(06-24-2010, 01:21 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: As both a wanderer and a soldier that has extinguished life, this question has been asked by both myself and in this forum in another thread, and the answer was found in Q'uotes.
What I learned was that as long as the entity is doing that which is seen to be honourable/noble/good in service to the self (in the case of sts) or in service to other-selves (in the case of sto), then there is no karma associated with it. If one does something which they feel is wrong, that begins the wheel of karma turning.
It all comes down to perception. The wanderer is no more or less responsible for their actions than anyone else on the planet. If they fail to meet the requirements of ascension, the wanderer will repeat the third density cycle the same as any other entity.
Speaking about penetrating the veil as per earlier. When this is done by an sto entity it leads to a more loving 3D existence, plain and simple. I speak from experience.
Unity100 brother, I am happy you stuck around. Although I find your demeanour to be as subtle as chalk on the blackboard, you are interesting
Thank you for sharing your wisdom, brother. It is input like this, such from another's experience, that really helps people such as myself understand and come to grips with subjects such as these, in which I have not personally experienced.
An interesting point to note is that the truth is always simple. We all know that forgiveness of self, and others, is how to stop the wheel of karma from turning (I even mentioned it myself). Yet, discussions can easily look for a complicated answer, as we, and I, have done here.
A refresher in the simplicity of truth, thank you :¬)
(06-24-2010, 06:31 AM)unity100 Wrote: actually, from a technical side, i think there is little karma involved in wars, because all parties engaging in a war engage it with the knowledge of the fact that they are going to kill, and get killed. it is kinda a mutual agreement. if both parties believe the righteousness of their cause. but in forced conscription cases that some of the participants dont want to go to war, and find it wrong, i dont know how will it reflect.
i very much think, defending when attacked, will incur little to no karma at all, especially when if you dont defend, innocents are going to be killed, or enslaved, who cant even defend themselves, cant make a choice.
Yes indeed, one may feel guilt as to not defending innocents, rather than the guilt of taking another's life. Hence a choice is made, and if done so with acceptance of that choice, karma-free.
I consider the teachings of this thread of the upmost importance. This was a grey area for me, one which has now been polarised. Marvellous.
Quote:but the confederation has other means at their disposal to affect change. and much of it include spiritual, metaphysical means not available to 3d entities living in 3d, or, wanderers living in a 3d environment. (not current environment, which has 4d vibrations, but a societal system that is still clung in between orange and yellow).
Yes indeed, many of which are carried out telepathically, from both STO and STS groups. The difference being STO groups such as The Confederation, will only do this to people who seek (edit: seeking service to others, not an STO group in particular), whereas STS groups will target those in states of fear (if I recall correctly).
Crop circles are one of these methods in my opinion, employed from higher densities to act as catalysts for people to awaken to their innate divinity and infinite worth, without impacting on the free will of others.
STO UFO sightings can be for a message of the same effect - open your mind.