BE mentioned this in another thread, but its worth repeating: understanding can really help speed the process of acceptance.
Ie, understanding why someone would do something really helps in accepting that action or the person behind the action.
I think whole idea of support/approval/disapproval is not useful on the spiritual path. There are simply choices, with consequences, and our job is to freely decide between them without the additional distortion of judgment-condemnation. It is helpful to be aware and think through the options and what you truly want, but I don't think anyone needs to think in terms of supporting/approval/disapproval/right/wrong/good/bad/etc.
And in my experience, probably the best test of whether something is accepted or not is how much emotional disturbance or discomfort an idea or situation causes as well as how easily you understand the origins of that idea or situation.
Ie, understanding why someone would do something really helps in accepting that action or the person behind the action.
I think whole idea of support/approval/disapproval is not useful on the spiritual path. There are simply choices, with consequences, and our job is to freely decide between them without the additional distortion of judgment-condemnation. It is helpful to be aware and think through the options and what you truly want, but I don't think anyone needs to think in terms of supporting/approval/disapproval/right/wrong/good/bad/etc.
And in my experience, probably the best test of whether something is accepted or not is how much emotional disturbance or discomfort an idea or situation causes as well as how easily you understand the origins of that idea or situation.