06-17-2014, 01:23 PM
(06-05-2014, 10:16 PM)third-density-being Wrote: - the conclusion is that I am supported by my mind as long as I'm staying in his rational cage. Any attempts of leaving the mind-cage results in "guardian becoming the attacker". His attack are pointed not directly at me but at any "grounds of understanding" that are being build beside/outside him/of him.
Howdy Third-Density Being,
"Mind cage", I like that and resonate with that term, deeply. I see how you describe, and experience, both the strength and the weakness of the rational mind.
The single means I know of transcending the limitations of the mind - in a way that gains the support and assent of the mind - is time spent in silence.
Here is a thought from Ramana Maharshi, first, a couple of explanations about his terminology:
He uses the word "ego" in a way that I find appropriate, and that I think Ra would endorse, that is, "ego" as the separate self, the individual "I", the big fiction.
Also, elsewhere, and in multiple instances, Ramana says that "Guru" isn't, ultimately, an entity outside of you. It is the deepest you.
He says: "The ego is a very powerful elephant and cannot be brought under control by anyone less than a lion, who is no other than the Guru in this instance; whose very look makes the elephant tremble and die."
He intends the Guru here as total, one-pointed contemplation and absorption. *That* causes the seemingly powerful and unruly "ego" (i.e., the mind of the separate self) to see its subservience (so to speak) to that which is beyond the mind.
Also, caffeine helps.

(06-05-2014, 10:16 PM)third-density-being Wrote: I agree for the most part. I personally would not be so cruel for the Mind. After all, in the end, it is thanks to him We are all here. Mind allowed us to understad Ra's Teachings.
Agreed and well put. Like Ra says, "Were there no potentials for misunderstanding and, therefore, understanding, there would be no experience."
(06-05-2014, 10:16 PM)third-density-being Wrote: ...even my body can be much faster re-shaped with my Will than my mind complex.
(06-05-2014, 10:16 PM)third-density-being Wrote: In case of rational/of-this-reality experience, my mind is a semi-god and Archive Keeper. But in Spiritual/beyond-material-vehicle-five-senses-detection-ability he's like a turtle wondering on the beach of my experience.
I know that we are using shorthand, that is, cramming a lot of variety into very simple and general concepts. So we don't cover all the nuances. But the shorthand is still helpful.
That said, I think you are totally right. The "mind" (at least how it's generally used) thinks that it runs the show and is in control.
But when one zooms out to the Big Picture, the mind is the tiniest tiny bubble on an inconceivably vast, bound-less ocean of intelligence and identity.
(06-05-2014, 10:16 PM)third-density-being Wrote: When You look at it logically, it is very odd. If We were only our minds and body, than We would only be able to "generate" needs/desires of those two natures. But I have a longing to Higher aspects of Being that I'm surrounded with. I'm not sure if this sentence express what I wanted to Share. I'm often looking in/at the sky - during the day and at nights. I was doing so from my early years and I was always absolutely fascinated with what I was feeling while doing that.
Above all Beauty and overwhelming magnitude/hugeness. And I felt Good. I was never afraid of what may be out ther. I was always Dreaming of being able to go there, to "meet the Universe in person". It is my Dream to this day. But what I'm getting at is that when I'm lowering my eyes I',m back on the surface of this Planet with its reality. Those are moments when I realize how non-material longings I just had while with me eyes at the Universe/Sky. I'm sorry its beyond words. It's just it is the Universe that always reminds me that there's more than I can grasp with my five sences.
I understand that these things are difficult to articulate, especially in a second language, but I feel the beauty in what you write.
Though I cannot claim to understand completely, I believe that you highlight a basic dichotomy in spiritual seeking: cosmic feelings of wonder, peace, and truth one one hand; and the turbulent, painful, difficult, small "reality" in the social situation of planet Earth.
I think that the seeming "distance" between these two perspectives helps to create deep, existential pain for the wanderering soul. And this gap between the two perspectives also contributes to the feeling that the mind/body is a prison.
But the beauty of spiritual teaching is that *exactly* this material that seems to torture and imprison us is that which can be *used* for liberation and evolution. None of the hard catalyst is designed to trap us, but rather, teach us.
Not so easy, though. I know. I empathize with your feelings.
(06-05-2014, 10:16 PM)third-density-being Wrote: During the sessions Ra was literally "creating concepts/terms" for understanding based on mind. But still all those labels are simplification due to our limited language/way of communicating. Therefore each word of Ra, each sentence may be and should be understood in many different ways/on many different levels. He's describing something ungraspable for us. But he tries to do it in category/with simplificators that allowing Us to understand in possible to Us, flawed way.
You know, you're right. Like Newton devising calculus - that is, a new language of abstract symbols and formula to intellectually grasp and manipulate nature's *already existing* processes and intelligence - Ra created (or refined existing) terminology to help them convey a very precise message that would be accessible to the mind.
BUT, they did not intend to reduce the universe to these concepts. Rather, they intended these concepts to become clear, strong, relatively undistorted bridges into the unknown, into the mystery.
(06-05-2014, 10:16 PM)third-density-being Wrote: In other words it's not actual image of how things really are "out there, beyond material realm", but a simplification of this image which We are able to understand. When I understood that, my mind starts to offer me a multi-dimentional understanding/interpretations of Ra's Teachings - and he keeps doing so
Yes! It is quite the revelation when you realize that generally what we are working with (*especially with language*) are symbols for the unknown. Symbols that helps us to translate the mystery, and make some sense of it, and provide some context for our experience.
It is also interesting to see that language is a symbol, just like the content of dreams are symbols, but even in the waking reality, "people" are symbols for the divine, with varying depths of distortion.
One way of viewing the difficulty of the third-density experience is to understand that these symbols have, for the most part, all become opaque to the One.
(06-05-2014, 10:16 PM)third-density-being Wrote: Firstly idea of "awareness withnessing the mind" is very interesting. It's helpful in better understandig/loking at/searching essence of Self (to "grasp" what it really is).
I think it's helpful to generate that understanding that you are not your thoughts. You have thoughts, of course, but you are not your thoughts. You are better understood as the awareness behind the thoughts. You are the knowing. You are the seeing. You are not the contents of consciousness, but the unqualifiable consciousness itself. You cannot be turned into an object, because you are that which is aware of objects.
It's finding what's permanent and unchanging "underneath" the marching swirl of identity patterns in time and space.
And on the mystical seeking goes until there is no longer subject/object duality as all is again experienced as One without reference to a separate self "in here".
(06-05-2014, 10:16 PM)third-density-being Wrote: Do I meditate? What I am doing is while laying every night before sleep, Im closing my eyes and focusing on my breath. At first my thougts are going crazy - I'm giving them some time to goof around but at some point I try to dismiss them. When I am able to hold my attention on the breath for at lest 10-20 breaths, I start to "listening Self" - it's quite passive activity - it's like focusing Your attention on boundlessness of Self i this state - state of inner Silence.
Since I do not check time I'm not sure how long it takes, but I think it's approximately 15-20 minuts every evening/night.
I try most often to do that before drifting off to bed as well. "Listening to the Self", in a sort of passive, observing way, is congruent with my own understanding. I like that, "listening to the self".
(06-05-2014, 10:16 PM)third-density-being Wrote: Regarding decision making process. When I use my mind, I almost always "know" what "should be". But when I'm trying to use my Heart without Mind, I want to offer what I have best to Others, I want to Open Self for Them, to Share all I have, to support, to Know everyone/everybody, etc. It's extremely naive and self-destructive. Without mind I would not survive here, in this reality.
What do you mean by "When I use my mind, I almost always 'know' what 'should' be"?
Are you saying that the green-ray tendencies within you would give yourself to others without reservation, thereby unwisely expending your energy and failing to take care of your own needs?
(06-05-2014, 10:16 PM)third-density-being Wrote: Not only diurnal cycle, but our life span as well - Ra said that usual time-frame for one third density incarnation is one thousand (1000) years. We have a vibratory mess for a long time and Ours were reduced substantially.
Yes, my friend the Chinese translator of the Law of One remarked recently at the humor of the paradox that in a universe of timelessness and eternity, we seem to have so little time.

(06-05-2014, 10:16 PM)third-density-being Wrote: This time I wanted to offer You my Utmost in my answer. In time I'm sure my "utmost" will be larger/deeper/more thoughtful. Please be patient with me
Are you kidding? You think and write excellently, *especially* as English isn't your native language. In this density I don't think that the incarnate self can ever have a total, complete transmission between one m/b/s complex to another. (Perhaps this is the violet-ray energy transfer Ra hinted at?) But for even the partial picture you've been able to paint with your words, it is an enlightening one.
With love/light,
Explanation by the tongue makes most things clear, but love unexplained is clearer. - Rumi