(06-23-2010, 10:02 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: It is also possible that those Wanderers fell short of their ideal, or that they did the best they could under the circumstances. Did Ra make any kind of assessment about their support of violence?
(06-23-2010, 10:39 AM)unity100 Wrote: they didnt. but, it is noteworthy that, contrary to general practice, when don asked about two persons that he thought they might have been wanderers, ra replied negative, and advised don that he would do better to take the examples of thomas and benjamin, without being asked. it somewhat feels like they wanted these examples to be considered.
Unity, could you please share with me your interpretation of the following quote:
Ra Wrote:12.28 Questioner: Are most of these from the fourth density? Or what density do they come from?
Ra: I am Ra. Few there are of fourth density. The largest number of Wanderers, as you call them, are of the sixth density. The desire to serve must be distorted towards a great deal of purity of mind and what you may call foolhardiness or bravery, depending upon your distortion complex judgment. The challenge/danger of the Wanderer is that it will forget its mission, become karmically involved, and thus be swept into the maelstrom of which it had incarnated to avert the destruction.
12.29 Questioner: What could one of these entities do to become karmically involved? Could you give an example of that?
Ra: I am Ra. An entity which acts in a consciously unloving manner in action with other beings can become karmically involved.
I ask for an alternate interpretation because, to me, this seems like Ra is stating (admittedly by implication only) that becoming karmically involved is something to be AVOIDED by Wanderers. They then go on to state that one can become karmically involved by acting in a consciously unloving manner in action with other beings. I truly can think of no other situation that fits this description better than armed conflict between groups of people acting in a consciously unloving manner (ie shooting at eachother).
Can violence really be acceptable for a Wanderer? And if it is, doesn't that lead to karmic entanglement when done consciously in a war setting?
As you noted, unfortunately, Ra did not go into much detail regarding these incarnations. I respect your interpretation that you feel that their armed conflict led to enhanced Freedom, however my own personal assumption for why Ra never went into much detail on the founding of America or its key players was because it is quite likely that the negative elite had a major hand in the formation of the United States. I won't dwell on it since it's not covered in the Ra material, but I believe there is evidence that the US was designed at least in part to give the illusion of freedom while continuing to keep the population enslaved and also to use the "new land" as a new center of power/launching point for attempts at control of the people of other nations. Let us not forget the state of bondage of the African people brought to that land and the wanton destruction and robbery that took place on a massive scale of the Native American peoples during that time period. The place was crawling with Freemasons, etc, and I ALWAYS assumed that since Ra was so careful to avoid transient information or infringing on freewill, that this was the reason they never went into depth on Thomas Jefferson or Benjamin Franklin... to do so would have opened a major can of metaphysical worms. However, I am open to an alternate interpretation and welcome any thoughts you have to share on this aspect.
Love to all