05-17-2010, 10:18 AM
not Ra material, but still Law of One:
from Bashar a 5th dimensional
The 4 Laws of Creation
1) You exist.
I am.
The two words “I am” point to an Absolute Truth: You exist.
It doesn’t say “I was” or “I will be” because past and future are illusions. I AM.
Anything you add after the words “I am” such as I am happy, I am sad, I am rich, I am poor, I am perfect, I am imperfect… These are all illusions that the egoic mind can choose to buy into, or not.
…with one exception. “I am that I am.” This statement is simply saying, “I am what I am.” Nothing else could be true. Existence is itself. Reality is itself. You can’t truly be anything other than what you are, but you can PRETEND and THINK that you are, and thus EXPERIENCE yourself being something you’re not, one of the amazing capabilities provided to us in this illusory world of relativity.
2) The One is the All. The All are the One.
This is a paradox.
There is only the One, the One thing that is, the one “I” that exists.
The “All” are the infinite expressions of the One. The All is not separate from itself for it is the One thing that is. There is no other that the All can be in relationship with.
Note: This does NOT say that everyOne is PART of the All, as if there were many separate yet connected individuals, though this appears to be the case at a certain level. Ultimately, everyone IS the All. Every individual expression you look at IS the entire Universe itself, no matter how large or small. This is one of those truths that boggles the mind.
3) What you put out is what you get back.
The physical world is your mirror.
There is no Reality outside of or separate from you. You are the Source of the universe itself. You are God.
This understanding is reflected in Gandhi’s statement, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
If you were to look in a mirror and you saw a frown being reflected back to you, it would be silly to try to reach towards the mirror and squeeze the face into a smile. If you want to change the reflection of the frown into a smile, YOU must smile. Once you do, the mirror would have no choice but to automatically reflect a smile back to you.
4) Change is the only constant, except for the first 3 laws.
That’s it. Everything that changes is part of the illusion.
The weather, feelings, physical matter, people, thoughts, opinions, beliefs, wars, celebrations, birth, death. All illusion.
Want a quick way to discern Reality from illusion? Ask yourself if what you’re looking at ever changes.
Does silence ever change? Does noise?
Existence will always exist. It is Real.
Your body won’t always exist. It’s part of the illusion.
from Bashar a 5th dimensional
The 4 Laws of Creation
1) You exist.
I am.
The two words “I am” point to an Absolute Truth: You exist.
It doesn’t say “I was” or “I will be” because past and future are illusions. I AM.
Anything you add after the words “I am” such as I am happy, I am sad, I am rich, I am poor, I am perfect, I am imperfect… These are all illusions that the egoic mind can choose to buy into, or not.
…with one exception. “I am that I am.” This statement is simply saying, “I am what I am.” Nothing else could be true. Existence is itself. Reality is itself. You can’t truly be anything other than what you are, but you can PRETEND and THINK that you are, and thus EXPERIENCE yourself being something you’re not, one of the amazing capabilities provided to us in this illusory world of relativity.
2) The One is the All. The All are the One.
This is a paradox.
There is only the One, the One thing that is, the one “I” that exists.
The “All” are the infinite expressions of the One. The All is not separate from itself for it is the One thing that is. There is no other that the All can be in relationship with.
Note: This does NOT say that everyOne is PART of the All, as if there were many separate yet connected individuals, though this appears to be the case at a certain level. Ultimately, everyone IS the All. Every individual expression you look at IS the entire Universe itself, no matter how large or small. This is one of those truths that boggles the mind.
3) What you put out is what you get back.
The physical world is your mirror.
There is no Reality outside of or separate from you. You are the Source of the universe itself. You are God.
This understanding is reflected in Gandhi’s statement, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
If you were to look in a mirror and you saw a frown being reflected back to you, it would be silly to try to reach towards the mirror and squeeze the face into a smile. If you want to change the reflection of the frown into a smile, YOU must smile. Once you do, the mirror would have no choice but to automatically reflect a smile back to you.
4) Change is the only constant, except for the first 3 laws.
That’s it. Everything that changes is part of the illusion.
The weather, feelings, physical matter, people, thoughts, opinions, beliefs, wars, celebrations, birth, death. All illusion.
Want a quick way to discern Reality from illusion? Ask yourself if what you’re looking at ever changes.
Does silence ever change? Does noise?
Existence will always exist. It is Real.
Your body won’t always exist. It’s part of the illusion.