(06-21-2010, 11:43 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Unity, is there a possibility that you're really not seeing something that other people here are seeing? Something that you've been told on numerous occasions, yet that you keep rejecting?
no ; notice that how the people who are telling me what you speak of in numerous occasions are all people who have extensive amounts of love in their approaches. love, is not wisdom.
moreover, there is also the 'eastern wisdom' confusion issue. all the ancient tales of wisdom from ancient greece, and ancient east mystifies and abstracts wisdom as if something that was mystic itself. maybe probably due to some contempt to the western scholastic science establishment and all its affects that outcasts spiritualism in every respect, this confusion gets further accentuated and also gets accompanied by a disdain for intelligence, intellect, and their abstraction from wisdom in many contemporary spiritual seekers. despite they may have a point in disdaining the extreme hostility of western science towards spirituality, equating a tool, a manifestation of wisdom with that hostility and ousting it is very wrong.
moreover, if you examine the tales and teachings of ancient wisdom, it comes out that they are basically small excerpts, short tales that intend to teach the dance of life. behavior of entities, actions and consequences, causes and reactions. because wisdom, when employed to learn the dance of life, existence, becomes a very powerful tool that can explain or solve or identify complex looking, impossible and unintelligible looking chaotic behavioral patterns and social life, it further looks very 'mystic' to the observer.
however it is dead simple. wisdom is understanding of the dance. the dance can be how photons place themselves when subjected to a magnetic field, or it can be how an angry possessive spouse reacts to certain occurrences.
basically it is the understanding of 'placement of entities in respect to each other' in the most highest sense. placement of entities and the change of the placement in between them is the physical existence and the dance that occurs. not surprisingly they also have metaphysical counterparts in time/space. that is why, the physical existence can be used to learn time/space.
(06-21-2010, 12:10 PM)solitary Wrote: And amen to you, Ali. If Unity could manifest a little more love and a little less negative verbiage, his words of wisdom might be a little more palatable and taken a little more seriously. He just seems so angry and anxious to ridicule others. It's a shame.
i would like to be given a list of the 'negative verbiage', and the lines reeking of 'anger' and 'ridiculing' others, in my posts. please do provide me such a list to enlighten me.
someone not putting an 'and i love you brother' phrase into every other post does not mean that that person does not have love.