05-26-2010, 06:58 PM
(05-21-2010, 06:22 PM)Peregrinus Wrote: The mind/body/spirit complex is third density. Being awake? Do you mean enlightened?
Mind = the physical mind, in this case the mind of the ape
Body = the physical vehicle, in this case the body of the ape
Spirit = infinite spirit within the illusion of this space/time
Complex = the veil of forgetting
is it ?
didnt mind/body/spirits gained free will, after and because they were 'declared to be complexes' , as Ra says ?
in order to maintain having free will, mind/body/spirit complexes has to exist after third density too, else, free will should have ended ?
btw its quite interesting that i remember this particular 'declaration of the mind/body/spirits as complexes in order to let them have free will'. actually, i was just thinking this a few days ago in the LOO. yes, in the LOO.