07-02-2010, 07:31 PM
I just received this mail from the petition organizers.
"Brilliant! Nearly 100,000 of us signed a petition for the EU Council to support laws that stop illegal timber -- and they did! Now the Parliament decides on the legislation on July 7. But timber companies are still trying to block it. Our Petition will be delivered directly to MEPs on Wednesday as they go into vote. We have five days to send a flood of public support for forests -- Forward this email and let's get to 200,000 signers."
On behalf of our brothers the trees, who often, when they are large trees, belong to3D already and therefore, are fully sentient individuals, I send my thanks to all who signed the petition to protect the forests.
The awareness of human beings about trees being 3D life forms is still faint but, with hope, I believe that we will get to have more and more people eventually understanding and respecting the life of trees. They are silent and dreamy brothers but their dreams are peaceful, grounded
, connected with ALL and, full of love. They are full of sorrows and sufferings when human beings do not hear theirs slow, low and grave voices asking, begging not to cut them.
They are so sweet that they would not speak of their sufferings unless asked.
Because we are one, one family throughout the densities, supporting life with love and respect, we ow them our protection.
Living the Law of One, with love and Light,
"Brilliant! Nearly 100,000 of us signed a petition for the EU Council to support laws that stop illegal timber -- and they did! Now the Parliament decides on the legislation on July 7. But timber companies are still trying to block it. Our Petition will be delivered directly to MEPs on Wednesday as they go into vote. We have five days to send a flood of public support for forests -- Forward this email and let's get to 200,000 signers."
On behalf of our brothers the trees, who often, when they are large trees, belong to3D already and therefore, are fully sentient individuals, I send my thanks to all who signed the petition to protect the forests.
The awareness of human beings about trees being 3D life forms is still faint but, with hope, I believe that we will get to have more and more people eventually understanding and respecting the life of trees. They are silent and dreamy brothers but their dreams are peaceful, grounded

They are so sweet that they would not speak of their sufferings unless asked.
Because we are one, one family throughout the densities, supporting life with love and respect, we ow them our protection.
Living the Law of One, with love and Light,
