05-19-2010, 01:15 AM
(05-17-2010, 04:16 PM)Peregrinus Wrote: Whatever happens... you have the right to exercise your free will, to choose fear or love. This show wants you to fear, and as thus I will not watch it, for I know there is nothing to fear. Nothing on this earth can truly harm me, though this human body can be harmed and as such I work towards being a good steward of it until I am ready to leave.
The best place to hide the truth is under peoples noses. If the elite desire people to disbelieve, they simply make it into science fiction. In this case, they give the masses a partial truth with a fear-based twist.
Here is a great article on how the elite use mass media to control and influence the masses http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=3571
You're assuming that all mass media that is available is intended to control and influence, and then the reasoning works backwards from that. I don't think that's an accurate assessment. There is positivity in mainstream media as well. Avatar, for example. Also, watching a movie or show does not mean you are buying into whatever persuasion you perceive in it. That's something really important. Everything we see in life gives us the opportunity to learn. That includes movies and novels and shows, even political speeches. Understanding is absolutely essential to be kept seperate from wisdom. And as many in 4d find out, it doesn't matter how strongly you polarize STO... if you remain ignorant about STS and how they manipulate and recruit new souls, you likely end up an STS recruit yourself, finding yourself on one of their ships wondering what the heck happened. (and that is bad) The "V" show is a wonderful channeled piece, it exposes some really specific things about the way STS operate. And I think any show or novel or movie that strives to educate 3d or 4d souls on how STS operates, is a GOOD thing (assuming you are STO) and not just fear porn, as someone else put it.
All this aside, if a sci-fi show really makes one feel so afraid, one might be wise to investigate why that is.