06-05-2014, 06:02 AM
(06-04-2014, 01:07 AM)Lighthead Wrote: I think that what Ra means about the harvest being at approximately 2011 is that beings are no longer being born at that time that are exclusively 3rd density beings. As far as the entities that still remain that were born before that harvestable time, I'm not sure if there is some disaster that would eventually wipe them out. That remains to be seen.
But I believe that Ra means that at around that time only 3rd and 4th dual bodies are being born.
I believe that you are right. Once the clock strikes the hour, there will indeed be Harvest, and all third density entities will be harvested. First those who are not in incarnation. And then those who are in the incarnation, after they have passed into the larger life so to speak.
This must mean then that after the Harvest (*approximately* around 2011-ish, which is Venusian for "right on time"), there should be only those 3/4 dual activated entities who can be incarnated, which is what Ra referred to as the beginning of the transitional period.
Then when all third density entities who haven't made their choice are dead, there will be birth of fully activated 4 density bodies through bisexual reproduction, which will end this transitional period.
(Let me know if you want me to find quotes of this for further discussion.)
And here is the most interesting question, *if* everyone after this Harvest are only 3/4 dual activated:
(06-04-2014, 10:11 AM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: So you speculate that the information may be saying that all entities born around 2011 or thereafter are dual-activated?
I imagine that could be true, but, barring dramatic population decrease, that would mean there would need be an exact match between the number of dual-activated entities awaiting incarnation and present birth rates on Earth.
Also, if that were true, I would imagine it would precipitate rather sweeping changes in a short time, as a wholly dual-activated demographic of young people would be less likely to perpetuate the patterns of the past, and more likely to begin vibrating fourth-density consciousness.
For instance, would there be any child soldiers recruited into African war camps? Would there be less fighting at school and less need for disciplinary action? Would, with a mass of entities vibrating at this level, spoon-bending-esque events become much more common? Would, as this group matured past puberty, a great wave of creative output begin to make its mark? Would, then, the STS structures literally age into oblivion as there are no fresh recruits to fill their ranks and sustain the system?
I had these thoughts too, until I read the book by Dannion Brinkley called "Saved by the light". I believe that he is one of these dual activated entities. What happened to him is that he was working in war/military industry, but then was struck by the lightning, brought into the inner planes and taught how to build "healing centers", then brought back to life in order to begin this work. This is the short story of it. After reading this book, I believe that he is one of those dual activated entities who are here to do this 4D work which Ra mentioned. This work is considered to be a bit "crazy" of course by most third density people. This is so because the free will of third density needs to be preserved. So this progress has to be very slow as long as there are third density people here who have not yet made their choice.
But in order to answer your question, it is completely possible for 3/4 dual activated entities to live and work as any third density entity, unpolarized or maybe even a little bit in negative ways, but then maybe there will be a turning point, at which this entity will be taken in one way or another into inner planes, and then brought back in order to start their work.
Either way, this work needs to be done very slow as long as there are incarnated entities here who need to make their choice. So maybe most of these entities are just living simple lives where they are beaming their love without anyone ever even noticing them? But that's just my theory.