But the series does have an STO plot via the resistance. Which, personally, I find to be the reason to watch it. S**t's gonna be getting real hairy down here, sooner or later. There's some good ideas and information in the show, if you watch it with the intention of learning how to possibly apply it in your future.
Yes, exactly. This is why I started this thread. I was sure people in this forum would understand the value in the show. Especially considering it beautifully illustrates concepts from the Ra material, like rapid 'depolarization' (how the "V" aliens lose their STS polarity very quickly after heavy exposure to STO attitudes in their human contacts on earth.) These are important 4th density concepts to a planet of souls who otherwise would be unequipped to deal with a real "V" scenario.
You were talking about Galah, or "Galath" as I think Michael Newton referred to it in Destiny of Souls. I've been there too, lots of souls go there in study groups to learn how to read residual energies (for lack of better words) How is it exactly that an entire planet like Galah can be recruited STS? I wonder this to myself all the time. My opinion is that they lacked discernment. And discernment and fear are two different things.
Yes, exactly. This is why I started this thread. I was sure people in this forum would understand the value in the show. Especially considering it beautifully illustrates concepts from the Ra material, like rapid 'depolarization' (how the "V" aliens lose their STS polarity very quickly after heavy exposure to STO attitudes in their human contacts on earth.) These are important 4th density concepts to a planet of souls who otherwise would be unequipped to deal with a real "V" scenario.
(05-17-2010, 08:26 AM)jc2412 Wrote: Personally, I have no desire to watch fear porn like V or live in fear of the "Vay" or whatever other boogy man there could possibly be out there. It doesn't resonate with me or serve me in any way.
You were talking about Galah, or "Galath" as I think Michael Newton referred to it in Destiny of Souls. I've been there too, lots of souls go there in study groups to learn how to read residual energies (for lack of better words) How is it exactly that an entire planet like Galah can be recruited STS? I wonder this to myself all the time. My opinion is that they lacked discernment. And discernment and fear are two different things.