As Ra says, the antithesis of psychic attack is psychic support..accpetance/encouragement from others. You can also do this yourself by loving yourself. The nature of the attack is discouragement, confusion, manipulation, self-doubt attempt at controlling who you are, and a discouragement from owning your true self, which is self-acceptance. This is why sending love does nothing and the "attacks" persist. So you nullify attacks by learning to accept yourself, your limits, and love yourself. Because if that polarity is an attempt and bending your love towards them (to not love yourself), which is really you and your own conflict within, then the simplest defense is to analyze what is being presented, find balance, and love yourself. A full acceptance of self then allows nothing to be manipulated, as self-worth has been crystallized.
"One, know yourself. Two, accept yourself. Three, become the Creator."
"One, know yourself. Two, accept yourself. Three, become the Creator."