(03-01-2014, 01:35 AM)GentleReckoning Wrote: What thoughts (love/light) have manifested into your reality (light/love) recently?
Location matters. This is why people are drawn to certain areas of the world as there are people that I'm going to call enablers there that are capable of co-creating people's dreams very quickly.
Anyone else on this path with me?
Great one, GR.
Yes. I manifested teachers. When I started having visions at a young age I felt overwhelmed. Then I somehow realised (was told?) that I am to live a normal life for now and when I am ready a teacher will appear and I will be able to pick up the development.
years later, just before going to Ireland on hols in 2005 I googled "shamanism Ireland" and found a guy whose articles made me think he was a real deal - and so he turned out to be. A few months later I moved to Ireland. I so wanted him to be my teacher. I went to 1 workshop of his and he said out of the blue that he saw something in me and offered to teach me for free (I was penniless at the time and his rates were out of a different planet for me...). Imagine my jaw on the floor... He did it for I think 2 or 3 years until I could afford to pay and did so for another 2 years.
When my learning with that teacher was over, I really wanted another one to teach me other stuff. And I started getting visions of a man in a black robe, face and all. Told my friend and he helped me google this guy. He turned out to be a NY Times listed author but lived 1,5 hrs drive from me. I went to a workshop by his wife just to see if I could speak to him (as he is what you call a celebrity), summoned my courage and told him about my visions. He agreed to teach me. He had't taught anyone in years and before meeting me he felt he should go back to teaching. I kid you not.
Location: totally agree. I live on a small ultra-magical island off the west coast of Ireland now. Population 2k. No industry. First I ended up here by "accident" at a trad festival and fell in love with the place. I so wanted to live there. It took me 5 months - things fell into place, I work online now and I got help from gov to develop my biz. I love this place and I had visions of it blooming, especially the community. I ended up helping set up and run a biz network for locals so that people can stay here and have a good life instead of emigrating. Baby stage but it seems to work, fingers crossed, lads, every speck of love and light will help!
Follow your hearts' desires and act on your craziest visions is all I can say. x
Thanks for this thread, great idea. Thoughts are totally things.