05-31-2014, 08:20 PM
(05-29-2014, 08:14 PM)third-density-being Wrote: Speaking (writing to be precise) about "balancing" - even though it is my third reading of "The Law of One" I still do not understand how can I balance my energy centers. I either missed this or didn't understood properly what is the process of balancing red-orange-yellow centers and that green-blue, which allows You to begin working in Indigo ray center.
I would be VERY grateful if You could share with me your understanding of this, since this is of most importance for me at this time.
Hi Simon,
from my understanding of things, the 7 energy centres represent 7 broad divisions of the 3d mind. So when one is working with the 'energy centres' one is using the self-reflective feature of the mind to examine itself.
The first three energy centres (red, orange, yellow) are space/time oriented (that is, they point towards the physical illusion), and deal primarily with the reality of living in a 3d body and trying to navigate concrete experience. Red is survival, orange is personal identity, and yellow is social relations.
In working with the first three energy centres we are dealing with the attitudes and belief patterns about our everyday life. When there are imbalances or blockages in these centres they will reveal themselves as catalyst; and catalyst is most often felt as 'resistance'; resistance being a sign of non-acceptance or non-flow of the experience. We can get plenty of feedback by just 'living life' and observing our emotional and mental reactions, which will point the way to deeper balance and the relieving of blockages.
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in working with the green and blue energy centres, the mind is beginning to receive inputs from the spirit, or from the time/space portion of third density. These inputs are more abstract and harder to pin down, but they point to the deeper nature of the self, and how it relates to a wider spectrum of the cosmos. Green is about universal acceptance, and Blue relates to being able to comprehend the nature of the self (the ability to understand and articulate).
again, the imbalances and blockages here will reveal themselves as catalyst.
Indigo Ray represents the creative function of the mind, and from that energy centre ideas and inspiration are born.
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I think the overall theme of what I have written is that catalyst offers the key to self-development, growth, and change.
in trying to work with the nebulous concept of 'catalyst', it is helpful to be able to at least figure out what type of catalyst it is; that is, does the catalyst relate to survival? or does it relate to social relations? or to universal acceptance?
once we are able to pin it down that far, we can then begin to ask further questions as to why we are resisting what the catalyst is pointing to.
in working with catalyst I've found that some tools/methods are quite reliable for me. These would include:
* having quiet/contemplation time each day to process the things that irritate/annoy/can't get out of my head
* giving yourself time each morning to process (write down and/or analyse) your dreams - as the unconscious can can give excellent indicators to the conscious mind.
* learn about projection/shadow work, to be able to reframe catalyst so that it points to yourself, rather than blaming outside circumstances/people
* be keenly aware when too much solitude is being sought; as the temptation to retreat is an easy choice when it is available. What exactly is 'too much solitude' will be different for each person, but I know for myself it was something that I 'indulged' in because I could. Living life with others is the ultimate way to receive feedback and to identify imbalance.
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to speak to your original point; balancing becomes a skillful practice, and as you come to understand and accept more portions of the self, the landscape of the energy centres becomes to be seen as a broad map, that you can work with more directly.
the desire to integrate and understand experience is the key thing I think.