07-10-2014, 02:43 PM
(07-10-2014, 08:59 AM)ChickenInSpace Wrote:Tanner Wrote:One of the more gripping of my darker lives involves the impalement of thousands of individuals and feeding upon their life energy.
Sounds a bit (alot?) like Vlad Tepes o_O
Aha Shhh.

(07-10-2014, 02:40 PM)Adonai One Wrote:(07-10-2014, 11:31 AM)Spaced Wrote: The lives I remember most vividly are associated with traumatic events, but I have a couple of lives that I feel 'in the background' as it were, which seem to bubble gently to the surface now and again. One where I was the Hierophant at the temple of Demeter in Eleusis and took an active role in the Eleusinian Mysteries. A life as an atheistic governor of a Greek island during the later Byzantine period whose goal was to educate his people and built many schools. A life as a monk in Tibet. And so on. I feel connections to certain areas and feel certain I've lived there before (Germany, Indus valley, Egypt etc.) but the lives led there must not have needed integration in this life.My view of the soul is very fringe from what currently exists on this forum and other spiritual doctrines.
The memories that stand out are the ones where I was involved in violence, or lives where I explored my shadow more fully. Your life as a soldier taking pleasure in death reminds me of one I remember as a samurai taking great pleasure in my skill with the sword.
I do find it interesting that most of your lives seem to be 20th century Adonai, mine tend to stretch back pretty far into history.
I don't know wether my recall is accurate but these 'memories' paint my current experience.
I feel I have uncovered a nature of my social memory complex where the souls intermingle into specific sets of hundreds of thousands of different aspects of many souls and place them into incarnations based on a great amount of lessons. In other words, one incarnation is inhabited by a great amount of souls.
In meditation, I've found that some planets have a single soul that incarnates itself into many people with a social memory complex being nearly inherently formed except the social memory complex still has trouble accepting itself.
When I envisioned myself dying, I saw my soul untying into many simultaneous existences, not just one. I feel my body is a vessel for the lessons of a countless amount. I no longer feel myself as an individual. I find myself to be a team of individuals teaching one another for many.
Don should have asked more questions about the nature of the Social Memory Complex because it truly isn't an individualistic affair from what I've found.
Thus, I feel I am living thousands of Earth lives simultaneously. All that happens to lucidly come back up are recent 20th century lives. The older ones, I am told, are not as relevant.
Is not the "individual" body made up of millions and billions of cells? Our conscious selves are also like that. I applaud your insight, it is very similar (although not quite the exact same) to what I have recognized within myself.
Also, I don't like talking about my past lives really as people tend to place emphasis on why my self-perceptions are 'unnecessary'.