they would, in and of themselves, be unable to, and not even have the right to, offer help.
Therefore, it may seem to you that you are very blessed in receiving these energies. And, indeed, this is so. But we would say to you also that you are a tremendous blessing to these entities represented by these colors. We feel that the relationship is entirely helpful in strengthening and encourage you to embrace these sensations and to use them with confidence and thankfulness in your work.
Latwii Sunday Meditation May 30, 1982
Quote:C: Yes, I have a couple. When I began channeling, it was that I would see a flash of color as I started. The color I saw was green. The last few times I’ve channeled, the color has changed. More of a purplish color. Can you tell me anything about why I’m seeing something different or if it is anything at all?
I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my brother. The channeling process, as you have called it, and as you are aware, is quite unique to each entity. As an entity offers itself as an instrument, there shall be those times wherein the tuning of the entity shall be of such and such a nature because of the concerns which the entity is attempting to work upon in balancing its own being. Therefore, when the conditioning vibration is offered to such an entity there is the necessity of blending the vibration with the entity’s own unique configuration.
As you know, each of your energy centers are composed of an individual color. Those concerns which you are undertaking, therefore, are associated with these energy centers and the corresponding colors. As we blend our vibrations with any instrument, and this is true for each member of the Confederation, we must make an attempt to blend our vibration so that a match is made. Often this blending shall be visible to the entity’s inner eye. The changing colors, therefore, my brother, are simply your changing concerns reflected in your own unique vibrations.
The unmanifested self which includes those activities such as meditation concerning spiritual evolution, thought I'd mention this briefly since according to the sessions colors symbolize and connect to a lot of things spiritually.
Ra Session 71 of the Law of One September 18, 1981
Quote:Questioner: Define, please, the unmanifested being.
Ra: I am Ra. We may see that you wish to pursue the deeper strata of information. We shall, therefore, answer in a certain way which does not exhaust the query but is designed to move beneath the outer teachings somewhat.
The unmanifested being is, as we have said, that being which exists and does its work without reference to or aid from other-selves. To move into this concept you may see the inevitable connection between the unmanifested self and the metaphysical or time/space analog of the space/time self. The activities of meditation, contemplation, and what may be called the internal balancing of thoughts and reactions are those activities of the unmanifested self more closely aligned with the metaphysical self.