06-05-2014, 10:16 PM
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: Hey Simon,
I have to write that it is a pleasure to read Your posts. I see that we have a lot in common in terms of "burden of the mind". It really feels Great do be understood.
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: You probably didn't intend this to be funny, but I got a good chuckle out of your description of the mind in these terms.
No I did not intended to be, but it is paradoxical and in consequence funny
When I try to combine those two points regarding duality of the mind function/role:
Quote:1. He is my Supporter/Ally that did MUCH for me and still allows me to function with acceptable efficiency in this reality.- the conclusion is that I am supported by my mind as long as I'm staying in his rational cage. Any attempts of leaving the mind-cage results in "guardian becoming the attacker". His attack are pointed not directly at me but at any "grounds of understanding" that are being build beside/outside him/of him.
2. He is a Beast that imprison me long time ago and do what's in his power to pull me back to the cage from which I started to leave.
In other words help/support of my mind is conditional - same as his acceptance of my Self.
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: Ra says somewhere that the bulk of our work lies within the mind complex. I agree. If you can isolate one of the three complexes, the mind seems to be the basic source of our agony, suffering, the separate self, and, conversely, the mechanism through which the end to illusion is sought.
It is a powerful thing, the mind . And many, many times I, like you, have felt it to be an imprisoning influence. A burden. A creator of an inner environment of pain.
I agree for the most part. I personally would not be so cruel for the Mind. After all, in the end, it is thanks to him We are all here. Mind allowed us to understad Ra's Teachings. Even now, when We feel our Spiritual sides, it is our minds whom allowing Us to understand in ways foreign to them before. They're evolving with us, but not at high rate. Mind is the slowest one (at least in my case) - even my body can be much faster re-shaped with my Will than my mind complex.
In case of rational/of-this-reality experience, my mind is a semi-god and Archive Keeper. But in Spiritual/beyond-material-vehicle-five-senses-detection-ability he's like a turtle wondering on the beach of my experience.
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: The undisciplined mind can be our worst "enemy", so to speak. (I know that the word doesn't ultimately apply, but it has does have limited application.)
Yes, undisciplined mind is a Self-hurting instrument/part-of-Self.
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: I think I grok what you're saying.
I have sort of stood back and watched the circus of the mind. I have marveled that this is me, this is happening in me, but that I seem to have little control over, or mastery of, this machine.
How odd a situation that "I" am at the mercy of my own mind. How odd that to make changes in consciousness, so much intensive work of knowing/accepting/balancing is required - I cannot just send an order down the hatch (..)
Heh, I also wish it would work that way.
When You look at it logically, it is very odd. If We were only our minds and body, than We would only be able to "generate" needs/desires of those two natures. But I have a longing to Higher aspects of Being that I'm surrounded with. I'm not sure if this sentence express what I wanted to Share. I'm often looking in/at the sky - during the day and at nights. I was doing so from my early years and I was always absolutely fascinated with what I was feeling while doing that.
Above all Beauty and overwhelming magnitude/hugeness. And I felt Good. I was never afraid of what may be out ther. I was always Dreaming of being able to go there, to "meet the Universe in person". It is my Dream to this day. But what I'm getting at is that when I'm lowering my eyes I',m back on the surface of this Planet with its reality. Those are moments when I realize how non-material longings I just had while with me eyes at the Universe/Sky. I'm sorry its beyond words. It's just it is the Universe that always reminds me that there's more than I can grasp with my five sences.
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: The need for rational analysis, evidence, proof, intellectual grasping of a situation, etc., can be a strength and a weakness, I think.
As a strength, you may survey more of the landscape, you may examine catalyst more thoroughly and carefully, you may be less inclined to the "vagaries of intuition" and superstitious belief, you may (potentially) be free-er from past conditioning, etc.
As a weakness, you may overly identify with mental patterns, you may miss the opportunity of faith, you may be overly doubtful and unable to accept the mysterious nature of this experience.
Firstly very interesting term "mental patterns". It's reductive and therefore useful tool in objectivizing the mind.
Among strengths I also would put adaptive ability of the mind. For examply with each read of "The Law of One" I have deeper understanding of "The Whole" it is describing, and therefore my mind is working differently as at my first read for example.
Above all I keep in conscious mind that it is all a simplification. RA mentioned many times that it is hard for him to explain in our language, that some thing do not even has/have a name/label. During the sessions Ra was literally "creating concepts/terms" for understanding based on mind. But still all those labels are simplification due to our limited language/way of communicating. Therefore each word of Ra, each sentence may be and should be understood in many different ways/on many different levels. He's describing something ungraspable for us. But he tries to do it in category/with simplificators that allowing Us to understand in possible to Us, flawed way.
In other words it's not actual image of how things really are "out there, beyond material realm", but a simplification of this image which We are able to understand. When I understood that, my mind starts to offer me a multi-dimentional understanding/interpretations of Ra's Teachings - and he keeps doing so
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: Tolle equates mind with resistance. I don't think that is the totality of mind's function, but it tends to be the way mind is utilized on this planet.
I think that analytical analysis has its rightful place, but the highest function of the mind is to discipline a one-pointed focus, to be constantly recollected, to point the attention upon the present moment, and in that constancy of attention, to surrender, to accept, to create the space for the heart to shine.
Yes, mind has a power to focus the attention. But I think that he's also much more than that. He's Wisdom keeper in higher densities. Although I agree that our physical manifestation of the "mind" is quite crude.
RA said that all three aspect of Us - mind/body/spirit complex - are in fact three aspects of very same (ONE) "thing" - US - and consequently Infinite Creator. He said that there is process of integrating all those three aspects into One view of Self. But if I remember correctly it's not a third density work [Or is it? Maybe in some degree?]
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: The batting average of any student of the Law of One material who attempts to share it with others is very, very low. : ) This information seems to appeal to a very small demographic on this planet.
Well said about others not having the proper "categories/concepts/words to discuss about it". This information is so far outside the conceptual box within which most live that there is no frame of reference to process it, no context, no vocabulary.
Yes, and it is sad for me. I've heard once that when someone really understands something, he can express/describe it in very simple words/categories. And I think it is true. I'm convinced that when I'll gain deeper understanding of "The Law of One" I will be far more efficient in Sharing this Wisdom.
Also I do not believe that there are only "Us" and "Them". There's an infinite possibilities in between As was said everything has two or more sides. Not-understanding Us by Other-Selves may by caused also by Our impefect understanding and/or ability to express/Word it.
I also try to remember how I, myself process information that changes fundaments of my understanding. I need time to tame with it, I need space to reject, to disagree, even to ridicule. And I need time and non-judgement to be able to come back and try again.
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: I think that the path is a construction project, in a way; a "building a foundation". At the same time, i think, it is a process of subtraction in that you are not precisely gaining new abilities or new understanding or new growth, but are returning back to what you always have been, and already are right now, by un-doing the illusions that were superimposed over your original and true identity.
That was Beautiful. I wish one day I will be able to percive that way.
For now I'm still trapped in causality of this density and I do (in some cases even must) think in its categories.
From that perspective this Wisdom may be used for really evil purposes.
For exmaple its explaining what exacly "magic" is and shows what "inner work" is necessary for practicing it. But I guess everything at our "growth stadium" is of dual nature - even as Amazing Teachings as those Ra offered Us.
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: It sounds like you just need to trust your self. Your heart knows.
This is very difficult task for me. Nevertheless I do understand "Why" it's important and I am trying to do so.
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: Personally I've been struggling with the energies of self-doubt my entire life, though I didn't become conscious of it till adulthood and the onset of the spiritual path.
My doubt doesn't always express itself in logic, per se; sometimes it just an energetic contraction, a feeling that I have said something wrong, or done something wrong, or that I, myself, am just wrong, or out of place, or foolish, etc. It is an energetic negation in the inherent rightness of self.
But, doubt and fear are the two things that are burnt up in the light or increasing loving awareness and acceptance of self.
I liked "Inherent rightness of Seld" very much. Its truly surprising how Good One can Feel when is speaking/thinking of Self with Respect and Love. It "generates" Acceptance.
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: "Burden" and "prison" are two words I've applied to the experience of my own mind.
It does seem that way. And it is very real to the self that is more-or-less identified with the mind. BUT, there is a witnessing awareness within that *sees* the mind, but is not the mind. That witnessing awareness is you, and it is already free from the rough seas and tumultuous perturbations of the mind.
That witnessing awareness, i.e. who you are, is contacted through meditation.
I am curious, do you meditate, Simon?
Firstly idea of "awareness withnessing the mind" is very interesting. It's helpful in better understandig/loking at/searching essence of Self (to "grasp" what it really is).
Do I meditate? What I am doing is while laying every night before sleep, Im closing my eyes and focusing on my breath. At first my thougts are going crazy - I'm giving them some time to goof around but at some point I try to dismiss them. When I am able to hold my attention on the breath for at lest 10-20 breaths, I start to "listening Self" - it's quite passive activity - it's like focusing Your attention on boundlessness of Self i this state - state of inner Silence.
Since I do not check time I'm not sure how long it takes, but I think it's approximately 15-20 minuts every evening/night.
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: Oh, for sure! Knowing/accepting the self requires the utmost honesty with the self.
In terms of being comfortable with confusion, I have found it a massive stress reliever to learn to shrug my shoulders when I am dizzy from trying to make sense of the world, and to declare simply that "I do not know", and be okay with that, and even see the humor in it.
I think this opens the tight grip of tension in the mind to create a space wherein some clarity may shine into the situation. It is one of the paradoxes that we often find our way by letting go.
I'm trying to reach point when/where I will be able to shrug my shoulders in face of not-understanding. Currently may "need to understand" is full of Passion and it's not an easy task to restrain it. On the other hand as I wrote before I try not to "not-accept" Self and I'm continuously looking for way to accept/integrate All aspects of me (including the Mind and his needs).
I do have enormous sense of humor. I was intiqued when Ra called it "Law of Proportion" but He never got back to it. It is very helpful part of Self that allows to distance Our-Selves from the tension, as You wrote. I fully agree.
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: Rational thought is, by nature, dualistic. That is, thought-forms inherently attempt to divide a unified reality into illusory categories of this thing or that thing. Thought attempts to label an infinite reality using finite labels, partitioning that one reality into seeming "parts".
It has enormous value in this plane of existence, but it's limitations must be recognized. Like you are saying, ANY position has two sides, or more sides. The somewhat unbiased and somewhat open mind can see the validity of different positions, and from this vantage point NOT know *ultimately* which one is "right".
Do you have trouble with indecision? I know I have similar workings of the mind in that I can see the validity of multiple points of view, or the rightness of multiple personal decisions. This then creates for me a paralysis of indecision, at times, because I do not know what is "best"; I do not know what is the truest criteria with which to assess the situation some times.
I'm trying to apply my mind in my non-material work. It's very hard, but Ra gave Us concepts/categories and explained relations between them, so We do not have to resing from our Minds (part of Selves) to go/pursue this patch. And for that I am Eternally Grateful - without that I could never accept this Teachings.
Regarding decision making process. When I use my mind, I almost always "know" what "should be". But when I'm trying to use my Heart without Mind, I want to offer what I have best to Others, I want to Open Self for Them, to Share all I have, to support, to Know everyone/everybody, etc. It's extremely naive and self-destructive. Without mind I would not survive here, in this reality.
(06-05-2014, 10:44 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: lol. Yes. Ditto. It is unfortunate that the diurnal cycle of Earth is only 24 hours, and that we need roughly a third of that to sleep. Otherwise I would have more time for reading long writings (like my own).
Not only diurnal cycle, but our life span as well - RA said that usual time-frame for one third density incarnation is one thousand (1000) years. We have a vibratory mess for a long time and Ours were reduced substantially.
This time I wanted to offer You my Utmost in my answer. In time I'm sure my "utmost" will be larger/deeper/more thoughtful. Please be patient with me
Take Care