06-21-2010, 09:52 PM
Peace, brothers.
Such discord among such loving beings saddens me. Surely we can disagree more harmoniously?
...One free joke goes to the first person who posts one of these:
Collect via PM or Public Post, at peacemaker's option.
Love to all
P.S. Right on, P.
Such discord among such loving beings saddens me. Surely we can disagree more harmoniously?
...One free joke goes to the first person who posts one of these:
Collect via PM or Public Post, at peacemaker's option.
Love to all
(06-21-2010, 02:12 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: We do, though, refrain from harsh or judgmental words about anyone here on this forum. This is a place of love and light, a place like no other on the interweb.
P.S. Right on, P.