06-05-2010, 05:07 AM
Quote:ou said Hatonn in the Phoenix Archives, I had read those to long before I came into contact with the Ra channeling..
It was very interesting, I think the first channeled information I ever read was hatonn on fourwinds10.com. It was quite a while back, it was around the time that I was introduced to monoatomic gold, I felt like I had a better grasp on the ET thing after that, then I randomly clicked somewhere on that site and read an amazing story, of our tardiness in awakening, some details on how some of us would be approached, what stuck with me though, was the beautiful description of universal beings of light, surrounding our blue shpere and protecting us from falling into self imposed destruction. Hatonn's words made me feel that we were not alone, and that there was much energy being put into our successful transition, the imagery it evoked is vivid to this day.
In subsequent attempts to read more material, however, I was turned off right away by a total lack of resonance. I was looking for more like what I had first read, and it seemed so different from what I found. After much searching, I could never find that link again.
When I first discovered Ra, one of the first things I did was open up a phoenix page, and compare the language. I did that also with other channelings I had read. Right away I saw the Hatonn material as completely monotheistic and distorted towards greater confusion and a preservation of the religious construct. Later, when browsing around on L/L Research, it caught my eye that Hatonn was one of the other entities they communicated with. I felt a tinge of despair at this, and I took that opportunity to write an email to the address on the wanderer page.
GB responded to me with a beautiful welcome, and eased my concerns with Hatonn. I said that it did not seem like the same entity, and he explained to me the phenomenon of an Orion messenger easing into the place of a STO oriented contact, assuming their name, and communicating STS oriented material, and also the timeline of the Hatonn contact and the Phoenix archives. It just so happened, that earlier that day I had been studying that exact occurrence either in Ra or something else on that site.
Quote:I find it so odd that all this information can be thrown at me, and yet the only information that I truly regard closest to me is the information that many believe to be way to grotesque such as the Law of One"
Yes the Law of One is too much to hit someone with who is not prepared or who is not predisposed to it. I am blessed with a son whom I can discuss these things with, but it is primarily a personal experience. I have noticed a very interesting thing though, people in my life who I might not necessarily talk to about the LOO, have been saying things to me that are Law of One related, it is happening more and more. It is so exciting to think that the people I am close to, and some of who I did not expect it from, may be open to the study of the Law of One. It is an exercise in restraint and patience, I want to tell the world what I have learned, but the world isnt ready, I feel like I am in a delicate dance with other psyches and the exchange of information if too abrupt will actually manifest as a setback when defense shields come up.
The foundation for my introduction of the Ra material spanned a lifetime, and was so perfectly complete. Everything we know must be de-constructed to be in full acceptance of the Law of One. I cannot express the depth to which I was prepared for this knowledge when it came. As I cannot express the depth of which my understanding has grown since. A persistent theme in my thoughts is the organization into a presentable form my story, in the context of the preparation I experienced for the Law of One. Don't you ever think, if they only knew what I know-so I plant seeds where they are sought, as they were planted in me, and I devote special attention to lengthy discussions with the three young adults in my direct sphere of influence.
I also regard this knowledge as close and I feel that it must be respected, and treated with reverence and care. I am quite frankly repelled by argumentative, adversarial discussions of the Law of One. Intelligent discussion and collaborative exploration of topics, including divergent interpretations of the material are essential but it seems they can undergo a rapid shift in polarization towards the negative when conflicting energies arise. It is not in my resonance to debate or convince, though that does not consist of speaking against it, only non participation in it.
Slowly but surely, as my understanding grows, opportunities for discussion present themselves. Do you notice the same thing?