Had an interesting dream a couple nights ago. Wasn't planning on writing about it however I figured my process/interpretation of the symbols may help others in their own.
Dream: So, I find myself walking with an older fellow from an old religious place I was a part of (Somewhat like a regular member at Church you might have seen) and he asks me what I've been upto. I tell I went to a distant city on a pilgrimage for a day (It's a dream, go with it). The scene then shifts to being on a bus with a Lecturer from University.
After this the scene morphs again to seeing a bank robbed of £200 million. A guy is tasked with investigating/retrieving and he asks for my assistance in this. He takes me to a secret head quarters to get on a helicopter. I'm then told I need to get a hair cut to prepare for when I parachute/descend down from the Helicopter (Something about wind resistance). So, I find myself in a chair getting a hair cut and it feels good. There are some ladies in front of me working (Holy crap they were hot) which begin to take notice of me after a while. I brush the hair off the floor once done and I got talking with them. I ask for a Hoover/vaccum as it will be easier to clean the hair off however I'm told I need to do it properly and to not take shortcuts. I agree, we talk some more and laugh. There was more after this however not something I can recall fully. There was also something about some members from here that I'll probably PM instead as it may have pertinent info.
Interpretation: The dream confused me at no end until I actually looked at what was going on. The dream was an indication of 'transitions' and development that has been a consistent theme as of late. The first aspect with the religious dude indicates the first phase of seeking and old dogmatic beliefs. The scene with the Bus and the lecturer is the beliefs/mindset of focussing on material success, education and simply 'going along with everyone else' (The bus).
Here is where it get's interesting. The Bank and the savings it held for people represents what's of value to Humanity/the people. The fact that this was stolen to me means Humanity 'lost' something valuable, and that on some level I was aware of this, and consequently tasked myself with recovering this (The Investigator was my Higher Self and I was it's 'aspect'). Needing to go on a Helicopter was symbolic for 'ascending' however in order to do this I needed to get a haircut. Hair to me is symbolic of old beliefs and thought patterns and the haircut indicated a 'cleansing' or removing of old beliefs represented by the latter scenes, which needed to be done before I could 'ascend'. The females in front of me were my Guides, and so as I processed the old beliefs (cleansing) and asked for the Hoover they were guiding me to stay away from shortcuts (The vaccum) and that I need to work through them properly, gaining a proper grounding. I completed this if I recall correctly, and the dream shifted to another scene (Something about programming code), which means I'm certainly making good head way there at the very least.
Dream: So, I find myself walking with an older fellow from an old religious place I was a part of (Somewhat like a regular member at Church you might have seen) and he asks me what I've been upto. I tell I went to a distant city on a pilgrimage for a day (It's a dream, go with it). The scene then shifts to being on a bus with a Lecturer from University.
After this the scene morphs again to seeing a bank robbed of £200 million. A guy is tasked with investigating/retrieving and he asks for my assistance in this. He takes me to a secret head quarters to get on a helicopter. I'm then told I need to get a hair cut to prepare for when I parachute/descend down from the Helicopter (Something about wind resistance). So, I find myself in a chair getting a hair cut and it feels good. There are some ladies in front of me working (Holy crap they were hot) which begin to take notice of me after a while. I brush the hair off the floor once done and I got talking with them. I ask for a Hoover/vaccum as it will be easier to clean the hair off however I'm told I need to do it properly and to not take shortcuts. I agree, we talk some more and laugh. There was more after this however not something I can recall fully. There was also something about some members from here that I'll probably PM instead as it may have pertinent info.
Interpretation: The dream confused me at no end until I actually looked at what was going on. The dream was an indication of 'transitions' and development that has been a consistent theme as of late. The first aspect with the religious dude indicates the first phase of seeking and old dogmatic beliefs. The scene with the Bus and the lecturer is the beliefs/mindset of focussing on material success, education and simply 'going along with everyone else' (The bus).
Here is where it get's interesting. The Bank and the savings it held for people represents what's of value to Humanity/the people. The fact that this was stolen to me means Humanity 'lost' something valuable, and that on some level I was aware of this, and consequently tasked myself with recovering this (The Investigator was my Higher Self and I was it's 'aspect'). Needing to go on a Helicopter was symbolic for 'ascending' however in order to do this I needed to get a haircut. Hair to me is symbolic of old beliefs and thought patterns and the haircut indicated a 'cleansing' or removing of old beliefs represented by the latter scenes, which needed to be done before I could 'ascend'. The females in front of me were my Guides, and so as I processed the old beliefs (cleansing) and asked for the Hoover they were guiding me to stay away from shortcuts (The vaccum) and that I need to work through them properly, gaining a proper grounding. I completed this if I recall correctly, and the dream shifted to another scene (Something about programming code), which means I'm certainly making good head way there at the very least.