06-05-2014, 10:44 AM
Hey Simon,
You probably didn't intend this to be funny, but I got a good chuckle out of your description of the mind in these terms.
Ra says somewhere that the bulk of our work lies within the mind complex. I agree. If you can isolate one of the three complexes, the mind seems to be the basic source of our agony, suffering, the separate self, and, conversely, the mechanism through which the end to illusion is sought.
It is a powerful thing, the mind . And many, many times I, like you, have felt it to be an imprisoning influence. A burden. A creator of an inner environment of pain.
The undisciplined mind can be our worst "enemy", so to speak. (I know that the word doesn't ultimately apply, but it has does have limited application.)
I think I grok what you're saying.
I have sort of stood back and watched the circus of the mind. I have marveled that this is me, this is happening in me, but that I seem to have little control over, or mastery of, this machine.
How odd a situation that "I" am at the mercy of my own mind. How odd that to make changes in consciousness, so much intensive work of knowing/accepting/balancing is required - I cannot just send an order down the hatch that says, "OK, mind, that's enough with all the pain of living. That's enough with the knee-jerk reactions. Initiate program to be perfectly love and always at ease no matter the circumstance. Also, be able to read whole books in five minutes and remember everything you read."
The need for rational analysis, evidence, proof, intellectual grasping of a situation, etc., can be a strength and a weakness, I think.
As a strength, you may survey more of the landscape, you may examine catalyst more thoroughly and carefully, you may be less inclined to the "vagaries of intuition" and superstitious belief, you may (potentially) be free-er from past conditioning, etc.
As a weakness, you may overly identify with mental patterns, you may miss the opportunity of faith, you may be overly doubtful and unable to accept the mysterious nature of this experience.
Tolle equates mind with resistance. I don't think that is the totality of mind's function, but it tends to be the way mind is utilized on this planet.
I think that analytical analysis has its rightful place, but the highest function of the mind is to discipline a one-pointed focus, to be constantly recollected, to point the attention upon the present moment, and in that constancy of attention, to surrender, to accept, to create the space for the heart to shine.
The batting average of any student of the Law of One material who attempts to share it with others is very, very low. : ) This information seems to appeal to a very small demographic on this planet.
Well said about others not having the proper "categories/concepts/words to discuss about it". This information is so far outside the conceptual box within which most live that there is no frame of reference to process it, no context, no vocabulary.
I think that the path is a construction project, in a way; a "building a foundation". At the same time, i think, it is a process of subtraction in that you are not precisely gaining new abilities or new understanding or new growth, but are returning back to what you always have been, and already are right now, by un-doing the illusions that were superimposed over your original and true identity.
It sounds like you just need to trust your self. Your heart knows.
Personally I've been struggling with the energies of self-doubt my entire life, though I didn't become conscious of it till adulthood and the onset of the spiritual path.
My doubt doesn't always express itself in logic, per se; sometimes it just an energetic contraction, a feeling that I have said something wrong, or done something wrong, or that I, myself, am just wrong, or out of place, or foolish, etc. It is an energetic negation in the inherent rightness of self.
But, doubt and fear are the two things that are burnt up in the light or increasing loving awareness and acceptance of self.
"Burden" and "prison" are two words I've applied to the experience of my own mind.
It does seem that way. And it is very real to the self that is more-or-less identified with the mind. BUT, there is a witnessing awareness within that *sees* the mind, but is not the mind. That witnessing awareness is you, and it is already free from the rough seas and tumultuous perturbations of the mind.
That witnessing awareness, i.e. who you are, is contacted through meditation.
I am curious, do you meditate, Simon?
Oh, for sure! Knowing/accepting the self requires the utmost honesty with the self.
In terms of being comfortable with confusion, I have found it a massive stress reliever to learn to shrug my shoulders when I am dizzy from trying to make sense of the world, and to declare simply that "I do not know", and be okay with that, and even see the humor in it.
I think this opens the tight grip of tension in the mind to create a space wherein some clarity may shine into the situation. It is one of the paradoxes that we often find our way by letting go.
Rational thought is, by nature, dualistic. That is, thought-forms inherently attempt to divide a unified reality into illusory categories of this thing or that thing. Thought attempts to label an infinite reality using finite labels, partitioning that one reality into seeming "parts".
It has enormous value in this plane of existence, but it's limitations must be recognized. Like you are saying, ANY position has two sides, or more sides. The somewhat unbiased and somewhat open mind can see the validity of different positions, and from this vantage point NOT know *ultimately* which one is "right".
Do you have trouble with indecision? I know I have similar workings of the mind in that I can see the validity of multiple points of view, or the rightness of multiple personal decisions. This then creates for me a paralysis of indecision, at times, because I do not know what is "best"; I do not know what is the truest criteria with which to assess the situation some times.
lol. Yes. Ditto. It is unfortunate that the diurnal cycle of Earth is only 24 hours, and that we need roughly a third of that to sleep. Otherwise I would have more time for reading long writings (like my own).
Lots of love/light to you,
(06-03-2014, 10:22 PM)third-density-being Wrote: My mind is very intense part of myself and its role is somewhat dual:
1. He is my Supporter/Ally that did MUCH for me and still allow me to function with acceptable efficiency in this reality.
2. He is a Beast that imprison me long time ago and do what's in his power to pull me back to the cage from which I started to leave.
You probably didn't intend this to be funny, but I got a good chuckle out of your description of the mind in these terms.
Ra says somewhere that the bulk of our work lies within the mind complex. I agree. If you can isolate one of the three complexes, the mind seems to be the basic source of our agony, suffering, the separate self, and, conversely, the mechanism through which the end to illusion is sought.
It is a powerful thing, the mind . And many, many times I, like you, have felt it to be an imprisoning influence. A burden. A creator of an inner environment of pain.
The undisciplined mind can be our worst "enemy", so to speak. (I know that the word doesn't ultimately apply, but it has does have limited application.)
(06-03-2014, 10:22 PM)third-density-being Wrote: I am torn apart despite all I;ve learned from Ra materials and despite my own feelings. I'm balancing between so many "things" in my mind that it's hard sometimes to keep this balance. I have days when I still say "no" to my non-rational part of Self. But it's like trying to cover the Sun and says "No, there's no Sun". It works only for short time and than You can see light breaking through the "veil of rational mind". Words cannot express this properly.
I think I grok what you're saying.
I have sort of stood back and watched the circus of the mind. I have marveled that this is me, this is happening in me, but that I seem to have little control over, or mastery of, this machine.
How odd a situation that "I" am at the mercy of my own mind. How odd that to make changes in consciousness, so much intensive work of knowing/accepting/balancing is required - I cannot just send an order down the hatch that says, "OK, mind, that's enough with all the pain of living. That's enough with the knee-jerk reactions. Initiate program to be perfectly love and always at ease no matter the circumstance. Also, be able to read whole books in five minutes and remember everything you read."
(06-03-2014, 10:22 PM)third-density-being Wrote: I cannot imagine "knowing" as "remembering" previous lifes. If I would actually "remember", that this life would be totally different for me. There would be no struggle as presently where my mind is still asking me "are you sure"? He demand from me proofs that my decisions/bahaviour is not harmful for myself. For my mind, if I'm making my decisions based on "non-existing" (for him), I can never make good/proper/efficient choices.
The need for rational analysis, evidence, proof, intellectual grasping of a situation, etc., can be a strength and a weakness, I think.
As a strength, you may survey more of the landscape, you may examine catalyst more thoroughly and carefully, you may be less inclined to the "vagaries of intuition" and superstitious belief, you may (potentially) be free-er from past conditioning, etc.
As a weakness, you may overly identify with mental patterns, you may miss the opportunity of faith, you may be overly doubtful and unable to accept the mysterious nature of this experience.
(06-03-2014, 10:22 PM)third-density-being Wrote: That is exactly what I was writing about. Reject/Ridicule are those strongest factors for one strong in mind.
Tolle equates mind with resistance. I don't think that is the totality of mind's function, but it tends to be the way mind is utilized on this planet.
I think that analytical analysis has its rightful place, but the highest function of the mind is to discipline a one-pointed focus, to be constantly recollected, to point the attention upon the present moment, and in that constancy of attention, to surrender, to accept, to create the space for the heart to shine.
(06-03-2014, 10:22 PM)third-density-being Wrote: I would like to share my understanding with so many Other-Selves. But I do know that most will not understand and wiil reject information/me before They will be able to see "bigger picture" - the "Whole" that emerges from "The Law of One" Teachings. I've tried this couple times on public forums (and I was scrupulous as always). Some found it fascinating and I gave them links to the source (L/L site). But most didn't have proper categories/concepts/Words to discuss about it. I was seen as "another crazy person" and at some point I resigned from sharing this Wisdom in such open way.
The batting average of any student of the Law of One material who attempts to share it with others is very, very low. : ) This information seems to appeal to a very small demographic on this planet.
Well said about others not having the proper "categories/concepts/words to discuss about it". This information is so far outside the conceptual box within which most live that there is no frame of reference to process it, no context, no vocabulary.
(06-03-2014, 10:22 PM)third-density-being Wrote: I agree that if One is gaining his understanding in stages/successively, its ground are very firm and it is beyond of "being convinced otherwise" by outer sources - it is building a foundation within Self.
I think that the path is a construction project, in a way; a "building a foundation". At the same time, i think, it is a process of subtraction in that you are not precisely gaining new abilities or new understanding or new growth, but are returning back to what you always have been, and already are right now, by un-doing the illusions that were superimposed over your original and true identity.
(06-03-2014, 10:22 PM)third-density-being Wrote: On the other hand it is claim based on a feelings that may be interpreted in various ways. Sometimes I'm afraid that I may be willing to accept Ra Wisdom because it is so hard for me to find my Self in this existence/reality. But this is my "mind speaking" - those are his ways of "getting me back" - by suggesting that I've accepted this Wisdom because of my dysfunctionality.
It sounds like you just need to trust your self. Your heart knows.
Personally I've been struggling with the energies of self-doubt my entire life, though I didn't become conscious of it till adulthood and the onset of the spiritual path.
My doubt doesn't always express itself in logic, per se; sometimes it just an energetic contraction, a feeling that I have said something wrong, or done something wrong, or that I, myself, am just wrong, or out of place, or foolish, etc. It is an energetic negation in the inherent rightness of self.
But, doubt and fear are the two things that are burnt up in the light or increasing loving awareness and acceptance of self.
(06-03-2014, 10:22 PM)third-density-being Wrote: Regardless If I am successful in that I always come back to this reality in this material vehicle which is my burden.
"Burden" and "prison" are two words I've applied to the experience of my own mind.
It does seem that way. And it is very real to the self that is more-or-less identified with the mind. BUT, there is a witnessing awareness within that *sees* the mind, but is not the mind. That witnessing awareness is you, and it is already free from the rough seas and tumultuous perturbations of the mind.
That witnessing awareness, i.e. who you are, is contacted through meditation.
I am curious, do you meditate, Simon?
(06-03-2014, 10:22 PM)third-density-being Wrote: I can't write that I am "comfortable" with being confused. That is reason why I am seeking. But I do not have problems with admitting that - it is Truth - and to lie to Self is extremely not wise.
Oh, for sure! Knowing/accepting the self requires the utmost honesty with the self.
In terms of being comfortable with confusion, I have found it a massive stress reliever to learn to shrug my shoulders when I am dizzy from trying to make sense of the world, and to declare simply that "I do not know", and be okay with that, and even see the humor in it.
I think this opens the tight grip of tension in the mind to create a space wherein some clarity may shine into the situation. It is one of the paradoxes that we often find our way by letting go.
(06-03-2014, 10:22 PM)third-density-being Wrote: The source of this desire to be "complete" may also come from the "mind". This is another example of how I cannot accept Self a Wanderer - I have always "another explanation" for any signs I can find in me.
Rational thought is, by nature, dualistic. That is, thought-forms inherently attempt to divide a unified reality into illusory categories of this thing or that thing. Thought attempts to label an infinite reality using finite labels, partitioning that one reality into seeming "parts".
It has enormous value in this plane of existence, but it's limitations must be recognized. Like you are saying, ANY position has two sides, or more sides. The somewhat unbiased and somewhat open mind can see the validity of different positions, and from this vantage point NOT know *ultimately* which one is "right".
Do you have trouble with indecision? I know I have similar workings of the mind in that I can see the validity of multiple points of view, or the rightness of multiple personal decisions. This then creates for me a paralysis of indecision, at times, because I do not know what is "best"; I do not know what is the truest criteria with which to assess the situation some times.
(06-03-2014, 10:22 PM)third-density-being Wrote: Many of my posts in many places are not read due to their lengths
lol. Yes. Ditto. It is unfortunate that the diurnal cycle of Earth is only 24 hours, and that we need roughly a third of that to sleep. Otherwise I would have more time for reading long writings (like my own).
Lots of love/light to you,
Explanation by the tongue makes most things clear, but love unexplained is clearer. - Rumi