(06-21-2010, 01:01 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Really? Are you claiming to be free from misinterpretations, the only source in the universe of the truth happens to be in your mind?
There are two words for this attitude, arrogance and foolishness.
what is the meaning of this block even ?
you have asked a question, i answered no, i was not wrong in this matter, and i cited the reason.
i have gone through your post, and found it quite negative, despite accusing me of negativity itself. i will cease replying to you in this discussion too, as i have done in the last thread you have talked like this before.
Quote:Not true actually. It's been very clearly discussed by the cultures you name and by a lot more. The fact that you consider it vague means you don't get it.
But I'm sure that's impossible.
This is a major misrepresentation on your side. I won't go into it, experience proves there is no point.
Look up the words strawman fallacy.
you didnt provide any arguments causes or reasons. you talked round and shot broad. then you talk about strawmen. contradiction.
Quote:Wisdom to you seems understanding through ratio... Wisdom to me is understanding through all of the mechanisms of intelligence. Emotion, intellect, instinct, rationality, physical responses, genetic growth.
i didnt say the first, or actually posted anything that can be so grandly summarized as the first sentence at all. whereas in contrast, you have been totally refusing and even despising mind, and its usage, whereas now you have changed your approach to using intelligence for understanding everything, by employing all its mechanics. that is not only great progress but what i was trying to advocate up till this very point. therefore, i am satisfied.
Quote:So that we can go into another pointless argument?
There is no purpose to such a list. I recommend we do not go there. It will be a yes/no discussion with heightened emotions.
We'll leave it at how your words arrive with us. That is you do not listen. You are blind to things that are clear to us. You may assume now we're all a bunch of morons who don't understand your peaking intelligence. You'd be projecting your own preconceptions unto us.
The truth is WE heard it all before.
i dont see any emotions on my side, however, if you go over your post again and see how you made grand conclusions from a single word 'no', and the following emotion you conveyed over that single word, you will see a lot on the other side.
this is one of the reasons i will stop replying to you again.
Quote:You seem to have come here to tell us how Ra thinks. You versus the world. Where is the unity? You call yourself unity, but the result of presence is disharmony. It seems to me you clearly WANT to learn about unity. You're saying it in a language you don't even believe exists...
But doing so at some point demands that you shut up and listen and stop assuming you already know everything.
im not telling how Ra thinks. i am telling what Ra said, and in all occasions i did as such, i have given links to lawofone info, the great searchable repository, ir provided the direct quotes themselves.
there are only a few i didnt directly quote, but, these are the ones which i think everyone who studied these books will remember easily by their memory, not needing any link or requote.
Quote:But doing so at some point demands that you shut up and listen and stop assuming you already know everything.
I am sorry for being this rough on you. I have a feeling the world is doing the same.
ironically you were talking about love.
and on the 'knowing everything' note, its simple :
im not talking about football, or advanced cyclotron mechanics. im not talking about events to happen in 2 octaves higher than this either.
i am talking about certain identifiable issues, which have been given to us as open, clear, direct information by various reliable sources. and, in all cases i have talked on these, i have given their direct quotes or links, from Ra, or quo. or any other source i have talked about. i did not speak out of my arse, as the oldtimers say. what i said, were not my conceit. if you have a problem with those, im not the person to take up these with. the quotes are given, you go and confront the sources.
as i said, i wont be replying to you again in this matter. it is curious that you have decided to ignore me last time you did this, but apparently you didnt do so. maybe, you should do as such. have a nice day.
(06-21-2010, 01:06 PM)haqiqu Wrote: Thanks, Ali, and amen and amen and amen again.
let me clear one thing :
you have accused me of negative emotions, aggressivenes, arrogance and and lack of love and whatnot, yet, you are not only approving, but thanking, saying 'amen' multiple times to a person who used extensive personal attacks, and admittedly negative language and approach on another individual ? and there is even a heart in your post ? what kind of love is that ?