(05-24-2014, 03:24 AM)Folk-love Wrote: Do you think we are irrational for believing in this material and all the other things which come along with it? etc life after death, spirit guides, aliens and so on. I've been asking myself why I believe what I do lately, and I can't really answer it intellectually. I believe in something for which there is no real evidence or proof and I will always believe I imagine. And I don't really know why I will continue to do so. According to skeptics we would be classified as irrational, deluded and even crazy. People usually cite their personal experience as evidence for their beliefs. A typical argument against this is that people are simply seeing what they want to believe rather than looking at things from a scientific perspective. I kind of agree with this and notice myself throwing 'supernatural' reasons at experiences which I suppose could be explained as something like my 'mind playing tricks on me'. Sorry for this jumble of thoughts. What do you guys think?
The genesis of your question comes from a natural instinct of second density and early third - following the herd. There's safety in numbers, so the herd sticks together. Everybody has that natural inclination to do and think what the herd does and thinks, so going against the herd is inherently the more difficult path.
Beliefs can come and go - beliefs come to you to be tested by you in your life. The way I see it, the Law of One is probably closer to truth than other systems of beliefs, but the evolution towards truth is not in the reading and understanding of books - it's in watching and experiencing and feeling your truth working in your life.
The unconditional belief of what others have said is potentially a sign of giving away your sovereignty to another - just like being in the Catholic Church..
The way I see it is that the true adept is one who can fully accept where another is on his/her path, since beliefs are evolutionary through the course of a lifetime rather than the specifics of what one believes at the current moment. Truth honestly arrived at is very powerful.
Those are my thoughts - as they say, that and a couple dollars will buy you a cup of coffee..