06-23-2010, 02:55 PM
(06-23-2010, 01:21 PM)unity100 Wrote: the point is simple.
none of the entities mentioned above are acting without love. they are acting with the green ray vibration being present in their vibration spectrum. (provided that their position is one of a higher density). yet, they are allowing killings, deaths, exploitations, abuses, and even more. some, are planning such events, as higher selves or others.
notice that what Ra said there doesnt involve any particular action, but notes down the prerequisite for karmic involvement as acting unloving.
therefore, if you kill an individual, by accepting that individual fully, and viewing it as an integral part of existence of us all, will it be a karmic involvement ?
is a vet who puts an animal to sleep (most can be 3d entities, due to investment), getting karmically involved ?
is a doctor, who performs euthanasia on a patient, getting karmically involved ?
and even a greater question - lets say that one is in a position that s/he can save millions from nuclear destruction by killing an individual that is going to initiate a nuclear device. will s/he get karmically involved by killing that individual ?
what does s/he do ?
does s/he refrain from killing that individual and saving millions from a catastrophic death, or, does s/he kill that individual and do the otherwise ?
but, since this is a huge affair, is it possible that, this event might have been planned to happen and s/he may disrupt the flow of fate and put it in a different flow, by killing the individual ?
or, since s/he is already there, and in a position to prevent it, does it mean that this event is designed to be preventable ? and will s/he fail by not preventing it ?
I would imagine the degree of karma you "obtain" depends heavily on whether or not you can forgive yourself or do forgive yourself for your actions, once truly understanding your intent for the event or actions you took. This would take 100% honesty with yourself, and would most likely happen for most people in a review session after the incarnation has been over. If you could not "find it in your heart", for lack of a better term, to forgive yourself or the other person, then I am sure you would have to take further measures to balance your karma. This would get more complicated of course depending on what actually happened (ex. if your actions involved the deaths of 20 people you shot in a blind rage..how then would it work with all 20 people considered? I do not feel the need to take it this far in contemplation).
Not only the intent of the persons involved is heavily important, but also the perspective they have on themselves and each other once in an after-life review session. This is how I see it at this time.