When I'm in a catalystic situation, I usually take a deep breath and bring myself to mind that I'm facing catalyst. I also calm me down if it is a heavier situation and I try to observe myself as conscious as possible. After the situation, I go through the whole experience trying to find out what caused the emotional response. I ask myself questions like "what thoughts were running through your head in this situation?" In this way, I get to know myself better and better through experience of each situation. It also helps to become more detached of the catalyst and to see it in a more objective way. Especially the reflecting part is very important. Take just a half hour every day to reflect upon your thoughts and actions, this can help a lot.
One powerful way to accept certain parts of the self is conversation with otherselves. Most often, we don't consider certain actions and thoughts as possibilities because they seem to be "bad." Otherselves can broaden one's horizon in this regard. An example could be a man who detests his parents, but surpresses this thought, thus has not integrated this aspect of the self. In a conversation, he can be made aware of the possibility that such thoughts exist and that there is nothing bad in these feelings. This can then lead to acceptance of this aspect of the self.
One powerful way to accept certain parts of the self is conversation with otherselves. Most often, we don't consider certain actions and thoughts as possibilities because they seem to be "bad." Otherselves can broaden one's horizon in this regard. An example could be a man who detests his parents, but surpresses this thought, thus has not integrated this aspect of the self. In a conversation, he can be made aware of the possibility that such thoughts exist and that there is nothing bad in these feelings. This can then lead to acceptance of this aspect of the self.