(06-21-2010, 09:38 AM)unity100 Wrote: loving and accepting does not mean letting go of wisdom, which is also a fundamental aspect of existence, and a prerequisite for any existence past 4d.
Good point!
(06-21-2010, 10:44 AM)Namaste Wrote:unity100 Wrote:loving and accepting does not mean letting go of wisdom, which is also a fundamental aspect of existence, and a prerequisite for any existence past 4d
That's exactly what we do, brother. When we incarnate in third density - the 'contract' of forgetfulness is honoured as to provide us with a catalyst-based learning experience in this density. The veil is in place. Wisdom is not the purpose/lesson of this density, do not trick yourself into thinking otherwise, as you are likely to miss the lessons that this density offers.
How do we know that Wanderers aren't learning 5D lessons while on their mission to be of service in 3D? How can we assume that Wanderers are limited to exactly the same types of lessons as 3D entities?
If Wanderers volunteered to raise the vibration of 3D Earth, how could they do that if they totally discarded everything they've learned in the higher densities? If they did that, wouldn't they just be like everyone else and therefore accomplish nothing?
Interestingly, I've heard David Wilcock himself state that Wanderers may be learning 5D lessons while here in 3D.
Folks, I'm trying to be objective here, but I'm detecting a lot more judgement directed towards unity than the other way around.
I personally have been enjoying his posts and have found them very thought-provoking. We don't all like everyone else's opinions or even personalities, but that is no reason to directly confront another member. I ask everyone again to please remember that we all have personalities, and please not let a perceived tone or personality we might find not to our liking, get in the way of understanding and appreciating the thoughts and opinions of the other-self.
I think it's also important to make a distinction between dispassionately assessing the work of a famous person, and offering reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with the validity of that work, vs directly confronting another forum member with unsolicited analyses of perceived personality flaws.
If personal attacks continue, this thread will be locked.