03-26-2014, 05:20 PM
I'm mainly interested in discussing the trust relative to the 3D interaction with other selfs. Trust in your higher self is based more upon faith and for something such as your higher self to misguide you would negate the very reason for its purpose.
As Adonai touched upon, if one were to live a life with the mantra that all will be well, one can then realize that a concept of trust is rather useless and even detrimental to one attempting to live within each moment. All will be as it be regardless of whether one places expectations as to how an other self would choose to act in any given situation. Thus to will that person by expecting how one should be in any given interaction based upon trust seems like an infringement to me.
Let's take a mated couple for instance. One half has this trust that the other won't lie or cheat. Of course this is an agreed upon expectation. Now if one were to break this trust, was it only the fault of the self that broke said expectation or was it both because the other was hurt by said infraction instead of truly accepting that which at that moment seemed unacceptable?
This is where forgiveness is so important within this incarnation. Forgiveness is the ultimate acceptance of an other self with whom one feels has been betrayed. Therefore by accepting all that will be, will be, you negate the very reason to have such expectations and therefore a reason to ever factor trust into any given interaction.
As Adonai touched upon, if one were to live a life with the mantra that all will be well, one can then realize that a concept of trust is rather useless and even detrimental to one attempting to live within each moment. All will be as it be regardless of whether one places expectations as to how an other self would choose to act in any given situation. Thus to will that person by expecting how one should be in any given interaction based upon trust seems like an infringement to me.
Let's take a mated couple for instance. One half has this trust that the other won't lie or cheat. Of course this is an agreed upon expectation. Now if one were to break this trust, was it only the fault of the self that broke said expectation or was it both because the other was hurt by said infraction instead of truly accepting that which at that moment seemed unacceptable?
This is where forgiveness is so important within this incarnation. Forgiveness is the ultimate acceptance of an other self with whom one feels has been betrayed. Therefore by accepting all that will be, will be, you negate the very reason to have such expectations and therefore a reason to ever factor trust into any given interaction.