(05-29-2010, 06:13 PM)pphuck Wrote: now you completely lost me, or returned to circular reasoning again
no, not at all.
in the last example you gave, ie the pyramid base experience, due to the complex structure of the sentence there may be various possibilities of interpretation,
in the direct query of don to Ra about death before 4d harvest, physical death is described as 'process we know as death' (we being the human civilization at this point), and in a blunt manner, to which the ansewer is yes.
in almost all cases i saw in any q/a concerning death, physical death was described in the manner 'we' as human civilization describes it. this leaves little room from inferring any potential 'methaporical' meaning there may be in the pyramid base example you gave, to all of those cases, and ultimately the 'death before 4d harvest' question.
in all respects, i myself would like an uninterrupted (no loss of conscioussness or 3-4d physical body) transition to 4d in this planet as i am now (frequency increase of the body and soul acceptable though), because im quite wondering what the difference in between the current 3d society and its vibrations and 4d environment will be. i need to see how conditions, mindset, and behavior will change.
but, the text in Ra material does not suggest it to be so.