05-30-2014, 06:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-30-2014, 07:34 PM by third-density-being.)
@reeay & @Ankh
Thank You for your replies and nice Welcome
I was asking for "how to know" if one is Wanderer, beacuse for many years I've perceived my own "openness", non-appreciating for matter and irrational amout of - as I'm calling it ' "faith in Others", as some kind of my own dysfuncton - maybe even mental illness. I've observed many very sophisticated Persons, who were able to master their own lifes and manipulate Others with great efficency. I'm surrounded by Peoples who perceive that kind of "skill" as sign of "desired power", as something worthy of jealousy (general in this direction of thinking/evaluating).
There were times when I've envied them their self-discipline over the emotions and being able to "cut-off" from negative feelings which may come to life because of bad-treating Others - at least I have a Great amount of negative feelings when I do that.
As my life goes and I've observed and compare my life with lifes of Peoples in same age as I were on each stage, I've found that thay were building their power and wealth, sometimes based on "using" Others - using not as helpers, but as tools - which means that the needs of used Person was not only not taken under consideration, but not even recognised/acknowledged.
I, on the other hand, was gratified more with positive I was bringing in Others life, than with material goods, of which I never did cared much. It's not that I cannot gain/gather wealth and simply be rich. I could, as I have all necessary tools to do that in this reality (education/non-shocking looks/Intelligence/way-with-people) - with proper motivation I may be really efficient in this direction. And thats the cornersotne of nature of my choices in life - I do not care for that. I do not perceive value in gaining/gathering things. And since I am a male living in big city it's especially visible. For instance I've never paid any attention to cars which my colleagues had at university. I had good Friends there and They were surprised and with no understanding for my lack of interest in this. Sometimes I've tried to pay attention, because I knew it was important for Them, but I was never able to remember for good names of those vehicles.
I'm sorry for giving You such down-to-earth example, but I wanted for You to realise what I am writing about on day-to-day basis, which includes social relations. I do OK in life and I have no motivation for pursuing life which is focused on matter.
What I am getting at with all above, is that before I met Ra I was somewhat torn apart. On one hand I was very oriented towards Peoples and I was receiving huge energy from being good for Others and Supporting them. On other hand I was frustrated because as time goes by my life became more and more different from my Friends whom were/are reaching for power/wealth. At some point I've lost many of my relationships as I was started to be seen as "non-rational" in my attitude toward matter. There were also others factors which brought me to a point at which I am now, when I'm quite alone in my life and I'm Support to some extend Strangers in some random situations.
"The Law of One" enables me to reevaluate everything. It "explaind to me" why I am as I am without suggesting that I am mental ill/dysfunctional. Now I possess answer to the most important question for me: "Why?". It gave me so much love/ligh that I have in my heart now - knowledge/wisdom Ra was/were so kind to share with Us.
In any situation I'm in now, I'm trying to keep in mind Ra's teachings/learnings. It's so helpful to remain in greater balance with Self.
But please do not think that I treat "The Law of One" as an excuse for not acknowledging fact that I do live in material reality and its causations/laws. I do and I try to oparate at fairly high level of efficiency in this reality. Many Persons I Love, besides expectations of Personal nature, also formulate those of material nature. As I try not to dissapoint them, I'm trying to improve my relation with matter and try to understand "Why" Others values it so much - to "be Them" for shot while when I can Understand.
Now reagarding how I see myself.
All above convinced me that I choosed patch to Serve Others and I already possess polarity that allows me to gain from that kind of activity.
Now if I am a "late third density being", that all I need to do is to be aware and be mindfull of catalysts which allow me to grow. But if I am a Wanderer, I might have decided to came here for some particular, important reason. Sometimes I do feel that and I realised lately that it may be important for me to "wake up", as If possibility of reaching my main goal here is comming.
But it's so strange. it's not like I feel that all the time. Just sometimes, like right now I felt it writing those words. I don't understand that and that's why I started to meditate to look inside me. But so far I can't find anything. My meditaions are still at early stage and it's hard for me to reach "inner silence" which allows me to "listen to Self". I was able to do that couple times. I did not get any verbalized information but instead I was gifted with Worm feelings of Peace/Calmness and all spectrum of Positive emotions/attitudes/feelings. It was very heart-lifting, but i did not gain any Knowledge/Teachings.
Although I've met Ra couple years ago it is very recent when I felt I need to be one-pointed at my "inner growth". I don't know why but I am investing myself in it now.
For last four years I was thinking a lot of all this and I was observing everything - myself, Others, World/Reality I'm in. RA's Teachings were growing in me systematically. I had quite long period, when I was "partially rejecting" this Wisdom. It's so funny as I think of it now. I am quite often childish as for my age and I'm thinking that IF I am a Wanderer, I must be of fifth density (love without wisdom).
That is why I was asking in first place about Your Knowledge of Self that led You to the conclusions that You are indeed a Wanderers.
Thank You for such comprehensive comment. You Helped me a lot.
- and for this I would like to Thank You especially. I do remember that but when Ra said "(...) then applying the balancing exercises (...)" I think I was looking for informations about those exercises. I think I understand more/less and I try to apply it. I think it's very important to know how to start. After than our own feelings may guide us.
And this is another point for which I am Grateful - RA (and everytime I'm writing it I also have in mind Don/Carla/Jim - They all are One to me) - I was offered a Strucutre. I have intelectual approach to Self, Others and Reality I'm in. I will not fight this as it is very deep in me and I will not try to not-accept part of "Self". Anyway due to this approach a structure is VERY helpful for me. It may sounds ridicule, but thanks to Knowlede I received I may now use rational thinking of non-material aspects of everything that is.
Especially term "God" gained totally new meaning for me. For long time, as I turned away from "faith", I was fighting church/christianity - and general all - as I call them - "earth religions", as in my opinion they were/are offering very infantile/naive grasp of higher aspects of Human Beings. It degradated non-material sphere of Beings here to a "categories" which do not means much and if used in "rational process of consideration" are perceive as irrational. RA gave me Knowledge, that they are in fact Essentional.
I'm writing word "God" in quotation marks, because it is expression/manifestation of my attitude towards this concept/term and its understanding on this Planet.
Idea of Creator presented in "The Law of One" is not only acceptable for me, but it is truly Beautiful, in which I fell in love (literally). On other hand "God" presented by Earth religions (and which "idea of God" so many of my Beloved cherish) is - as I call it - "Human God" - it is an image/idea of Human Being being God - literally. Also Earth-centrism is utmost strong it that kind of presentation of the Creator. It is so wrong for me, that I just could not even approach it with hope of acceptance.
But One Infinite Creator presented by Ra filled my Heart with love/light with absolute/total support of my mind (that's best way I can describe it).
I hope I did not offended anyone/anybody with what I wrote above. If I have, than I would like to assure You that it wasn't my intentions and I would like to Apologize.
Ehh, again I'm offering You oversized presentation of my thoughts. I'm sorry, it is so hard for me to express my Self in only few words. It is important for me to be precise.
Once again Thank You for Welcoming me here. I'm Glad I've found this Place.
I do not know anyone with whom I can talk about all this and have hope for being understood.
Take Care
Thank You for your replies and nice Welcome
Quote:Personally, wanderer doesn't serve much purpose for self-discovery so I do not use it or identify with it. Others may find that it serves them, and that is fine too - to the extent that it promotes growth via self-discovery (know thy self).
Quote:But you said that it's important for you to understand this. Why?
I was asking for "how to know" if one is Wanderer, beacuse for many years I've perceived my own "openness", non-appreciating for matter and irrational amout of - as I'm calling it ' "faith in Others", as some kind of my own dysfuncton - maybe even mental illness. I've observed many very sophisticated Persons, who were able to master their own lifes and manipulate Others with great efficency. I'm surrounded by Peoples who perceive that kind of "skill" as sign of "desired power", as something worthy of jealousy (general in this direction of thinking/evaluating).
There were times when I've envied them their self-discipline over the emotions and being able to "cut-off" from negative feelings which may come to life because of bad-treating Others - at least I have a Great amount of negative feelings when I do that.
As my life goes and I've observed and compare my life with lifes of Peoples in same age as I were on each stage, I've found that thay were building their power and wealth, sometimes based on "using" Others - using not as helpers, but as tools - which means that the needs of used Person was not only not taken under consideration, but not even recognised/acknowledged.
I, on the other hand, was gratified more with positive I was bringing in Others life, than with material goods, of which I never did cared much. It's not that I cannot gain/gather wealth and simply be rich. I could, as I have all necessary tools to do that in this reality (education/non-shocking looks/Intelligence/way-with-people) - with proper motivation I may be really efficient in this direction. And thats the cornersotne of nature of my choices in life - I do not care for that. I do not perceive value in gaining/gathering things. And since I am a male living in big city it's especially visible. For instance I've never paid any attention to cars which my colleagues had at university. I had good Friends there and They were surprised and with no understanding for my lack of interest in this. Sometimes I've tried to pay attention, because I knew it was important for Them, but I was never able to remember for good names of those vehicles.
I'm sorry for giving You such down-to-earth example, but I wanted for You to realise what I am writing about on day-to-day basis, which includes social relations. I do OK in life and I have no motivation for pursuing life which is focused on matter.
What I am getting at with all above, is that before I met Ra I was somewhat torn apart. On one hand I was very oriented towards Peoples and I was receiving huge energy from being good for Others and Supporting them. On other hand I was frustrated because as time goes by my life became more and more different from my Friends whom were/are reaching for power/wealth. At some point I've lost many of my relationships as I was started to be seen as "non-rational" in my attitude toward matter. There were also others factors which brought me to a point at which I am now, when I'm quite alone in my life and I'm Support to some extend Strangers in some random situations.
"The Law of One" enables me to reevaluate everything. It "explaind to me" why I am as I am without suggesting that I am mental ill/dysfunctional. Now I possess answer to the most important question for me: "Why?". It gave me so much love/ligh that I have in my heart now - knowledge/wisdom Ra was/were so kind to share with Us.
In any situation I'm in now, I'm trying to keep in mind Ra's teachings/learnings. It's so helpful to remain in greater balance with Self.
But please do not think that I treat "The Law of One" as an excuse for not acknowledging fact that I do live in material reality and its causations/laws. I do and I try to oparate at fairly high level of efficiency in this reality. Many Persons I Love, besides expectations of Personal nature, also formulate those of material nature. As I try not to dissapoint them, I'm trying to improve my relation with matter and try to understand "Why" Others values it so much - to "be Them" for shot while when I can Understand.
Now reagarding how I see myself.
All above convinced me that I choosed patch to Serve Others and I already possess polarity that allows me to gain from that kind of activity.
Now if I am a "late third density being", that all I need to do is to be aware and be mindfull of catalysts which allow me to grow. But if I am a Wanderer, I might have decided to came here for some particular, important reason. Sometimes I do feel that and I realised lately that it may be important for me to "wake up", as If possibility of reaching my main goal here is comming.
But it's so strange. it's not like I feel that all the time. Just sometimes, like right now I felt it writing those words. I don't understand that and that's why I started to meditate to look inside me. But so far I can't find anything. My meditaions are still at early stage and it's hard for me to reach "inner silence" which allows me to "listen to Self". I was able to do that couple times. I did not get any verbalized information but instead I was gifted with Worm feelings of Peace/Calmness and all spectrum of Positive emotions/attitudes/feelings. It was very heart-lifting, but i did not gain any Knowledge/Teachings.
Although I've met Ra couple years ago it is very recent when I felt I need to be one-pointed at my "inner growth". I don't know why but I am investing myself in it now.
For last four years I was thinking a lot of all this and I was observing everything - myself, Others, World/Reality I'm in. RA's Teachings were growing in me systematically. I had quite long period, when I was "partially rejecting" this Wisdom. It's so funny as I think of it now. I am quite often childish as for my age and I'm thinking that IF I am a Wanderer, I must be of fifth density (love without wisdom).
That is why I was asking in first place about Your Knowledge of Self that led You to the conclusions that You are indeed a Wanderers.
Thank You for such comprehensive comment. You Helped me a lot.
Quote:It IS difficult, isn't it? Ra spoke a lot about it though. There is this:
- and for this I would like to Thank You especially. I do remember that but when Ra said "(...) then applying the balancing exercises (...)" I think I was looking for informations about those exercises. I think I understand more/less and I try to apply it. I think it's very important to know how to start. After than our own feelings may guide us.
And this is another point for which I am Grateful - RA (and everytime I'm writing it I also have in mind Don/Carla/Jim - They all are One to me) - I was offered a Strucutre. I have intelectual approach to Self, Others and Reality I'm in. I will not fight this as it is very deep in me and I will not try to not-accept part of "Self". Anyway due to this approach a structure is VERY helpful for me. It may sounds ridicule, but thanks to Knowlede I received I may now use rational thinking of non-material aspects of everything that is.
Especially term "God" gained totally new meaning for me. For long time, as I turned away from "faith", I was fighting church/christianity - and general all - as I call them - "earth religions", as in my opinion they were/are offering very infantile/naive grasp of higher aspects of Human Beings. It degradated non-material sphere of Beings here to a "categories" which do not means much and if used in "rational process of consideration" are perceive as irrational. RA gave me Knowledge, that they are in fact Essentional.
I'm writing word "God" in quotation marks, because it is expression/manifestation of my attitude towards this concept/term and its understanding on this Planet.
Idea of Creator presented in "The Law of One" is not only acceptable for me, but it is truly Beautiful, in which I fell in love (literally). On other hand "God" presented by Earth religions (and which "idea of God" so many of my Beloved cherish) is - as I call it - "Human God" - it is an image/idea of Human Being being God - literally. Also Earth-centrism is utmost strong it that kind of presentation of the Creator. It is so wrong for me, that I just could not even approach it with hope of acceptance.
But One Infinite Creator presented by Ra filled my Heart with love/light with absolute/total support of my mind (that's best way I can describe it).
I hope I did not offended anyone/anybody with what I wrote above. If I have, than I would like to assure You that it wasn't my intentions and I would like to Apologize.
Ehh, again I'm offering You oversized presentation of my thoughts. I'm sorry, it is so hard for me to express my Self in only few words. It is important for me to be precise.
Once again Thank You for Welcoming me here. I'm Glad I've found this Place.
I do not know anyone with whom I can talk about all this and have hope for being understood.
Take Care