02-11-2014, 03:24 AM
Quote:But is it ever an addiction or just a relative lack of choice due to some kind of separation? Is a choice not taken due to comfort afforded by a habit, a choice not ever available?
I'd say personally yeah there is always the choice, but it gets clouded as to what it is. The more reinforced the habit the more it becomes mechanical. There is less and less of a choice until it functions on a survivalist level with the same perceived need and thus meaning as eating or other necessary functions. Of course there's still the choice when it comes to eating but why would you choose not to when you perceive it as necessary? Less choice is available when the action is afforded less conscious evaluation.
Of course there is always the opportunity to stand back and look into oneself and change a fundamental pattern after realising it's harmful but that is not too common a practice.
Edit: On re-reading your post I see I may have missed the mark of what you were conveying, sorry lol
Yeah I'd say you're right, you're always right lol