A very eloquent (and relevant) message GLB, thank you. If you're anything like me, that would have taken quite a while to construct. I will add openly and honestly that in my personal opinion, some of unity's writings contain language and structure that give hints to frustration/impatience/attachment. (Edit: this is an observation, not a form of judgment.) Some points I have made seem to be ignored then echoed back in another form. How we, as members, react to our own projections, are our own issues or non-issues :¬)
Unity, had some time to read more of your post, very busy at the moment so will most likely reply one bit at a time, over time.
Agreed on both points. I do not recall anyone labelling intellect with negative. It is also not necessary to show love to one another in forums, however, it's quite apt for one such as this, and hence will be expressed openly.
This is stated exactly by Ra, one must never force their views onto another. This is also a general 'law' throughout many 'New Age' philosophies.
Entirely true, and something that GLB has re-iterated. This statement can be applied to yourself too, brother, as others are trying to offer you their wisdom, just as you are to them, in which is not given acceptance or love. Wisdom/knowledge/everything in this universe is subjective, and means different things to different people. All is equal.
One must also remember, as Ali mentioned, the world is a mirror. If you find yourself receiving this kind of response, sit back and think why. You are responsible for your universe - no one else. It also speaks volumes.
I did say I wasn't going to continue this train of thought, but a question would help us (and others) understand each other better. Can you clarify whether my assumption of your definition of wisdom is this please? Information learned from sources, about, or describing higher density lessons or messages. In such, do you consider information about energy rays, healing, pyramids, to be higher density wisdom?
It does, and as I have mentioned, it has helped me also.
This is the exact notion I was trying to put forward, brother. As we progress through fourth density, the past and the future will become less apparent. The words 'progress' and 'less apparent' were intended to indicate a gradual change.
May I suggest brother, that you give my (and others) comments a little bit more time/consideration before responding, as it seems some points are being missed and then re-iterated in the form of being corrected.
Agreed entirely. There is only the eternal now, the past and future do not actually exist, only our perception of them - 'time' (which is used linearly over space). This will flip (time/space) more and more as we progress, with fourth density being the point of the change.
Not sure about this, I do not recall a specific Ra quote mentioning it. A couple of other sources I trust have hinted towards late 4D and 5D being timeless. This is an area in which I try to refrain forming too crystalised an opinion on until I have experienced it, or had a download/realisation regarding it, myself.
Also agreed. To help clear up my perception, I think of the physical mind as the ego personality we have in 3D in which to survive and operate in this density, and hence limited to, and built for, that purpose. This does not mean our entire mind is limited, as when one functions with a whole Mind, they trust intuition, imagination, and act upon realisations and synchronicity (all aspets of the higher mind). This is my personal viewpoint.
This does not imply that operating from the heart is not part of the plan. This implies that they focused on a specific function. Here are some Q'uo quotes to give you something to consider about the lessons of love in this density.
A very profound quote, which was the basis for my signature :¬)
Another favourite:
This is probably the most inspirational quote for me, so wonderful.
All are from this page on L/L Research. I recommend that all reading this re-read and bookmark it, as it has proven invaluable to me for continued inspiration.
I have to get on now, and will reply to more as time permits.
Unity, had some time to read more of your post, very busy at the moment so will most likely reply one bit at a time, over time.
(06-22-2010, 01:49 PM)unity100 Wrote: - intellectual does NOT mean 'negative'. wisdom is NOT negative.
- you dont have to blurt out feelings of love and make declarations of love, to love.
Agreed on both points. I do not recall anyone labelling intellect with negative. It is also not necessary to show love to one another in forums, however, it's quite apt for one such as this, and hence will be expressed openly.
Quote:- if i actually talk like i normally do, i become VERY persuasive. persuasion is sometimes as infringing as an intervention. the stand offish attitude and presentation of logical and sideless arguments are of utmost necessity for avoiding infringements.
This is stated exactly by Ra, one must never force their views onto another. This is also a general 'law' throughout many 'New Age' philosophies.
Quote:- in an environment of love, noone offering words of wisdom in any way would be met and get subjected to such negativity and aggressive treatment. love goes to the extent of even accepting and embracing the outright self serving. which is actually wrong, but it does. yet, some people who are supposedly talking in the name of love, are unable to accept even someone that is offering wisdom with an open heart, and get aggravated and insulting despite the party in front of them never resorts to anything other than logical arguments. which tells volumes.
Entirely true, and something that GLB has re-iterated. This statement can be applied to yourself too, brother, as others are trying to offer you their wisdom, just as you are to them, in which is not given acceptance or love. Wisdom/knowledge/everything in this universe is subjective, and means different things to different people. All is equal.
One must also remember, as Ali mentioned, the world is a mirror. If you find yourself receiving this kind of response, sit back and think why. You are responsible for your universe - no one else. It also speaks volumes.
Quote:however ironically, i actually know that one can not even start to tell about wisdom to entities who are of love vibration. i had enough of that experience in the past. but, there are many people who are reading the forums, but not participating. it is important to voice some important points in that respect, lest those who are able, but yet newly initiated, may err in their path.
I did say I wasn't going to continue this train of thought, but a question would help us (and others) understand each other better. Can you clarify whether my assumption of your definition of wisdom is this please? Information learned from sources, about, or describing higher density lessons or messages. In such, do you consider information about energy rays, healing, pyramids, to be higher density wisdom?
Quote:one great benefit though - while discussing these and responding, i have realized that i was aware of many stuff that i didnt know i was aware of. typing things into words or telling others, makes a lot of difference.
It does, and as I have mentioned, it has helped me also.
Quote:notice, you are saying it yourself - 'fourth density and onwards' and 'As we progress we will experience the 'now', as that is all there is, but the past and the future will become less apparent'.
it is a gradual process. not instant. thoughts start to become 'things' in early 4d, and the 'time/spaceization', 'astralization' increases as the densities progress. timelessness increase. that goes on until late 7. it doesnt outright become a timeless place at the start of 4d.
This is the exact notion I was trying to put forward, brother. As we progress through fourth density, the past and the future will become less apparent. The words 'progress' and 'less apparent' were intended to indicate a gradual change.
May I suggest brother, that you give my (and others) comments a little bit more time/consideration before responding, as it seems some points are being missed and then re-iterated in the form of being corrected.
Quote:if, you consider that, and also consider that it is possible to even see the future or past, in time space of 3d, in dreams or other phenomenon. since you actually can remember some of these in your 3d conscious form, that means that in a given moment that you saw the future or past in time space, you actually were in 3d vibration, thus, it will mean in the end that there ALSO is timelessness in 3d, but, this timelesness is very limited.
Agreed entirely. There is only the eternal now, the past and future do not actually exist, only our perception of them - 'time' (which is used linearly over space). This will flip (time/space) more and more as we progress, with fourth density being the point of the change.
Quote:therefore, we are never in a truly timeless state, until we reach late 7d. it is a concept that is valid in our future. not our current place in space/time and time/space fabric.
Not sure about this, I do not recall a specific Ra quote mentioning it. A couple of other sources I trust have hinted towards late 4D and 5D being timeless. This is an area in which I try to refrain forming too crystalised an opinion on until I have experienced it, or had a download/realisation regarding it, myself.
Quote:you can be tied to a 3d body, yet your mind still can wander off in far galaxies. you can be tied to a 3d body, yet your spirit can still function in the infinity itself. BODY will not be able to manifest any higher density thoughts or feelings, or sometimes it can hurt, due to the side effects of such high density work.
Also agreed. To help clear up my perception, I think of the physical mind as the ego personality we have in 3D in which to survive and operate in this density, and hence limited to, and built for, that purpose. This does not mean our entire mind is limited, as when one functions with a whole Mind, they trust intuition, imagination, and act upon realisations and synchronicity (all aspets of the higher mind). This is my personal viewpoint.
Quote:Quote:Agreed, Wanderers may indeed have a special purpose. I do recall a quote stating that living in love and peace was general to all Wanderers. I will try and find it.
no sir, wrong. two outright examples; thomas jefferson, benjamin franklin. they didnt live in love and peace. they didnt respond to everything with love. they actually staged a revolution, and participated in starting and concluding an armed conflict. their mission was probably to contribute/effect the establishment of a more freedom centered societal structure free of chains. so far, they succeeded in their lifetime.
This does not imply that operating from the heart is not part of the plan. This implies that they focused on a specific function. Here are some Q'uo quotes to give you something to consider about the lessons of love in this density.
A very profound quote, which was the basis for my signature :¬)
Quote:...but it is just as important to share it in a way that expresses the quality of the open and flowing heart that is grounded in trust and shaped to express that love which flows through the instrument of the human body, mind and spirit in an infinite supply at all times. This is the heart of the mission shared by all those who are awakening upon planet Earth at this time.
Quote:Another aspect of being a wanderer, which is common to those from elsewhere and to those who are native to the Earth sphere, is the enormous yearning to serve. And we say to each that the main service of each of you is the service of being yourself. For when you are most truly and deeply yourself, when your heart is open and vibrating in its fullness, you become a crystal capable of receiving energy, transmuting energy and releasing energy into the Earth’s sphere. Many of you from other planets have come here specifically to do this. It is a simple process. You breathe in. You breathe out. You allow the truth to flow through you. You allow the infinite supply of energy that is the love of the Creator to flow through your energetic system and out into the Earth planes, and as you bless this process, encourage it, you intensify and enhance those vibrations that move into the Earth plane
Quote:For truly we say to you, to the best of our knowledge, each has a destiny. Each has a mission. Each has come into incarnation with gifts to share, with a mission to fulfill, a service to do, and with learning to accomplish. The learning is always about love. The serving is always about trusting in the rightness of the moment.
Another favourite:
Quote:You see, it is the love with which you do things that radiates; it is not the things that you do. Among your peoples this has been much misunderstood, for people look to see if there is some service that can be their spiritual gift to the world. They are looking for a dramatic role to play, to teach or to heal or to prophesy. And yet these things are forever secondary to the primary mission of each of you upon this particular planet in this particular density at this time. The mission before each of you is simply to address all of that which comes to you with an open heart, just that.
This is probably the most inspirational quote for me, so wonderful.
Quote:You came among these entities of flesh and bone. You took that flesh upon yourself and buried yourself in a world of shadows because you wished to make a difference. You heard the sorrow of those who dwell with you now. And you wished to stand among them as a witness and as one who was a channel for love. This is your great chance. These are the days you hoped and prepared for, and now the time is upon you, and how quickly, my friends, it is going. Is it not?
All are from this page on L/L Research. I recommend that all reading this re-read and bookmark it, as it has proven invaluable to me for continued inspiration.
I have to get on now, and will reply to more as time permits.