(06-23-2010, 10:39 AM)unity100 Wrote: my understanding is that, they were in between 5 to 6th. the possibility of being 6th much stronger. if we compare their life and actions to those we know to be from 4d (mother theresa, st augustine), the difference presents itself.
strong ability to communicate well and clear and inspire indicates strong blue ray activity. visionary, uniting, empowering features indicate 6th ray activity. (actually there are a lot more features). principles of freedom, equality, respect and more.
a similar parallel can be drawn with Frankie d Roosevelt. he also didnt meet aggression and violence with roses in his arms.
That doesn't necessarily mean that they thought violence was optimal or even acceptable. We know from Q'uo (see this session) that dependence on violence as a means of resolving conflict is a key element to the low/slow progress here, ie. an acceptance of violence is keeping people from becoming harvestable.
Thus, my interpretation of those Wanderers' willingness to utilize violence is that they did so because they had a long-term vision, and the long-term vision was more important than short-term goals like feeding the poor, as a 4D Wanderer like Mother Theresa focused on. (I think we agree on this.) Both goals are noble, but a statesman like Jefferson or Franklin incarnated for a very specific purpose. The fact that they utilized violence to achieve that purpose was an indication of just how violent our culture was, ie. violence was necessary because of circumstances, not because it was ideal.
The fact that they were able to do whatever was necessary to accomplish bigger, grander, long-term goals like instituting ideals of freedom, is a testament to their higher-density wisdom. I agree on this point, but wished to clarify that this doesn't necessarily indicate that violence is to be embraced. I'm certain that, had it been possible to accomplish their goals without violence, they would have.
(06-23-2010, 10:39 AM)unity100 Wrote: actually i would venture as far to say that, any thought/ideology/religion out of that particular zone - caanan/middle east. orion group have done some work there for some time.
Agreed. The Abrahamic religions all have common roots. Likewise, those of Eastern influences, or any other, may have different conditioning. We all have some sort of conditioning, to some degree or another, and are in the process of shedding that conditioning.
I remember when I first realized, on my own, that the Bible had negative stuff in it. Then I read the Law of One, and was astounded to learn about the basis for my conclusions (the Orion influence). Had I read that a few years earlier, I would have cast it aside.