03-18-2014, 08:08 AM
(03-14-2014, 07:39 PM)godwide_void Wrote: C) Has anyone here ever asked themselves whether those "in power" would really be compliant with the free and unregulated theophanous activation of individuals and the cultivation of spiritual, metaphysical and psychic power and the attainment of divine awareness and extremely heightened consciousness, especially when those who fit such criteria display modes of thought and opinion not in accordance with and even counter to "their" agenda?
There are those who are aware that they are One, and yet they have no qualms with sabotaging the health, mind, well-being and consciousness of other Ones. This is not to foster fear, but a word to the wise to retain the awareness that anonymity acts as a shroud for the wholesome and unwholesome alike, and that spirituality is not all fun, games, rainbows and unicorns.
Hi GV, you've had a chance to offer the forums some advice, and I guess this thread has offered the opportunity for the forums to offer you some advice back in return.
A lot of good thoughts have been offered already, but I'll just add that you might want to the check your red-ray chakra; that energy centre to do with survival, and highly geared towards 'fear' and a 'dangerous world' etc.