(06-28-2010, 08:38 PM)Lavazza Wrote: My question / comment is, could this be due to our having penetrated the forgetting process also? What "qualifications", so to say, are needed before finding the Law of One?
Yes, exactly that, we have remembered that there is more. That's all it takes, it's simply the desire to discover, to seek the light within. An open mind.
Regarding the (lack of) 'popularity' of the Law of One: each individual will be attracted to information sources that are of their vibration and are available to them. That information will most likely not be the Law of One (considering how few of us are on this forum), and more probably Hinduism/Buddhism (or any popular belief system that promotes compassion and equality which is native to the individuals circumstances). The advent of the Internet has made information far more readily available, so we now have much more choice and availability of different systems.
Remember it's not the intellect that graduates from 3D to 4D, it's the heart (and hence balance). Many people who are harvestable do not research spiritually, only act in a spiritual manner. This is the absolute key, and one that must not - but is easily - be forgotten when spending most of the time reading. One can spend their entire days researching and intellectually understanding the Law of One, and yet not be harvestable due to not acting upon it's messages, showing the desire to balance and continue upon the upwards spiral of consciousness evolution.
Dolores Cannon (great video here) has carried out thousands of past life regressions over decades. She has 'clarified', in her own research, that many of us come from the stars (Wanderers), and came in three waves. We came here with an innate knowing that the current financial and political systems are not up to par, and hence many of us do not get caught up in them, and intuitively know there are better ways.
unity100 Wrote:secondly, one shouldnt expect to mooch off love from Ra material. this is not that kind of channeling. i have lost a good 1 to 1.5 years because i have treated Ra material like bartholomew, or silver birch channelings.
Yes indeed, it's far from 'New Age' channelings. Rather than inducing love when reading, it tells us how to - and the importance of - generating love from within. Or fear, if that's what you prefer, as both are equally valid :¬)